Says the guy who has to respond to every single post on this forum. How am i pretending? I literally said i would knock him out if HE TALKED SHIT TO MY MOTHER, SISTER ETC. Which i literally said again in the same post you just quoted. You beta faggots who are only a step or two away from becoming eunuchs just LOVE twisting up my words to push your own little lame arguments.
and yes, i will give him a chance to explain the situation. Women lie all the time. But if he admits that he called her a whore, cunt, etc i am going to break his mouth. I dont give a fuck what you think about this since clearly you are not a proper man in my eyes. I think Jesse Lee Peterson has a song where he explains why betas like you have so much blind hate for women. Might have something to do with that loose lipped drunkard that raised you.
Again, you dont fucking know the details brah so lets stop pretending that you have some king of hidden info about what the order of the events actually were. And i also think its funny that now youre trying to apply the "at a time like this" and "but the kids" stuff when it can be applied to both of them. How do you know that she didnt have kids in hers household? oh yeah, i forgot that you seem to be so much more informed on the details than the rest of the general public

for the 10th time, and im not sure how youre having trouble with this, but
if he told my mom to leave and she said no and he started talking shit then i would fuck him up.
and i also think its funny how some dude whos sat there and told me how hed enjoy me fucking up certain people and whtnot is not talking about hes not cool with the use of violence regardless of the situation, lmao. You little fake beta faggot.