This could go into the Mort thread, but I think it's actually News worthy. AG Barr dropping truth bombs. These are FAX
Because? Looks like some Czech TDS....
Umm, I don't know how you came up with that conclusion. The reason is that he's been accused of fraud for which there is evidence, but it turns out there's no way to hold him accountable and put him on trial because he has his people on all important positions. He has basically made a mafia out of the government. So no, this is not like "TDS", because Babiš is a very competent criminal.
I tried to put it as short as possible but this is of course just the tip of the iceberg and the entire story has been developing for years.
Bad answer, weak pushback by fanboy Dore.
Babiš is a very competent criminal.
I guess I'm skeptical because similar claims and protests have been made about Trump with zero evidence.
This could go into the Mort thread, but I think it's actually News worthy. AG Barr dropping truth bombs. These are FAX
Wouldn't mind seeing @TechnicalBarbarity go up against this Iranian brute.
Bodybuilder dubbed 'Iranian Hulk' signs up to Bare-Knuckle Fighting Championship
It's news to say that "conservatives are realistic" and "progressives are idealistic"? Both of which are only half true--i.e. alternative fax.
Kamala: He has “clearly” broken many laws
Anderson: Which ones?
Kamala: Well I don’t know we're gonna find out
Democrats dominate politics in California and Republicans are doomed for one simple, overriding reason: shifting demographics.
In short, the GOP’s core constituency is white people and they’re a declining slice of the California population pie. Conversely, Democrat-backing Latinos and Asian Americans have been expanding their slices.
That pattern is projected to continue, although at a slower pace. So the raw numbers won’t be getting any better for the already weakened California GOP.
“Republicans are heading into a demographic cul-de-sac,” says longtime Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at USC.
“This is not just in California, but nationally. It’s happening here first. But it’ll tend to happen around the country.”
“The Great Replacement,” a term coined by a French writer but in context refers to the theory of “white genocide” by demography that goes back decades in the white supremacist movement.
I also noticed, like pretty much everyone else, including Democratic senators and congressmen/women, that you offered no examples of Trump's many implied illegal activities.
Trump admitting to sexual harassment
The problem is you're deciding the validity of evidence that's readily available--from Trump admitting to sexual harassment to allegedly using his charity for personal profit. The evidence is there; but that doesn't mean there are examples we can point to. You seem to be conflating evidence with proof; but proof very rarely exists. So instead, we have to judge the evidence. Maybe I inflate it, but you consistently deflate it, chalking it up to TDS. Somewhere in the middle is the plausibility that he's committed crimes--and not just one. I can't be impartial, but it's hard to see how the evidence doesn't suggest criminal behavior.