The News Thread

If my mother and sister started shit with a male security guard and got kicked out of a store not only would I not retaliate against the guard, I'd mock my mother and sister for being fucking idiots. I don't enable toxic female behaviour, I wouldn't even make a phone complaint against the guard.
:rolleyes: i love how you're talking as if you know the actual details of how this all went down. How do you know what that dude even said to them? If my mom or sister said "no im not leaving the store" and he went on to call them bitches, whores, cunts etc i would go down there and knock his teeth out of his mouth. What i would have a problem with is if any of my female sibling started behaving like men or dumb bitches and tried to spit on him or fight him just for being told they had to wear a mask. But hey, me and you are definitely wired differently.
:rolleyes: i love how you're talking as if you know the actual details of how this all went down. How do you know what that dude even said to them? If my mom or sister said "no im not leaving the store" and he went on to call them bitches, whores, cunts etc i would go down there and knock his teeth out of his mouth. What i would have a problem with is if any of my female sibling started behaving like men or dumb bitches and tried to spit on him or fight him just for being told they had to wear a mask. But hey, me and you are definitely wired differently.

We are, I wouldn't risk a pinky finger for a woman who starts shit with a man, don't care what my relation to her is. Also I'm just going by what the article says; yours says she was refused service which made her spit on him, a CBS one I read last night said he told her to leave, then she spat, then he told the cashier not to serve her.

I tried looking for the CCTV footage but nothing yet. Going by the story though it seems like that cunt whore deserved to be called a bitch anyway, not that I think that's how it went down.
defending murders and blaming guns and knives? Saying "guns make people commit crime"? is that what i did? oh man, this is why i prefer not to give and take with you. You're the one crying about the fact that our murder rates are high and when i point out that it has something to do with the fact that in this country WE HAVE THE RIGHT to carry weapons(a right that i even said i enjoy having), you try to twist this up on me? Lol. You dont see how someone who wants to kill you will have a much easier time if he can just shoot you in the head or just stab them? I know common sense and logic often escape you, but in which way is that not true or even political? That' given and takie im willing to live with. Heres a news flash .... criminals carry guns and knives(and always will), but so do regular law abiding citizens and it's on those criminals if they want to test those waters out, and that's what i love about how everything works here. If someone tries to rob you out here(which will 99.9% of the time be with a weapon) you have the right to properly defend yourself, unlike most of those other european countries youre talking about where the criminal will have access to said weapons(like they always do and wil), but the average cizitsen will not. What, you think most of those murders you're crying about are happening via poisoning or strangulation? :lol:

Lmao, you think most people are in prison because of fed stings? :lol: You need to watch less TV dude. The fact that you dont realize how easy and common it is for cops to roll up on someone on the street and have them booked in less than an hour shows that this isnt something you should be talking about since you clearly have no idea how this works.

umm, did i not mention Bill Clinton 3 strikes law? Yea, i did. Also there are a bunch of previous offenders who are serving over 10 plus years just for possession. If i was locked up for twisting your scrawny neck and came out on parole and got busted with some dope a few weeks later, im going to do a few years. And if im gang affilaited, then add a few more to that. But, yeah ... what would you know. PRISON IS FILLED WITH PEOPLE PICKED UP IN GOVERNMENT STINGS :lol::lol:

lmao you think state police and courts put people in federal prisons. Ok kid
We are, I wouldn't risk a pinky finger for a woman who starts shit with a man, don't care what my relation to her is.'
the thing is you don't know who started what. If she said shes not leaving and he called started talking shit to her would that be okay with you? Would you rather her try to "defend" her own honor and attack and beat him up instead of coming and telling you? I dont condone when women act like men and try putting their hands on others. So if he talked disrespectful shit to her, i'd expect them to come and tell you. And no offense, but i remember you telling me your mom is an ex crackhead or alcoholic so yeah she would probably flip out and attack the security guard so yeah we definitely come from different background and have different views when it comes to the women in our families, but i can see where youre coming form i guess.

