Poser Disposer
so stoicI'd jump on my phone and snitch on him instead of demanding some answers face to face

so stoicI'd jump on my phone and snitch on him instead of demanding some answers face to face
"Did you get that?" yeah she did faggot, your spinelessness is now immortalized online. And the old guy touched him twice and he still didn't do anything.
Look closer...I agree, you're the guy in the car getting tuned up by an Aussie.
HBB kind of covered some of my response, but I don't know what you mean by "economic infrastructure". I don't want to go all "we wuz kangz", but there were African kingdoms involved in international luxury good trading and using token currencies locally while using precious metals for broader trading. Not achieving the level of financialization or government legibility achieved by Europe in the Enlightment era doesn't somehow change the base nature of production and trade at the level of the individual. You assert that people in Africa in general wouldn't want to accumulate things based on??? Because there's no African Adam Smith that we know of? The reason the TAST happened at all is at least 50% because Africans absolutely did want "to accumulate". Without Africans capturing and selling Africans there would be no TAST because malaria etc killed Europeans too easily for them to go into the interior for extended periods.
White Trash shows this wasn't the case, at least not up until we finally get to the ~1830-40s or so, and the railroad/industrial changes start to integrate the disparate localized economies. Prior to that, plantations were primarily individualized fiefdoms, and the landed gentry and their pet local and state governments were greatly frustrated with the illegibility and uncooperativeness of the scotch irish, etc. This is partially if not primarily the reason the south did poorly during Revolutionary war - lack of numbers. There were more Tories among the gentry and the scotch/irish didn't want to be involved.
Edit: The much ballyhooed Battle at Kings Mountain was typical scotch-irish resistance on intrusion, not due to "patriotism".
HBB kind of covered some of my response, but I don't know what you mean by "economic infrastructure". I don't want to go all "we wuz kangz", but there were African kingdoms involved in international luxury good trading and using token currencies locally while using precious metals for broader trading. Not achieving the level of financialization or government legibility achieved by Europe in the Enlightment era doesn't somehow change the base nature of production and trade at the level of the individual. You assert that people in Africa in general wouldn't want to accumulate things based on??? Because there's no African Adam Smith that we know of? The reason the TAST happened at all is at least 50% because Africans absolutely did want "to accumulate". Without Africans capturing and selling Africans there would be no TAST because malaria etc killed Europeans too easily for them to go into the interior for extended periods.
White Trash shows this wasn't the case, at least not up until we finally get to the ~1830-40s or so, and the railroad/industrial changes start to integrate the disparate localized economies. Prior to that, plantations were primarily individualized fiefdoms, and the landed gentry and their pet local and state governments were greatly frustrated with the illegibility and uncooperativeness of the scotch irish, etc. This is partially if not primarily the reason the south did poorly during Revolutionary war - lack of numbers. There were more Tories among the gentry and the scotch/irish didn't want to be involved.
Edit: The much ballyhooed Battle at Kings Mountain was typical scotch-irish resistance on intrusion, not due to "patriotism".
To be clear, I don't think anyone is alleging that he intended to use the portapotty, I just said that to illustrate the "it's ok if it's under construction" defense. The prosecutors against the whites have acknowledged the video of the dead jogger entering the home, and say it means nothing. There's this sudden claim on twitter which says that if you're jogging, it's perfectly normal and acceptable to enter construction sites. Some are even calling it "urban exploration".
Like, I get that some people do break into construction sites not to steal stuff but just to check things out, but people that do that usually know they're committing a crime, and often document it too so if they get busted they can say "just urban exploration bro". And additionally, there's a giant difference between entering say, a half-finished skyscraper vs a nearly-finished home with a truck parked in the driveway. The 911 neighbor claims that the people working on the house were still living in it too, which if true would invalidate any kind of unoccupied home defense.