The News Thread

Freed blacks inherited a lot of fucked up shit from their ex-masters. A lot of the violence and showboating glorified by hip hop didn't originate there, but can be traced back to good ol' Dixie: social status based on demonstrations of wealth, patriarchal gender relations, institutional violence... it was all there already.
None of those things existed in continental African culture?

A lot to say in response to this. First, and probably most important, is the accumulation of wealth, which wasn't part of any African culture in an economically mobilized way--there were no plantations, in other words. Wealth and kingship/royalty were inseparable. There were certainly displays of wealth and authority, and African rulers had what we would call slaves; but they weren't predicated on an economic system that demanded a labor base.

Second, "Continental African culture" isn't homogeneous--Dixie culture was, at least in terms of its socioeconomic organization. Continental Africa was home to an indeterminate number of different communities, states, cities, etc. Some were organized according to institutional hierarchies and relied on displays of power based on wealth, patriarchal systems, and institutional violence. Others were organized differently, and many likely exhibited very few of these things, if any.

Third, the practices and habits of Africans changed dramatically after they were brought to the colonies, and families were routinely separated. To the extent that violence occurred between slaves in the colonies, it likely had little to nothing to do with traditions carried over from Africa and more to do with survival in a ruthless system of utter exploitation, oppression, and debasement. To the extent that African children learned cultural habits involving violence, patriarchy, and wealth, it's far more likely they learned from their observations of the American South than from parents or elders.

In short, sure, those things existed in Africa; but they existed in the South is a far more organized, cohesive, and consistent way. It's virtually impossible that African American culture today is derived from traditional practices in pre-colonial Africa (aside from conscious efforts to re-incorporate certain innocuous elements).

120+ years later, hip hop is somehow Robert E Lee's fault.

It's not not his fault, to use your parlance.
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Where the fuck do you live in America that you know so many people starving to death, fighting to survive?

There are plenty parts of this country that are filled with people who are "starving and fighting to live". Again, not surprised that someone like you wouldn't know this. And that's not even taking this "pandemic" into consideration where millions are in lines at foodbanks and regular working class imbeciles are fighitng each other at stores for toilet paper

There was a compilation video on YouTube featuring dozens of cases where pizza delivery guys have guns pointed at them and sometimes end up shot/killed, but I can't find it. Needless to say, google is your friend, and here's just one sample:
thanks for the proof. Was he killed over $20? Is it something that happens regularly like you implied? Please find me that compilation of the pizza boy murders.

Both of you haven't spent enough time around inner city southern American young male blacks. Shit was predictable.

And you do realize that this happened in Flint, Michigan, not "da south", right?
A lot to say in response to this. First, and probably most important, is the accumulation of wealth, which wasn't part of any African culture in an economically mobilized way--there were no plantations, in other words. Wealth and kingship/royalty were inseparable. There were certainly displays of wealth and authority, and African rulers had what we would call slaves; but they weren't predicated on an economic system that demanded a labor base.

Third, the practices and habits of Africans changed dramatically after they were brought to the colonies, and families were routinely separated. To the extent that violence occurred between slaves in the colonies, it likely had little to nothing to do with traditions carried over from Africa and more to do with survival in a ruthless system of utter exploitation, oppression, and debasement. To the extent that African children learned cultural habits involving violence, patriarchy, and wealth, it's far more likely they learned from their observations of the American South than from parents or elders.

This is just a variant on the Noble Savage myth. No basis in any fact, other than maybe the lack of "plantations" in Africa. The highlighted portion is particularly egregious for other reasons though. Economies always demand a labor base, even if it's self-replicating robots. No work done = no economy. That there wasn't a Chamber of Commerce and an African Wealth of Nations doesn't change that.

Second, "Continental African culture" isn't homogeneous--Dixie culture was, at least in terms of its socioeconomic organization. Continental Africa was home to an indeterminate number of different communities, states, cities, etc. Some were organized according to institutional hierarchies and relied on displays of power based on wealth, patriarchal systems, and institutional violence. Others were organized differently, and many likely exhibited very few of these things, if any.

Dixie culture was not homogeneous either. There was a narrow slice of the landed gentry, primarily Anglo-Norman stock, and then the scotch and irish who led quite different lives. White Trash covers this fairly well. The Antebellum South is a semi-mythical place seen through the Cavalier lens.
From the article:

Defending le wamenz honour.
Sadly, "defended the womans honor" is and has been one of the main reason people are murdered. And it's certainly not exclusive to just blacks. But yeah, if someone talks shit to my mother or sisters, you better believe that im going to beat the shit out of them regardless of the cause.