Also I'm just going by what the article says; yours says she was refused service which made her spit on him, a CBS one I read last night said he told her to leave, then she spat, then he told the cashier not to serve her.
the article that i posted said nothign about spitting from what i remember. Most of the other articles say that she spit on him right before she left the store/after he said she cant be served and told her to leave. Who knows what they said to each other during their little argument that resulted in him getting spit on and also i can see why she would flip out and spit on him if he decided to tell the cashier not to serve her during a time like this when people are having trouble getting things they need to get by. But yeah, as a security guard he should have just ignored the dumb broad instead of engaging with her.

I tried looking for the CCTV footage but nothing yet. Going by the story though it seems like that cunt whore deserved to be called a bitch anyway, not that I think that's how it went down.
but again, you dont know the details and are just guessing here. I get it, you love regularly playing the "fuck the womanz" card, and trust me I dont think anyone here would put a bitch in their place quicker than i would. But im not ignorant enough to just completely throw her under the bus without knowing the details first. And to be hoenst im leaning towards her having a big mouth and starting the shit talking since thats how it usually is when it comes to situations like this. But hey, i could be wrong.

All im saying is this is what i would've done..

Security guard tells mom to leave store ------> Mom says no ------> security guard talks shit(im just guessing here since like i said we dont know the details) -----> i come back and give him so free dental work. But again, we dont know how it exactly went down so i could be totally off on parts of that.
A lot to say in response to this. First, and probably most important, is the accumulation of wealth, which wasn't part of any African culture in an economically mobilized way--there were no plantations, in other words. Wealth and kingship/royalty were inseparable. There were certainly displays of wealth and authority, and African rulers had what we would call slaves; but they weren't predicated on an economic system that demanded a labor base.

I mean, you can pin this concept of "social status based on demonstrations of wealth" down to a specific economic argument, but this is common especially in tribal cultures. Social status tied to the quality of your clothing, jewelry, body art---all forms of wealth, and especially forms of wealth that have survived the cultural hollowing out of Africans who were sold to foreign nations. Ancient Tyrone flexes on ancient Jamal with his better quality leopard hide umqhele, modern Tyrone flexes on modern Jamal with his leopard print Air Max 11's.

Second, "Continental African culture" isn't homogeneous--Dixie culture was, at least in terms of its socioeconomic organization. Continental Africa was home to an indeterminate number of different communities, states, cities, etc. Some were organized according to institutional hierarchies and relied on displays of power based on wealth, patriarchal systems, and institutional violence. Others were organized differently, and many likely exhibited very few of these things, if any.

Of course it's not homogeneous, they're still murdering each other over tribal differences and land claims, but I highly doubt your latter example is anything but an exception to an overwhelming rule. If there are any African cultures that aren't patriarchal it's anomalous to say the least.

Third, the practices and habits of Africans changed dramatically after they were brought to the colonies, and families were routinely separated. To the extent that violence occurred between slaves in the colonies, it likely had little to nothing to do with traditions carried over from Africa and more to do with survival in a ruthless system of utter exploitation, oppression, and debasement. To the extent that African children learned cultural habits involving violence, patriarchy, and wealth, it's far more likely they learned from their observations of the American South than from parents or elders.

Slaves were often separated from families I agree, but they weren't kept separate from other slaves with a living memory of their own culture. I obviously agree that the culture of their enslavers influenced and eventually to some degree became their culture too, but being around hundreds of other African slaves didn't have 0 impact. That wouldn't make any sense.
Unrelated, I heard about Yang's successful lawsuit to put Sanders back on the NY ballot (a good thing) and was just scrolling through his Twitter feed when I saw this:

lmao, this is exactly why I've been saying that UBI is a load of shit. First the government needs to pay Walmart's wages for them, now the government needs to pay landlord's rents for them. It's proposed as a system of "save" or maintain capitalism, but what it saves is the worst part: the continued ability of predatory monopolists of capital to continue extracting rents from wage-slaves. Only third-position Lincolnian homestead libertarianism can fix this garbage.
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lmao you think state police and courts put people in federal prisons. Ok kid
Bahahahahhahahhah. i swear dude, anyone who knows anything about how the system works would laugh at some of the shit you come up with. I know i say this a lot, but you my "friend" are totally separated from reality. Just about any crime will put someone who is on parole back in prison. If you're on parole and walking down the street and get busted for a bag of crack ... you're going back to prison. BUT DA PRISONS ARE FILLED WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE BUSTED IN STINGS :lol::lol:
the thing is you don't know who started what. If she said shes not leaving and he called started talking shit to her would that be okay with you? Would you rather her try to "defend" her own honor and attack and beat him up instead of coming and telling you? I dont condone when women act like men and try putting their hands on others. So if he talked disrespectful shit to her, i'd expect them to come and tell you. And no offense, but i remember you telling me your mom is an ex crackhead or alcoholic so yeah she would probably flip out and attack the security guard so yeah we definitely come from different background and have different views when it comes to the women in our families, but i can see where youre coming form i guess.

