The News Thread

I like the write-ins.

This one's left-wing but seems to otherwise nail the problems:

I see an extraordinary amount of coverage, including in New York Magazine, that talks about people as if they were all affluent, from the suburbs, and white. The vast majority of coverage of society, lifestyle, and cities in elite outlets suffers from this myopia. There is also an incredible lack of historical knowledge or effort to learn about relevant history and context in many pieces. In the political realm, there is also far too much coverage of the horse race and conflict at the expense of policy coverage. This is actually less true than it was 15 years ago, but it's still a problem. There is a tendency to give short shrift to massive gathering problems, such as climate change, and too much coverage to immediate events like missing planes or mass shootings. This perverts the public's understanding of their actual relative risks. There is also virtually no coverage of established problems; e.g., 30,000 Americans die in car crashes and it's hardly discussed, but train accidents get huge coverage. There is also a fetish for data, lists, and rankings, without any cogitation about what the data really means. If your ranking of coolest cities puts Arlington, Va., as No. 1, then your metrics are wrong. But instead of using common sense, journalists just churn out this crap. There is also a fetish for counter-intuition. Journalists write stories claiming Trump is a populist instead of a right-winger, or Rand Paul is coming around on climate change when he isn't at all. They fail to examine whether a Republican's vague promise to promote clean air or blue-collar jobs is actually supported or undermined by their actual policy proposals. They also let conservatives determine what is serious discourse. If other Republicans criticize Trump's racism, that's a big story and Trump's in big trouble. If they agree with his ludicrously stupid climate science denial, there is no story there because there's no surprise. Likewise they prefer stories that are easy to understand; e.g., Trump makes offhand racist comment about one judge gets far more coverage than his wildly irresponsible and nonsensical gigantic regressive tax-cut proposal because the latter would require effort to explain and no other Republicans object to it.

Also gets it:


This one sums up how defeated they are and where one of Trump's greatest accomplishments is:

I don't love either of these choices. I think the right is pissed at the media for being biased, and the left is pissed at the media for being ineffectual in promoting its bias. The right's gripe is a lot less valid these days because mainstream institutions have lost their power and ideological/conservative outlets have proliferated. Meanwhile, the "Liberal Media" of yore — NYT, NPR, CBS News, etc.—are all diminished vs. 10-20-30 years ago.

Some bizzaro world:

We often are biased against government spending and intervention, which plays to the opinions of the right


Too many idiot men.

Failing to genuinely understand and represent people who aren't educated, wealthy, coastal, white, straight, cisgender elites.

Changing attribution in a quote from "he" to "she."

The words "agree with Trump" are so repugnant to me that I wouldn't agree with him that the sky is blue. The media created him and enabled him, then woke up too late to the monster they created.

A few rare gems of Obama takedown:

Yes, but coming from a president who has cracked down on whistleblowers far more harshly than George W. Bush, he's not exactly helping matters.

That may be true of some outlets, but to ascribe that to all of journalism is wrong. It's also outrageously hypocritical of Obama to criticize the press when his administration has done so much to harm press freedom.

I have contempt for this self-serving argument by a man whose administration treats serious, investigative journalism of the country's most important subject—national security—as a potentially criminal act.


I can't reconcile the fact that everyone hates media but also refuses to pay for it.
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Yeah a few coherent and accurate reflections in the bunch but good god the amount of ignorance and self importance. Also relevant

