Reasons why Trump should be removed from office
I think Trump supporters could probably make this list if they wanted to
When people started calling him "senile" was before he even decided to even run for president, people voted for a reportedly senile guy?? Wtf??
He was the oldest person ever elected and I seriously feel like we should replace him with a young person
He's horribly misogynistic and should be replaced by a female
His horrible transphobia is gutting the military
He was going to gut our military anyway because of his ties to Russia
He committed many crimes for the purpose of becoming president, crimes that his accomplices have already been convicted of, so why not put Trump himself in prison for being the beneficiary of the crimes that 6 other people have already gone to prison for??
Since the Obergefell decision
There's been a huge amount of openly gay/lesbian/transgender people getting elected into political offices
I think our transphobic president should be replaced by a gay or lesbian or transsexual person
He's using Twitter in a way that makes it harder for Secret Service to protect him
He sounds like an idiot in his tweets
He made the Secret Service go broke BEFORE making the government shutdown that made a bunch of other people go broke because he made the shutdown last longer than any previous shutdown EVER
He wants to make abortion illegal
There have been polls showing that Some of the specific people who voted for him are now changing their minds and will vote against him in the next election to prevent him from getting a second term
Some of the people who voted for him were young dumbass people who only recognized him as "the guy from the Apprentice" so now that the "the guy from the Apprentice" became president, there's now a chance that the first female President might be Kim-fucking-Kardashian
Trump'' presidential appointments are all dumbass people that are not qualified for their jobs
He's fucked over all the farmers
All the people with the job title "farmer" have way the fuck less money than they had under Obama
Ok you provided reasons, but no evidence for those reasons.
1. Evidence for senility? He passed his MoCA.
2. "Anyone" isn't specifically a young person. Bernie Sanders is 6 years older, for instance.
3. A female isn't "anyone" and how is simply being a female going to ensure a better job (whatever that might be) and what is the evidence that he is misogynistic?
4. How is transphobia "gutting" the military? (and what is transphobia)?
5. What ties to Russia? How has he gutted the military?
6. What crimes? What crimes have people been convicted of that are Trump related?
7. How do the elections of LGBT candidates to office negatively reflect on Trump?
8. How is Trump's safety physically affected by Tweets? Why is his safety a reason to want him removed?
9. His Tweets are dumb based on what metric?
10. What's the evidence?
11. And?
12. And?
13. And?
14. All of them? Based on what? Have they been relieved of duty since demonstrating incompetence? How are they being replaced? Etc.
15. What is the basis for qualification of "farmer"? Should they get money no matter what? What is the basis of earnings for farmers and were they hurt illegitimately?
It sounds like you just cataloged a bunch of HuffPo/CNN talking points.