I never said she was a crackhead, just a regular alcy. But yes she probably would have opened her mouth, but that's more because she's indigenous Australian and our women are lippy shit-starters.

If he told her to leave and as she started to leave he just randomly started verbally attacking her? I'd expect her to act like an adult and file a complaint for unprofessional conduct. If that's all that happened and she returned home and told me, I'd make the call for her. This is all assuming it was unprovoked and she didn't start it, shit-talk first, spit or whatever.

Violence isn't the only way to defend your own honour. In fact it's one of the worst ways because you invariably tarnish yourself in the process, become a criminal, end up in lock-up, with a record, if it goes public maybe you lose your job etc etc. It's fucking stupid.

the article that i posted said nothign about spitting from what i remember. Most of the other articles say that she spit on him right before she left the store/after he said she cant be served and told her to leave. Who knows what they said to each other during their little argument that resulted in him getting spit on and also i can see why she would flip out and spit on him if he decided to tell the cashier not to serve her during a time like this when people are having trouble getting things they need to get by. But yeah, as a security guard he should have just ignored the dumb broad instead of engaging with her.

You're right that article doesn't mention spitting.

Your article does however say that the daughter was refused entry, she left, but then the mother and guard got into an argument. If she was so desperate to buy essentials that she was willing to spit on people during a pandemic (risking infecting others with spit) why didn't she just go in without her daughter and buy what she so desperately needed? Maybe the overall lockdown situation had her stressed and on edge, but she had enough time to calm down on her drive home to get her simp males to murder for her hurt pride.

but again, you dont know the details and are just guessing here. I get it, you love regularly playing the "fuck the womanz" card, and trust me I dont think anyone here would put a bitch in their place quicker than i would. But im not ignorant enough to just completely throw her under the bus without knowing the details first. And to be hoenst im leaning towards her having a big mouth and starting the shit talking since thats how it usually is when it comes to situations like this. But hey, i could be wrong.

All im saying is this is what i would've done..

Security guard tells mom to leave store ------> Mom says no ------> security guard talks shit(im just guessing here since like i said we dont know the details) -----> i come back and give him so free dental work.

This is all guesswork to some degree obviously, but I hope she gets buried beneath a bus station.

By all accounts thus far "security guard tells mom to leave store" isn't the beginning of the altercation, they started arguing after he successfully asked the daughter to leave. Then he also asked her to leave, then she refused, then he successfully got her to leave by refusing service. He just didn't know that his life was equal to some dumb old whore's pride.
Social status tied to the quality of your clothing, jewelry...

yea this totally doesn't happen with just about every other european nation, amirite? Everyone out there is literally drenched in jewellery and drive luxury cars all for status and competition.

they're still murdering each other over tribal differences and land claims,
not exclusive to black either. That's ingrained in plenty of other races. Mexicans actually kill far more people because of territory and differences
yea this totally doesn't happen with just about every other european nation, amirite? Everyone out there is literally drenched in jewellery and drive luxury cars all for status and competition.

not exclusive to black either. That's ingrained in plenty of other races. Mexicans actually kill far more people because of territory and differences

Never said they were exclusive to African cultures. The context of the discussion is Africans and slavery.
If he told her to leave and as she started to leave he just randomly started verbally attacking her? I'd expect her to act like an adult and file a complaint for unprofessional conduct. If that's all that happened and she returned home and told me, I'd make the call for her. This is all assuming it was unprovoked and she didn't start it, shit-talk first, spit or whatever.
i woudlnt make any call, id rather deal with him like a man myself(which might not even lead to a fight depending on what happened), than snitch on him and have him fired. Like i said, were definitely wired differently

If she was so desperate to buy essentials that she was willing to spit on people
again, we dont yet know why she spit on him yet

By all accounts thus far "security guard tells mom to leave store" isn't the beginning of the altercation, they started arguing after he successfully asked the daughter to leave.
what? Dude when did i say thats where the whole thing started, we all now that it began when he told her daughter that she needs to wear a mask. If i added that to my "---> post" would that have made any difference to you? i skipped and went straight to the meat of the story, which is beyond the mask part. If a security guard asks my mom to leave, and shes says no and he talks nasty shit. I will fuck him up. pretty simple.

