The News Thread

The best possible timeline would be if Bernie wins the primary, Trump calls him to issue congratulations, offers that they mutually agree to boycott CNN as a presidential debate host, and Bernie accepts. Second best is if Bernie declines and publicly reveals Trump's offer as "corrupt" like the cuck he is, and Trump only looks more anti-establishment by comparison.
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What I find amazing is that you understand irony.
Klobuchar is the definition of a forced meme candidate. She can't even stand on stage without shaking yet the media pushes her relentlessly.
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I'm not surprised that Sarah Palin had several porn parodies made of her, while no Dem female candidates have experienced the same, when considering which groups run the porn industry.
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I'm not surprised that Sarah Palin had several porn parodies made of her, while no Dem female candidates have experienced the same, when considering which groups run the porn industry.
i worked in the porn industry for years and most of the higher ups were old white dudes who wore cowboy hats and owned ranches lol. But a lot of the people they had working and running around for them where proggies.
Brazilian prosecutors charge journalist Glenn Greenwald with cybercrimes.
Greenwald accused of helping hackers who obtained cellphone messages between leading figures in anti-corruption investigation.
Brazilian federal prosecutors have charged the American journalist Glenn Greenwald for cybercrimesin a decision which has prompted outrage among press freedom activists – and celebration by allies of the far-right president Jair Bolsonaro.

The prosecutors said that Greenwald“helped, encouraged and guided” a group of hackers who obtained cellphone messages between leading figures in Brazil’s mammoth Car Wash anti-corruption investigation.

The leaks, subsequently published in several stories on the investigative site the Intercept Brazil, which Greenwald co-founded, appeared to show collusion between then judge Sérgio Moro and prosecutors and exacerbated questions of political bias of the investigations. Moro was subsequently named justice minister by Bolsonaro.
Speaking of, Tulsi is officially suing Clinton:

'A Fighting Chance': Tulsi Gabbard Could Possibly Win Her Defamation Suit Against Hillary Clinton.
Legal experts are split over whether Gabbard can win the case. It’ll depend on whether her lawyers can prove that Clinton’s comments were “statements of fact” or “statements of opinion”—and several defamation experts TIME reached for comment disagreed on the answer.

Gabbard’s lawsuit, which was filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, alleges that Clinton “lied” about Gabbard “in a deliberate attempt to derail Tulsi’s presidential campaign.” It argues that Gabbard suffered substantial economic losses as a result and demands at least $50 million in damages.

The complaint centers on an Oct. 17 interview Clinton gave to “Campaign HQ With David Plouffe,” a popular podcast hosted by former President Barack Obama‘s 2008 campaign manager David Plouffe. When discussing the Democratic presidential primary, Clinton said that “somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary”—she does not use a candidate’s name—is being groomed by the Republican party “to be a third party candidate.”

“She’s the favorite of the Russians,” Clinton continued. “They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far. And, that’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she’s also a Russian asset. Yeah, she’s a Russian asset.”
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