"they felt he "disrespected" the women by insisting Teague's daughter wear a mask"

And lol @ the writer of that article for implying that the disrespect that led to the murder was the securiy guard "telling them to wear a mask"
A lot of the violence and showboating glorified by hip hop didn't originate there
Lol, why am i not surprised with this coming form you? So hip-hop is responsible for most of the violence and murders in the african american community? Not the actual poverty that a good chunk of their their people live in? Not the gang banging and drug dealing lifestyle that has existed for decades before hip hop(or more correctly gangster rap) was around? Where did you learn this stuff? In your little prep schools? I do agree with CIG that a lot of that stuff existed in Africa and also other parts of the world since it wasnt and isnt exclusive to just blacks. And i also agree with you that the reason the crime percentage is so high among african americans has more to do with their living situations/lifestyle in the US than in Africa. That being said, in California and a few other states there are far more Mexicans who commit murders/other crimes and are incarcerated.
It's no wonder that our prison system is so fucked up compared to the rest of the developed world when a perceived slight is justification for killing somebody.

Our country isnt even anywhere near the top of the list when it comes to murder rates. We barely crack the top 100. Our prison system is broken because of retarded politicians like Bill Clinton.

and yeah, three posts in a row instead of editing them all into one and having a few of you faggots here cry about it.
From the article:

Defending le wamenz honour.

a woman that committed battery by spitting on the guy btw. Dunno if people outside the US are aware of that. It’s not justifiable when you’re told “no” either. Neither is trying to beat someone up or well, ya know... kill someone because they told your woman something she didn’t like either.

dunno if they have stand your ground law there but in wv the guard would have had every right to defend himself against the woman with force and deadly force against the man, sadly he was apparently unarmed.
... of course no one should lose their life for talking shit, but the average person WILL fuck you up for talking shit about their wife, kids and other family members etc. Is this foreign to you?

Neither is trying to beat someone up
.... in response to one of HBB's edgelord posts....

Ya know I tend to not go this route with things like this (and generally don’t respond to you at all) and you’ve all but said you’re a sniveling coward in real life but what’s pathetic is saying this to someone you don’t even know. I’m not even saying “what I would do” because I did on’t have any kids but I know guys that would split your fucking skull for talking like this about them.

For someone that hazards themself so intelligent, to even think about saying this to someone shows otherwise. I’m sure you’ll be safe in your basement for the rest of your days but on the off chance you ever slip and utter something like this in real life, you’re gonna die dude.
People murder pizza delivery guys for $20. I wouldn't put it past the daughter and father that this was over something absolutely trivial.

. A basement dwelling 30+ year old who's never left his parents big nice beachtown home and thinks people murder pizza delivery guys for $20 knows this from experience, amirite

There was a compilation video on YouTube featuring dozens of cases where pizza delivery guys have guns pointed at them and sometimes end up shot/killed, but I can't find it. Needless to say, google is your friend, and here's just one sample:

thanks for the proof. Was he killed over $20? Is it something that happens regularly like you implied? Please find me that compilation of the pizza boy murders.

so what? people get robbed all the time, I dont think anyone needs you or one of your army buddies to bestow such wisdom upon us. Were talking about murders 'ya slowpoke. Specifically the rampant murders of pizza delivery boys for $20.
"we were talking about the rampant murders" -- :lol: just you and your made up argument you fucking idiot. why couldn't you have fought in your shitty home land's war and died and rid of us your shitty ability to have a discussion?
"we were talking about the rampant murders" -- :lol: just you and your made up argument you fucking idiot. why couldn't you have fought in your shitty home land's war and died and rid of us your shitty ability to have a discussion?

:lol: youre so retarded that you just broke yourself again with those quotes WHERE YOU BOLDED MURDER NUMEROUS TIMES and then talked to me about how your fiend robbed people lmao. The guy literally said "people kill pizza delivery men for $20" and then even went on to say that there's a compilation video of dozens of them, although he did try to shift the goalposts and make it into robbers and not actual murders. But hey, i dont blame you for not being able to regularly follow these conversation. Pretty sure you were a SPED kid growing up.