The News Thread

That may be true but the system is what it is and until he's exhausted every option available to him, the same options that would be open to every other Australian, killing him is not an option even if we had the death penalty.
That may be true but the system is what it is and until he's exhausted every option available to him, the same options that would be open to every other Australian, killing him is not an option even if we had the death penalty.

Yeah it's shit.

Calm your farm. The Melbourne city council has nothing to do with the operations of the prison.

I didn't say anything about the Melbourne city council. I'm shitting on Melbourne in general, not just the tarded politicians you degenerates elect to represent yourselves.

If they did he'd be working for lattes and smashed avo sandwiches

His $10 a week is probably more than the kids he raped got at their after school jobs.
I didn't say anything about the Melbourne city council. I'm shitting on Melbourne in general, not just the tarded politicians you degenerates elect to represent yourselves.
Name one democratic city/country that doesn't elect retarded leaders?

Good to see CiG shake up his schtick with this little bit of pedo-hate. We were all getting a bit tired of his Anti-Melbourne agenda, bit repetitive, amirite lads? But I suppose if you're a spanner living in a stinking shithole filled with pissed bogans like Perth you're bound to hate on people from larger, more prosperous cities.
Give a like for that boomer joke but none of my slams on Pell? I guess I know where Jimmy truly stands.
As the Marquis de Sade once said, there is no greater joy in life than a young boy's quivering little anus.

Lol, nah, that's horrible. Of course I condemn George.
Jimmy: Provides a quote & a source for the quote.

CiG: Der, is dat wot da Melburn guvna sed?
W.A. knows to keep its distance from you Eastern State degenerates, that entire side of Australia is a contaminated dump. Greenthumb pedo prisoners, drag queens doing storytime with the kiddies, Islamist terror cells, wiggers mingling with hipsters, absolutely dogshit place.
There is a reason Perth is the most remote capital city in the world Jimmy!
Yeah, look I'm starting to think CiG's gone a bit feral. Dunno if it's a product of inbreeding or what but he's gotta get out & get some fresh air into him in my opinion.

Contrary to popular belief, there are plenty of things to do in Perth. He could try playing "throw the stick" or "kick the can", or just smoke some quality rock. Three of WA's most favourite pastimes right there.
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WHAT? GO OUTSIDE? You might have to interact with other Perthies. C'mon would you even wish that on your worst enemy?
One of my favourite Perth games is called "don't give the pedo priest an ice cream sandwich because he watered a tree."

I understand you guys have other games involving pedo priests.
Sounds like a pretty shit game. Anyway, enjoy going to work next Tuesday bro. Slammed & I will be taking the day off, enjoying a few stubbies & placing a few bets here & there.