How lazy is that
Quoting an article from a mere week ago instead of doing a Google-search that involves the phase "6 people"
I'll do it myself later
I have a feeling he'll end up in a minimum security prison. Will most likely have it very easy.
Man, if I were in prison the last person I would want to rape is some old cardinal. Shit is fucked up.
Indicted on crimes that were actions that resulted in Trump getting into officeSix former advisors indicted does not mean 6 former advisors convicted or jailed.
Thank you for paying attention to what's going on with the president's associatesManafort was indicted on charges of tax fraud from over a decade ago, wasn't he? Stone was indicted for potentially lying about the non-crime of having advanced notice of leaks from Wikileaks. Cohen was indicted also for lying, but about the Stony Daniels thing, and he just recently spilled his guts to Congress revealing he had no evidence of Russian collusion nor even of being directed by Trump to commit campaign finance violations.
btw, it's debatable whether a sitting president can be indicted, an issue never resolved BECAUSE Nixon resigned before being impeached.
Thank you for paying attention to what's going on with the president's associates
Did @Dak even know the names manafort stone and Cohen before today??
Manafort was charged with a very large number of crimes, got convinced on some and plead guilty to the others and IIRC he has either plead or found guilty on every single thing he was charged with
Like I said Nixon's resigning BEFORE indictment is affecting Trump
Large number of websites talking about multiple jurisdictions waiting for Trump to be removed from office before charging him with crimes
Also Trump's lawyer is going to prison for 3 years
And it's been revealed that taxpayers paid for the construction of one of Trump's golf courses
And Trump lied to escape the Vietnam draft
Tell me again why @Dak thinks that this sexist transphobic jack-ass should remain president for the full 2 terms??
Just because I didn't remember their names doesn't make my point less validDid you? You're the one bringing it up and don't seem to actually know any details.