The News Thread

I'd jump on my phone and snitch on him instead of demanding some answers face to face
so stoic :lol:

HBB kind of covered some of my response, but I don't know what you mean by "economic infrastructure". I don't want to go all "we wuz kangz", but there were African kingdoms involved in international luxury good trading and using token currencies locally while using precious metals for broader trading. Not achieving the level of financialization or government legibility achieved by Europe in the Enlightment era doesn't somehow change the base nature of production and trade at the level of the individual. You assert that people in Africa in general wouldn't want to accumulate things based on??? Because there's no African Adam Smith that we know of? The reason the TAST happened at all is at least 50% because Africans absolutely did want "to accumulate". Without Africans capturing and selling Africans there would be no TAST because malaria etc killed Europeans too easily for them to go into the interior for extended periods.

White Trash shows this wasn't the case, at least not up until we finally get to the ~1830-40s or so, and the railroad/industrial changes start to integrate the disparate localized economies. Prior to that, plantations were primarily individualized fiefdoms, and the landed gentry and their pet local and state governments were greatly frustrated with the illegibility and uncooperativeness of the scotch irish, etc. This is partially if not primarily the reason the south did poorly during Revolutionary war - lack of numbers. There were more Tories among the gentry and the scotch/irish didn't want to be involved.

Edit: The much ballyhooed Battle at Kings Mountain was typical scotch-irish resistance on intrusion, not due to "patriotism".

Good response. I'll try to say something substantive tomorrow.
HBB kind of covered some of my response, but I don't know what you mean by "economic infrastructure". I don't want to go all "we wuz kangz", but there were African kingdoms involved in international luxury good trading and using token currencies locally while using precious metals for broader trading. Not achieving the level of financialization or government legibility achieved by Europe in the Enlightment era doesn't somehow change the base nature of production and trade at the level of the individual. You assert that people in Africa in general wouldn't want to accumulate things based on??? Because there's no African Adam Smith that we know of? The reason the TAST happened at all is at least 50% because Africans absolutely did want "to accumulate". Without Africans capturing and selling Africans there would be no TAST because malaria etc killed Europeans too easily for them to go into the interior for extended periods.

Trade happened in pre-colonial Africa, just like slavery did; and slaves were traded in pre-colonial Africa, although not to the same degree they were between Africa and the Americas, or within the Americas for that matter. Capitalism was one of the major cultural developments in dismantling institutions like divine right, a general notion of which informed pre-colonial African societies (as far as we know); so accumulation wasn't done for accumulation's sake. Rather, accumulation reflected divine right. Royalty certainly accumulates in excess, but they don't weigh their accumulation against potentially greater value; they weigh it against their divinity. Under capitalism, by contrast, accumulation reflected success, and so more accumulation means more success. It has more to do with an alignment of values than it does with material needs.

By "economic infrastructure," I mean technologies by which excessive amounts of goods were able to be manufactured (namely, textile mills in England and cotton plantations in the American South, along with other plantations). The geopolitical structure of trade and the international manufacturing of goods created the demand for a workforce that far exceeded anything that was needed by any African kingdom. They engaged in trade and had markets, but nothing like the scale of production taking place between the Americas and Europe.

Again, I'm not trying to say there was no violence or oppression in pre-colonial Africa. I just think the South is the more likely cultural context that explains current socioeconomic trends.

White Trash shows this wasn't the case, at least not up until we finally get to the ~1830-40s or so, and the railroad/industrial changes start to integrate the disparate localized economies. Prior to that, plantations were primarily individualized fiefdoms, and the landed gentry and their pet local and state governments were greatly frustrated with the illegibility and uncooperativeness of the scotch irish, etc. This is partially if not primarily the reason the south did poorly during Revolutionary war - lack of numbers. There were more Tories among the gentry and the scotch/irish didn't want to be involved.

Edit: The much ballyhooed Battle at Kings Mountain was typical scotch-irish resistance on intrusion, not due to "patriotism".

