The News Thread

And the final product still didn't yield a photo of every single trainee doing it. Whew such Hitlerian pressure from their superior officer.

How do you know which one you’re looking at? Also, can’t be a Nazi salute if the officer didn’t command absolute respect, huh? Great argument.

Seriously though, sorry that I thought this wouldn’t generate actual dispute among people on this forum. This place is becoming a shithole.
How do you know which one you’re looking at?

Some Googling only brought up the same image over and over. Definitely possible it's not the only one out there I guess.

Also, can’t be a Nazi salute if the officer didn’t command absolute respect, huh? Great argument.

Not what I said. I'm pointing out that your claim that the black person did the salute due to pressure is contradictory, because not everybody even did the salute which contradicts your depiction of some great pressure going on.

Seriously though, sorry that I thought this wouldn’t generate actual dispute among people on this forum. This place is becoming a shithole.

Sorry you thought we all have Nazi hysteria on the brain like you.
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Sorry you thought we all have Nazi hysteria on the brain like you.
Joe Biden - “Dealing with firearms, it is irrational, with all due respect to the governor of Texas, irrational what they are doing. On the very day you see a mass shooting…and we’re talking about loosening access to have guns, to be able to take them into places of worship, it’s just absolutely irrational. It’s totally irrational.”
Happy 2020 guys, we made to the future!

Can't believe the Nazi salute and Gavin just chewed up like 4-6 pages in a day or so. Neither one is worth that much discussion. Some power -tripping corrections officer is just another day for WV, and Gavin hasn't been relevant since like 2015, but at least we will always have this:

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Never heard of this General Soleimani guy before but the fact that the media and Democrats are only lightly criticizing Trump over it is worrying.


EDIT: Somehow the attack on the American embassy in Iraq two days ago eluded me. That the dude was killed in Iraq is certainly good optics for Trump and the die-hard Zionists and military lobbies. Ben Shapiro calling this "utterly righteous", haha.
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they also blamed the "Iran backed militias" for the death of that one contractor dude from last week. We've been dying to go to war with that country so EVEYRTHANG IZ IRANS FAULTZ. :rolleyes:

The man was an isis killer and is one of the main reasons they're pretty much done for. A whisper of his name sent those towel heads running.

This wasn't the right move imo. We need to pack up and fucking leave that region already.
Not gonna lie, I've been smiling looking at all these blue checkmarks with egg on their face.

"Your move, Mr. Trump. Oh, wait..."

If this leads to a ground war with Iran then that's obviously a disaster, but this was legendary turnaround. Took nearly decade to kill Bin Laden after the greatest terrorist strike on our soil, took 48 hours to kill Iran's top military leader after an attack that burned a reception room and killed one contractor in an embassy. It's not a perfectly fair comparison since for most of US history we didn't have drones to carry out insta-assassinations, but this might be the swiftest and cleanest major retaliation in our history, at least in the short-term. Fingers crossed that the future of regime change continues to resemble this, rather than the Iraq War.

EDIT: Shoutout to Talcum X for keeping it real though
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took 48 hours to kill Iran's top military leader after an attack that burned a reception room and killed one contractor in an embassy.
not that im buying into of the shit they've been feeding everyone here in order to convince us that Big Bad Iran are the bad guys in the region, but they've been blaming him for deaths of Americans for a good while now bruh.

this was a part of the pentagons statement ...
"General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more."

Iran are not the terrorist in that region. israel and the true terrorist organization we've been propping up and backing are. Like i said we need to leave that region already. Too many Americans have lost their lives for those muzzies and jewbags and will continue to do so because of this shit.