If she went nuts and flew off at the mouth when the guy was just normally doing his job, then yes i agree with eveytrhting you said about her. but again, we need the details.
I never said she was a crackhead, just a regular alcy. But yes she probably would have opened her mouth, but that's more because she's indigenous Australian and our women are lippy shit-starters.
ah my mistake. We actually have a good bunch of lippy women too. The amount of shit overall that gets started because of women who shoot of at the mouth is mindboggling. Some of the neighborhoods(gangs) out here that broke off from each other and started their own gangs can all be traced back to drama regarding females. Smh some things will never change i guess
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got it. but whats the point in talking about it being connected to african culture when just about every western nation practices the same behavior regularly?

What does what western nations do have to do with pre-capitalist African tribal societies? I'm giving a counter-example to Ein's claim that black American culture has no association with African culture (except for modern attempts to shoehorn it in). That tribal social status via wealth demonstration involves clothing, jewelry, quality of livestock etc is basically universal and not exclusive to Africa is irrelevant here. The point is that this method of demonstrating social status pre-dates modern economic systems and you didn't have to be a tribal king or leader to flex this.

i woudlnt make any call, id rather deal with him like a man myself(which might not even lead to a fight depending on what happened), than snitch on him and have him fired. Like i said, were definitely wired differently

Fair enough. I always try to practice stoicism (never perfectly; a stoic man doesn't need stoicism in the first place) and I don't attach manhood to beating up security guards because he insulted my mother. I also don't think it equates to snitching, (in hypothetical situation) he's not a gang member he's an employee that acted unprofessionally in public with potentially 10's if not 100's of witnesses and should get shitcanned for it. Hell I'd happily make the call right in front of him if it's about doing it secretly or some shit.

But yeah if you think I'm risking getting arrested over a woman getting hit with words you're crazy lmfao.

again, we dont yet know why she spit on him yet

I don't even care why. Unless he spit first or physically assaulted her there's no justification in my mind. Especially during a pandemic, which I'm pretty sure changed her charges in some way. Here in Australia pretty sure it's an instant 5k fine for spitting on someone. Dirty hoe.

what? Dude when did i say thats where the whole thing started, we all now that it began when he told her daughter that she needs to wear a mask. If i added that to my "---> post" would that have made any difference to you? i skipped and went straight to the meat of the story, which is beyond the mask part. If a security guard asks my mom to leave, and shes says no and he talks nasty shit. I will fuck him up. pretty simple.

If she went nuts and flew off at the mouth when the guy was just normally doing his job, then yes i agree with eveytrhting you said about her. but again, we need the details.

Well yes because your scenario makes it seem like he just outta nowhere told her to leave and she calmly said "no" when that's pretty obviously the least likely scenario. Why would he ask her to leave for no reason? She started talking shit before he asked her to leave.
What does what western nations do have to do with pre-capitalist African tribal societies? I'm giving a counter-example to Ein's claim that black American culture has no association with African culture (except for modern attempts to shoehorn it in). That tribal social status via wealth demonstration involves clothing, jewelry, quality of livestock etc is basically universal and not exclusive to Africa is irrelevant here. The point is that this method of demonstrating social status pre-dates modern economic systems and you didn't have to be a tribal king or leader to flex this.

the fact that youre implying that somehow blacks today are "violent" or whatnot because their ancestors did this when just about every other nation and their ancestors also did/do this but dont use it as a valid excuse for violence is what im saying bro.