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Black guy gets killed by black guy over something dumb. Not much newsworthy there really. Thought it was strange that at first they acted like the woman he told needed a mask was a child shopping with her mother then later in the article it said she was an adult in her 20s.
Seems like the better solution would have been to take the daughter home and tie a shirt around her face, no? The "rent-a-cop" was doing his job. He was hired by the store to enforce certain policies. If he'd let them in, maybe he'd have been in danger of getting fired.
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Seems like the better solution would have been to take the daughter home and tie a shirt around her face, no? The "rent-a-cop" was doing his job. He was hired by the store to enforce certain policies. If he'd let them in, maybe he'd have been in danger of getting fired.
ummm, are you stick stuck at point b while im talking about point c? Im obviously way past the "BUT HE ASKED HER TO WER DA MASK AND SHE DIDNT DURDUR", you simple-minded fool. The rent a cop was doing his job as far as telling her daughter she had to wear a mask to shop in that store. And her daughter LEFT THE STORE dude. A security guard telling the cashier/clerks to refuse the other lady service at a time like this just because she yelled at him or whatnot is fucking ridiculous. People are having a hard time getting their everyday needs, so he definitely should have been level headed enough to understand that instead if going on his little power trip which ultimately costed him his life.
She spit in the guard's face too. Fuck her and her daddy, hope they both see a rope. Stores have a right to refuse service to shitheads. And weren't you just mocking the idea that McD's workers were essential? Now suddenly people have a right to shop at the Dollar Store like it's a fucking hospital or something :lol:
She spit in the guard's face too. Fuck her and her daddy, hope they both see a rope. Stores have a right to refuse service to shitheads. And weren't you just mocking the idea that McD's workers were essential? Now suddenly people have a right to shop at the Dollar Store like it's a fucking hospital or something :lol:
yea, fuck em both. But yes, convenient stores where you can get first aid equipment, pills, water, food etc are far more essential than mcdonalds. To say otherwise just shows that you've been dropped one too many times on your head growing up and shows just how separated form reality that you can be at times ... something that you seem to showcase often tbh. And im pretty sure you have no clue what gets sold in those dollar stores and have never even been in one as is evident form your response. But here's a word of advise mr edglord, try using your head before jumping the gun and stating your ignorant opinions like you regularly do.

And people have a right to shop everywhere. I've stated numerous times that EVERYONE has the right to shop ANYWHERE and EVERYONE has the right to keep their business open, including mcdonalds. What i think is essential or not has nothing to do with that, you halfwit.
Did the father and daughter say they were there for essential items? Were they facing an immediate life-or-death situation? Doubt it.

There is no* right to shop at a private business. Right to refuse service, etc.

*Obviously certain businesses, like hospitals as I alluded to, are exceptions, and there are also anti-discriminatory laws that prevent exclusion on the basis of race, sex, unibrow, etc, but that is also irrelevant here
He was a security guard .... not some kind of LP who are actual employees of the store. Do you know how those rent-a-cops get hired? Nah, obviously not. They get hired through outside agencies. They're not the ones who ultimately decide who the store refuses service to, that would be the store manager/managers. The daughter left, he should have just ignored that dumb bitch like every other security officer would have. But no, his dick was so small that a hoodrat calling him some names ended up costing him his life.

Did the father and daughter say they were there for essential items? Were they facing an immediate life-or-death situation? Doubt it.

Lmfao. Statements like this prove exactly what i said in my previous post about you. it's like im talking to an alien and not someone who lives on this planet. What, do you think she was buying? Some blunts and a few dollar bin DVD's? People today who are flooding these stores are doing so to get food, water, medicine etc .. not stuff you can buy from your neighborhood liquor store. That man is dead not because he told someone to wear a mask, but because he told the cashier/clerk not to sell to the other lady. But you know what man, forget it. Don't know why i even bothered with you again.
ummm, are you stick stuck at point b while im talking about point c? Im obviously way past the "BUT HE ASKED HER TO WER DA MASK AND SHE DIDNT DURDUR", you simple-minded fool. The rent a cop was doing his job as far as telling her daughter she had to wear a mask to shop in that store. And her daughter LEFT THE STORE dude. A security guard telling the cashier/clerks to refuse the other lady service at a time like this just because she yelled at him or whatnot is fucking ridiculous. People are having a hard time getting their everyday needs, so he definitely should have been level headed enough to understand that instead if going on his little power trip which ultimately costed him his life.

As usual, you lose your shit after I post an innocuous comment. You have issues man.