This is really interesting and I haven't read the Isenberg book, but it actually doesn't affect my point because African slaves wouldn't have come in contact with those isolated poorer white communities, outside of a few anomalies. They were purchased for work primarily on plantations, and poor whites couldn't afford more than one or two slaves, if any.
Apparently the charges dropping against Flynn has pissed Schiff off enough to release a bunch of transcripts of earlier interviews regarding Russiagate. Don't know how much any of it means, but it finally feels like an election year now. Fun fun fun



Some FBI jew named Wiseman pretended being full /pol/-tard to trick George Papa into saying something anti-Semitic, but Papa didn't take the bait. Nothing new from the feds, of course, but still. Can't find any other articles about the story, and Google seems to be burying it (have to put everything in quotes and include 'Breitbart' to even get a hit).
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Current media circus is about a black guy who was allegedly hunted down and lynched by shotgun for the crime of jogging in a white neighborhood. The shooting happened in February but the video of the shooting didn't go public until last week or so. 99% of pundits, both left and right, white and black, immediately called the white shooters murderers and demanded they be charged (which they were a few days ago). The initial investigation concluded that the white shooters were lawfully engaging a citizen's arrest against a man who had immediately fled a previous crime scene. This new video shows that the "jogger" had slowed down to a walking pace in front of a house under construction, stopped seemingly to look around on the sidewalk for a few seconds, then went inside an open garage, exited the open garage within about 30 seconds, went into the backyard, disappeared for about 3 minutes, then reappeared exiting the front door of the house, as neighbors were already on the phone with police.

The family/neighbors/etc allege that they've seen the same "jogger" exists committing trespass and burglary from earlier days as well, though that hasn't been fully proven yet.

According to Twitter, it's perfectly normal for joggers to randomly enter homes as long as there's a portapotty outside, and this video means nothing.

EDIT: YouTube link

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Cheers for the YT link. Actually been kinda following people posting about this in Facebook but haven't seen anybody post about this yet. This is probs gonna end up as just another example of why you should wait until you react to a story.
Also, 911 calls:

You can see a neighbor stand outside across the street from the jogger's rest spot for about a minute. Correspondingly, about 30 seconds into the 911 call by the neighbor, as the neighbor describes watching the jogger inside the house, the jogger decides to exit and sprints outside within a few seconds, and runs down the street, beginning the wypipo's jogger hunt. Which indicates that the jogger knew he was spotted and took off because of it.

Also, worth noting that the jogger has a previous arrest for bringing a gun to a high school when he was 19.

When I first saw the video it looked compelling in the jogger's favor: two white guys explicitly drive up in front of a black guy, admit to blocking him off to try and hold him, and the black guy is forced to go from flight to fight. But that was when the narrative was that some other black guy was witnessed previously, and these whites decided to just nab the first black guy they saw. Now there's clear evidence that the jogger was immediately fleeing a break-in and that the whites had much better ground for a citizen's arrest.

Pretty much whenever there's an act of a white guy killing a black guy and alleged racial motive, it pays to wait for all the evidence to come out. I was on Trayvon Martin's side for like 48 hours or however long it was until it was revealed that "fucking coons" and all that other shit was media invention. Race war sells in America.
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Holy shit he legged it out of that construction home when he saw a neighbour on their cell. He didn't go anywhere near the fucking portapotty.

Edit: Watch the narrative change from "KiLLed jUsT fOr BeiNg bLaCk iT's a ModErN dAy LyNcHinG" to "well nobody deserves to lose their life just for theft."
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To be clear, I don't think anyone is alleging that he intended to use the portapotty, I just said that to illustrate the "it's ok if it's under construction" defense. The prosecutors against the whites have acknowledged the video of the dead jogger entering the home, and say it means nothing. There's this sudden claim on twitter which says that if you're jogging, it's perfectly normal and acceptable to enter construction sites. Some are even calling it "urban exploration". :lol:

Like, I get that some people do break into construction sites not to steal stuff but just to check things out, but people that do that usually know they're committing a crime, and often document it too so if they get busted they can say "just urban exploration bro". And additionally, there's a giant difference between entering say, a half-finished skyscraper vs a nearly-finished home with a truck parked in the driveway. The 911 neighbor claims that the people working on the house were still living in it too, which if true would invalidate any kind of unoccupied home defense.
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To be clear, I don't think anyone is alleging that he intended to use the portapotty, I just said that to illustrate the "it's ok if it's under construction" defense. The prosecutors against the whites have acknowledged the video of the dead jogger entering the home, and say it means nothing. There's this sudden claim on twitter which says that if you're jogging, it's perfectly normal and acceptable to enter construction sites. Some are even calling it "urban exploration". :lol:

Like, I get that some people do break into construction sites not to steal stuff but just to check things out, but people that do that usually know they're committing a crime, and often document it too so if they get busted they can say "just urban exploration bro". And additionally, there's a giant difference between entering say, a half-finished skyscraper vs a nearly-finished home with a truck parked in the driveway. The 911 neighbor claims that the people working on the house were still living in it too, which if true would invalidate any kind of unoccupied home defense.

Even if he stole something, it doesn't justify vigilante homicide.
True. It's Arbery assaulting and attempting to steal the old guy's gun that justifies vigilante homicide (also known as self-defense).