Fair enough. I always try to practice stoicism (never perfectly; a stoic man doesn't need stoicism in the first place) and I don't attach manhood to beating up security guards because he insulted my mother. I also don't think it equates to snitching, (in hypothetical situation) he's not a gang member he's an employee that acted unprofessionally in public with potentially 10's if not 100's of witnesses and should get shitcanned for it. Hell I'd happily make the call right in front of him if it's about doing it secretly or some shit.

snitching isnt only for "gang members" man. And I could have said tattling instead, no difference. i dont think someone deserves to be snitched on and lose their job when instead both sides can actually explain what happened and it might even result in nothing more than a handshake. Thats how a man handles himself. What you described is how a modern day soylet fabgag carries themselves. And yes, if a security guard OR ANYONE else insulted your mother and you dont do anything about it then you most certainly are not a man and should be castrated. And snitching, ratting, tattling has nothing to do with doing it behind ones back. You can stand right in front of him and point him out to the authorities, that still makes you a rat

But yeah if you think I'm risking getting arrested over a woman getting hit with words you're crazy lmfao.

just a women =/= your mother, sister, etc. But yeah like i said were definitely not cut form the same cloth. i dont give a fuck what anybody would say to some random women on the street, i give a fuck about what someone would say to one of my loved ones because they sure in the hell arent going to try and respond and that's how they're raised ... i on the other hand will clearly be asking for an explanation just like any other normal "stoic" man with a set of balls would . The fact that i need to explain this to you is amazing.

I don't even care why. Unless he spit first or physically assaulted her there's no justification in my mind. Especially during a pandemic, which I'm pretty sure changed her charges in some way. Here in Australia pretty sure it's an instant 5k fine for spitting on someone. Dirty hoe.

not asking you to care and i didnt justify anything. I'm saying i can see why some women(especially loose lipped untamed ones) would spit on him if he started talking shit to her or refused service to her at a time like this because of some words. Is this surprising to you? And i think its funny that you dont care what he said to her but care so much about what she said to him. Men can be bitches too.

Well yes because your scenario makes it seem like he just outta nowhere told her to leave and she calmly said "no" when that's pretty obviously the least likely scenario. Why would he ask her to leave for no reason? She started talking shit before he asked her to leave.
no thats not what my scenario makes it seem like since iv already mentioned numerous times how it started, eve before you did. And i unlike few of you i never claimed to know what he or she said to each other or who stated it, instead i said numerous times that none of us know the details. I was keeping it simple and saying that if someone told my mom to leave the store, and she said no and they got into an argument and he started talking nasty shit to her(again we dont know the details but i saying what i would do in his situation) i would fuck him up. i wasnt drawing a scenario of what happened, i was explaining what i would do in certain situations
the fact that youre implying that somehow blacks today are "violent" or whatnot because their ancestors did this when just about every other nation and their ancestors also did/do this but dont use it as a valid excuse for violence is what im saying bro.

...I didn't do that.

snitching isnt only for "gang members" man. And I could have said tattling instead, no difference. i dont think someone deserves to be snitched on and lose their job when instead both sides can actually explain what happened and it might even result in nothing more than a handshake. Thats how a man handles himself. What you described is how a modern day soylet fabgag carries themselves. And yes, if a security guard OR ANYONE else insulted your mother and you dont do anything about it then you most certainly are not a man and should be castrated. And snitching, ratting, tattling has nothing to do with doing it behind ones back. You can stand right in front of him and point him out to the authorities, that still makes you a rat


just a women =/= your mother, sister, etc. But yeah like i said were definitely not cut form the same cloth. i dont give a fuck what anybody would say to some random women on the street, i give a fuck about what someone would say to one of my loved ones because they sure in the hell arent going to try and respond and that's how they're raised ... i on the other hand will clearly be asking for an explanation just like any other normal "stoic" man with a set of balls would . The fact that i need to explain this to you is amazing.

You're the least stoic person I've ever met online, no offense. Your first reaction to this was you'd knock the guard's teeth out, don't try and pretend differently now because you're trying to prove your reaction is more manly or some shit.

And if one of your women wouldn't say shit to the guard because of how they were raised, then the point is moot. This ugly old bitch started mouthing off because her daughter was turned away and she couldn't handle it like an adult. The situation isn't comparable to some sociopathic guard randomly verbally assaulting a woman who said nothing to him.

not asking you to care and i didnt justify anything. I'm saying i can see why some women(especially loose lipped untamed ones) would spit on him if he started talking shit to her or refused service to her at a time like this because of some words. Is this surprising to you? And i think its funny that you dont care what he said to her but care so much about what she said to him. Men can be bitches too.

