The News Thread

Specifically, a necessary reaction against globalism. As Trump promotes efforts to force Western tolerance towards homosexuality on the Middle East, Muslims will become only more entitled to exercise jihad.

Wahhabism is exported and supported by Saudi Arabian powers, who have benefitted significantly from the growth of the global economy due to globalization. If you're talking about the economics end of it, or even the immigration end of it, Muslims have mostly benefited. If you're talking about a reaction again western "morals", that's something a little bit different. And it's simply a return to the fundamentals, which are actually globalist in nature. Globalist meaning something like unable to coexist with other forms of behavior/belief/etc.
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Everyone excited to hear all the liberal tropes about white people and guns 4,5, maybe 6 times? I know I am.

Only 6? Multiply that by infinity

Daily reminder that the 'I own a gun BUT' argument is like the 'I'm not racist because I have black friends' argument

EDIT: Anyway, I have a link to the first 75 seconds of the livestream if people want to look at it. @rms got triggered so I removed it but I'll post it here if people want.
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EDIT: Anyway, I have a link to the first 75 seconds of the livestream if people want to look at it. @rms got triggered so I removed it but I'll post it here if people want.


Everyone excited to hear all the liberal tropes about white people and guns 4,5, maybe 6 times? I know I am.

I'm excited to hear all the alt-right tropes about how white supremacists are fine people.
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But to add fuel to the US gun control fire:

An effort to close what bill’s supporters term the “ammo loophole” would make mandatory background checks the nationwide norm for ammunition sales.

Under measures proposed in the House by Florida’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Senate by Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal, would-be ammunition buyers would have to be first vetted by the FBI’s National Instant Background Check System. The lawmakers, allied with national gun control groups, say the move to add controls to bullet sales would help save lives.

Wasserman Schultz’s bill, entered Wednesday as HR 1705 with 54 co-sponsors, would force potentially millions of ammunition purchases into the already swamped NICS clearinghouse where transfers would be approved, delayed or denied. Those with a valid state-issued firearms permit issued within the past five years would not have to submit to a check before they could buy ammo. Exceptions would be allowed for police and the military as well as those sharing ammunition between immediate family, such as spouses, or temporary transfers “necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm”

Currently four states — Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New Jersey — require firearms licenses for ammo sales but not federal background checks on purchases. Initiatives enacted in California in 2016 and New York in 2013 are closer to the proposed new plan, requiring checks at purchase, but each has a troubled track record.

New York’s mandate, part of the state’s SAFE Act, is in a holding pattern as officials try to work out the mechanics of the program. On the West Coast, California’s Prop. 63 ammo regulations have caused headaches for both dealers and buyers, added fees and wait times to gun owners seeking to buy ammunition, and forced online retailers and small ammo makers to halt direct sales with home delivery. Many would-be California ammo buyers, after July 1, 2019, will have to pay a fee and pass an “eligibility check” performed by the state Department of Justice.

Wasserman Schultz’s California-style bullet control bill has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. Blumenthal is set to introduce a similar measure in the Senate

"loophole" that doesn't exist
I'm wondering why, other than the terrorist, there are two other men and a woman in police custody over this. A cursory glance at the story sounds like a lone wolf situation but this kinda throws a wrench in that.

Also, apparently this piece of shit had also planted explosive devices in the area but they never went off and the police found them. Sounds super-duper planned-in-advance, pretty horrifying shit. I'm opposed to the death penalty generally speaking but I think it should be in place for extreme incidents like this one, might make these pieces of dogshit think twice before doing what they do, because what seems to always happen these days is that they surrender to police and go to prison which is too much of a holiday for what they deserve.