The News Thread

"I know some channels tried to spin it..." :lol:

yes, because no solid info(even from the mouth's of our own government) was out yet but some news channels were basically confirming it.

That was a response to you acting like we should be scared of Russia
"acting like" :lol: This country is, has been and always will be afraid of Russia ... and rightfully so. The level of ignorance one would have to have to say we arent is truly amazing. It's something id expect from a dumb uneducated hick .. and i know you're pretty dumb, but i didn't think you were a backwoods hick(you're an immigrant if i remember correctly) that is cut off from the rest of the world.
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George Nader plead guilty and is facing 10+ years. Wonder how long it will take before he hangs himself with toilet paper.
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so when are we gonna get to have someone else run America??
when people first started calling him "senile" was before he even decided to run for president
the first day he announced his candidacy everyone in america thought donald trump running for president was some kinda joke
he acquired the electoral college vote through fraud
didn't even come close to getting the popular vote
he's the oldest person to ever get inaugurated as president
and trump killing this foreign general is clearly, unmistakably, nothing more than a murder done for the purpose of preventing himself from getting removed from office

can we just replace him with a young, sane, non-evil person already???
Trump is doing a great job. The electoral college saved us, he's a boomer sure but boomers are the best we've got, and killing Soleimani, now 11 days passed, seems to have been brilliantly-executed, providing great PR and bringing the jingoists into the fold, without actually risking a real military confrontation with Iran. I hope that he does not disappoint over the rest of this year, so that I can proudly vote for him once in my life after making the mistake of voting Johnson in 2016.

The only younger people I'd see as viable replacements are Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, and Tucker Carlson. Maybe Tulsi Gabbard too.
The debate was worse than any previous debate, both of this cycle and 2016. Elizabeth Warren is the backstabbingest person I've ever seen, and the setup with CNN was obvious. I love how she owned herself in her inability to do basic arithmetic as well.

That scared bewilderment when he confronts her, which only multiples when the audience laughs because she can't tell if they're laughing at him (which was obviously the plan). Honestly even worse than Kamala Harris' Jussie moment because at least that was off the cuff; this was a scripted setup and it still blew up in her face, yet the media is somehow playing it as a victory for her and Klobachar because of the "muh strong womyn never lost an election" meme. Strongly considering voting for Sanders in the primary.
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I still think Biden has a good shot at beating Trump, especially if the economy takes a turn for the worse, but any Dem that can't win back the Rust Belt is pretty much fucked.
Demographic change alone (there are millions more non-whites today than there were in November 2016) could potentially be enough to defeat Trump in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. I'm not saying it will because the base is pretty riled up in opposition to impeachment, but there's definitely a chance Biden could win those states back.

EDIT: Actually, I take back Wisconsin, they're really fucking white and from what I can find, their white population has held steady over the decade. Still applies to Michigan and Pennsylvania though (technically Florida too but Trump had a larger edge there).

More news in the wake of yesterday's debate:

It’s now apparently off-limits to question the veracity of powerful female politicians. I never realized this was the lesson we were required to obey from #MeToo (I thought it was about sexual harassment).

Woke-up call for Glenn Greenwald, that's exactly what it's all about. Women are goddesses and they #slayyyyyyyyyyyy, don't you dare question them, ever. Elizabeth Warren won a senate race in 2012 by 7 points in a seat that Ted Kennedy won by 30 points in 2006 and 60(!) points in 2000, therefore womyn are invincible almighty warriors of infinite electability, don't you dare question the narrative that Warren and Klobuchar are the two best candidates to defeat Trump.
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imo the debates are Biden's chance to shine. I'd love to hear him counter-respond to every Trump insult with "Now you listen here boy". It would be non-stop banter. He and Sanders have the highest potential of making the debates as entertaining as the 2016 Republican primaries were.
Biden not being able to complete a sentence definitely doesn't count against him if he's going up against Trump. It'll be like a fuckin' daycare on that stage.
Biden not being able to complete a sentence definitely doesn't count against him if he's going up against Trump. It'll be like a fuckin' daycare on that stage.

It'd be a big fat bully who knows how to be media-tier vindictive vs a nice old man who marble-mouths his way through every answer and can't seem to get out of his old boss' shadow.