The order of events is important. At a time like this some dumb whore decided a working father of 9 kids should be murdered, but thankfully she didn't "snitch" on him instead like a calm rational adult. Good thing she adopted some kind of retarded ghetto mentality and maintained her respect.

I was keeping it simple and saying that if someone told my mom to leave the store, and she said no and they got into an argument and he started talking nasty shit to her(again we dont know the details but i saying what i would do in his situation) i would fuck him up. i wasnt drawing a scenario of what happened, i was explaining what i would do in certain situations

Okay so you're tough as nails in your randomly made up scenario where he just tells her to leave for no reason and she refuses so he insults her. Who cares?
I mean, you can pin this concept of "social status based on demonstrations of wealth" down to a specific economic argument, but this is common especially in tribal cultures. Social status tied to the quality of your clothing, jewelry, body art---all forms of wealth, and especially forms of wealth that have survived the cultural hollowing out of Africans who were sold to foreign nations. Ancient Tyrone flexes on ancient Jamal with his better quality leopard hide umqhele, modern Tyrone flexes on modern Jamal with his leopard print Air Max 11's.

Of course it's not homogeneous, they're still murdering each other over tribal differences and land claims, but I highly doubt your latter example is anything but an exception to an overwhelming rule. If there are any African cultures that aren't patriarchal it's anomalous to say the least.

Slaves were often separated from families I agree, but they weren't kept separate from other slaves with a living memory of their own culture. I obviously agree that the culture of their enslavers influenced and eventually to some degree became their culture too, but being around hundreds of other African slaves didn't have 0 impact. That wouldn't make any sense.

Responding to your full post for the sake of time:

My language in previous posts has been absolutist and unyielding in a manner that wouldn't fly for a historian making the same argument; it's just easy to get caught up in the momentum. Here's what I would say, as an intellectual but non-scholar on African history:

It wouldn't make any sense that continental traditions didn't survive the Middle Passage--you're right. And many of the traditions of enslaved subjects involved a syncretism of pre-colonial African religions and overtly Christian beliefs/practices taught to them by slavemasters. I couldn't in all honesty make a serious claim that modern violence in black communities stems entirely from violence done unto them, or otherwise exhibited, by southern whites in the plantation system.

My original response was to HBB's comment about the South's hierarchical organization, and the ways it institutionalized and sensationalized violence and a kind of old-world aristocratic value system. I think it's probably pointless to debate degrees of influence, but I'm inclined to believe that what slaves encountered when brought to America had a stronger influence on their social development in the colonies (and eventually the United States) than African traditions that happened to survive the Middle Passage. If anything, old antagonisms and rivalries between intra-African communities/identities probably subsided once they were all confronted with the horrors of slavery--you might say it was the equivalent of Ozymandias's alien space-squid to any lingering hostilities.
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You're the least stoic person I've ever met online, no offense. Your first reaction to this was you'd knock the guard's teeth out, don't try and pretend differently now because you're trying to prove your reaction is more manly or some shit.

Says the guy who has to respond to every single post on this forum. How am i pretending? I literally said i would knock him out if HE TALKED SHIT TO MY MOTHER, SISTER ETC. Which i literally said again in the same post you just quoted. You beta faggots who are only a step or two away from becoming eunuchs just LOVE twisting up my words to push your own little lame arguments.

If my mom or sister said "no im not leaving the store" and he went on to call them bitches, whores, cunts etc i would go down there and knock his teeth out of his mouth.

if someone talks shit to my mother or sisters, you better believe that im going to beat the shit out of them regardless of the cause.

and yes, i will give him a chance to explain the situation. Women lie all the time. But if he admits that he called her a whore, cunt, etc i am going to break his mouth. I dont give a fuck what you think about this since clearly you are not a proper man in my eyes. I think Jesse Lee Peterson has a song where he explains why betas like you have so much blind hate for women. Might have something to do with that loose lipped drunkard that raised you. ;)

The order of events is important. At a time like this some dumb whore decided a working father of 9 kids should be murdered, but thankfully she didn't "snitch" on him instead like a calm rational adult. Good thing she adopted some kind of retarded ghetto mentality and maintained her respect.
Again, you dont fucking know the details brah so lets stop pretending that you have some king of hidden info about what the order of the events actually were. And i also think its funny that now youre trying to apply the "at a time like this" and "but the kids" stuff when it can be applied to both of them. How do you know that she didnt have kids in hers household? oh yeah, i forgot that you seem to be so much more informed on the details than the rest of the general public :rolleyes:.

Okay so you're tough as nails in your randomly made up scenario where he just tells her to leave for no reason and she refuses so he insults her. Who cares?
for the 10th time, and im not sure how youre having trouble with this, but if he told my mom to leave and she said no and he started talking shit then i would fuck him up.

and i also think its funny how some dude whos sat there and told me how hed enjoy me fucking up certain people and whtnot is not talking about hes not cool with the use of violence regardless of the situation, lmao. You little fake beta faggot.
It does change things, quite dramatically. There were no economies that demanded the scale of production necessary to support the United States in the seventeenth century, much less the nineteenth. I'm not saying no one did any work in continental Africa; I'm saying there was no system predicated on accumulation for accumulation's sake.

I'm not sure how you can say this has no basis in fact. It has nothing to do with the mythology of the noble savage, but rather with the economic infrastructure available to African societies at the time. It's a matter of historical happenstance.

HBB kind of covered some of my response, but I don't know what you mean by "economic infrastructure". I don't want to go all "we wuz kangz", but there were African kingdoms involved in international luxury good trading and using token currencies locally while using precious metals for broader trading. Not achieving the level of financialization or government legibility achieved by Europe in the Enlightment era doesn't somehow change the base nature of production and trade at the level of the individual. You assert that people in Africa in general wouldn't want to accumulate things based on??? Because there's no African Adam Smith that we know of? The reason the TAST happened at all is at least 50% because Africans absolutely did want "to accumulate". Without Africans capturing and selling Africans there would be no TAST because malaria etc killed Europeans too easily for them to go into the interior for extended periods.

In terms of its economy and the way it relied on slave labor to sustain itself, it was pretty homogeneous. Sure, there were people descended from many different ethnic groups and belonging to different social classes; none of that changes the fact that they were all part of the same socioeconomic system known as pre-industrial plantation capitalism.

White Trash shows this wasn't the case, at least not up until we finally get to the ~1830-40s or so, and the railroad/industrial changes start to integrate the disparate localized economies. Prior to that, plantations were primarily individualized fiefdoms, and the landed gentry and their pet local and state governments were greatly frustrated with the illegibility and uncooperativeness of the scotch irish, etc. This is partially if not primarily the reason the south did poorly during Revolutionary war - lack of numbers. There were more Tories among the gentry and the scotch/irish didn't want to be involved.

Edit: The much ballyhooed Battle at Kings Mountain was typical scotch-irish resistance on intrusion, not due to "patriotism".
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Says the guy who has to respond to every single post on this forum. How am i pretending? I literally said i would knock him out if HE TALKED SHIT TO MY MOTHER, SISTER ETC. Which i literally said again in the same post you just quoted. You beta faggots who are only a step or two away from becoming eunuchs just LOVE twisting up my words to push your own little lame arguments.

and yes, i will give him a chance to explain the situation. Women lie all the time. But if he admits that he called her a whore, cunt, etc i am going to break his mouth. I dont give a fuck what you think about this since clearly you are not a proper man in my eyes. I think Jesse Lee Peterson has a song where he explains why betas like you have so much blind hate for women. Might have something to do with that loose lipped drunkard that raised you. ;)

Again, you dont fucking know the details brah so lets stop pretending that you have some king of hidden info about what the order of the events actually were. And i also think its funny that now youre trying to apply the "at a time like this" and "but the kids" stuff when it can be applied to both of them. How do you know that she didnt have kids in hers household? oh yeah, i forgot that you seem to be so much more informed on the details than the rest of the general public :rolleyes:.

for the 10th time, and im not sure how youre having trouble with this, but if he told my mom to leave and she said no and he started talking shit then i would fuck him up.

and i also think its funny how some dude whos sat there and told me how hed enjoy me fucking up certain people and whtnot is not talking about hes not cool with the use of violence regardless of the situation, lmao. You little fake beta faggot.

Stoic af.