The News Thread

I don't necessarily think randoms are obligated to defend other people's property but the existence of a police force in part acts as a deterrent of such things. This is why we're seeing people run amok in CHAZ, because they know police aren't coming.
The police are only present 24/7 in wealthy neighborhoods. Most Americans are shit out of luck when someone wants to break into your home and steal your stuff. Literally around 99% of violent crimes are completed before cops arrive on the scene. They're worse than useless.
I didn't say otherwise. Just pointing out that the mere existence of a police force has a deterring effect (however large or small it is) that the CHAZ doesn't have, and we're seeing the results play out in real time.
I didn't say otherwise. Just pointing out that the mere existence of a police force has a deterring effect (however large or small it is) that the CHAZ doesn't have, and we're seeing the results play out in real time.

Ok, but it's very small. All cities have police, but many have what are effectively no-go zones where cops are only going to enter with body armor and when they really have to. While I don't know if the particular six blocks of Chaz are ordinarily high-crime, I can tell you that most urban areas in Western US are filled with homeless camps and muggers of the same cut as Chaz's finest.

Lolwut. What planet are you living on again? You think there are more police officers patrolling say Beverly Hills or in the ghettos of South Central? :lol:

Most people in rich neighborhoods rarely see cops.

Police response time is always fastest in affluent areas, I don't know what planet you're living on. I was actually going to mention Beverly Hills in my previous post; it was in the news recently that they were putting in 100s of CCTVs in ritzy streets. Good luck getting that in the ghetto. Similarly, during the LA riots the cops fled Koreatown and fortified Beverly Hills like the good shabbos goy they are.

I live in an affluent area btw, I see cops a plenty. Someone has to protect those luxury department stores and the vulnerable rich white women that keep them in business.
Ok, but it's very small. All cities have police, but many have what are effectively no-go zones where cops are only going to enter with body armor and when they really have to. While I don't know if the particular six blocks of Chaz are ordinarily high-crime, I can tell you that most urban areas in Western US are filled with homeless camps and muggers of the same cut as Chaz's finest.

lol true, what I find amusing is that without police presence in CHAZ we're seeing trustfund kids and hipsters running around vandalizing everything in sight. These people are proving that without big brother on their back they can't even be trusted to act decently.

It's entertaining but it won't last much longer.
Police response time is always fastest in affluent areas, I don't know what planet you're living on.
Im asking you again, are you saying there are more police officers patrolling uppity neighborhoods than in the ghettos? You cant possibly be serious. They have designated "gang units" that basically live on those streets in their cars. And those guys dont even need to wait on calls. They literally patrol the hoods all day and know everyone by name. They come flying into backyards and start slamming people around.

I was actually going to mention Beverly Hills in my previous post; it was in the news recently that they were putting in 100s of CCTVs in ritzy streets.
They actually have little mobile trailer police stations parked in some of the worst parts of Los Angeles and even some parts in my city. They even had one on Summit St outside of the Community Arms Projects in my city for almost a full year. Again, you are once again speaking about thigns you seem to have no clue about

Good luck getting that in the ghetto. Similarly, during the LA riots the cops fled Koreatown and fortified Beverly Hills like the good shabbos goy they are.

I live in an affluent area btw, I see cops a plenty.
People in Beverly hills and the other high class LA neighborhoods genuinely get worried when they see a cop car and think a homicide or something took place just because they see one in their neighborhood. Its pretty foreign to them dude.
Not necessarily "patrolling", but certainly on tap whenever a crime does occur. The ghettos of LA are far from the worst in the nation anyways.

haha yeah, i dont think burgeboy even knows what g-units are. Ask anyone that has lived in a real hood and they will tell you that gang units are the fucking worst. Their cars dont have the lights on them and most of the time arent even black and white, and they're also not dressed in uniform and are ready to chase dat ass down.
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Not necessarily "patrolling", but certainly on tap whenever a crime does occur. The ghettos of LA are far from the worst in the nation anyways.
the heart of gang banging is in Los Angeles. South Central was one of the most dangerous parts of this country and still is. There are still square blocks that rack up more murders than most parts of this country. The greater Los Angeles are still has cities that crack the top 10 in murder rates. And of-course there are places like Skid Row. Show me another part of this country that has as much crack smoking bums as skid row does in one square mile.
Not necessarily "patrolling", but certainly on tap whenever a crime does occur.
Dude, most of the cops in ghettos will roll up within minutes and even seconds of something going down since they happen to already be there. Again, im talking about the Los Angeles area. And yeah, if there is no cop on the scene and they get calls that's a different story. But ive seen someone get killed (run over by a car on purpose) in a rather nice neighborhood and it took the cops and ambulance almost a half hour to get there. Over here the cops in the ghettos are already "on tap". In some parts you wont be able to walk down the street without having a cop rolling by and mean mugging you.

And again, you are downplaying the LA area big time. This state is #2 as far as murders via firearms goes and yea the overall rate might not be the highest but you have to take into consideration that most of those murders take place in the Los Angeles area and a few parts of the Bay area. Only other states that come close are Texas and Florida. Add to that the cops here got busted a few years ago for under-reporting crimes to make themselves look good. Some of the hoods out here are dangerous as fuck. And some of those hoods are also where gang banging came from, where crack cocaine came from and hit the hardest. We still have a shit ton of murders, other violent crimes, drug activity etc it's just some people dont realize that those stats get evened out by places like Beverly Hills, San Marino, Thousand Oaks, Sierra Madre and all the other high class cities in Los Angeles.
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Big difference between murders and murder rate (California, Texas, and Florida are the three largest states) but otherwise, fair enough.
yeah i know, but i already explained why we those rates dont really mean much since most of the state is indeed a very nice place. A lot of people dont seem to realize that places Compton, Inglewood, East LA, South Gate etc are not in the city of Los Angeles. So a lot of the numbers from those places dont get included when were talking just about the city and not the county. That being said here are some of the worst parts of the city of L.A. ...

and many of those neighborhoods are very different. I go through chinatown every morning and wouldn't say its anywhere near the most dangerous. Most of the crimes that take place are probably fraudulent activities via the chinos but im also driving through the main street(Hill) and not in the inner parts where all the shit probably goes down.
Apparently the Norks and the Worst Koreans are experiencing some heated border troubles, and the Chinese just killed a few Indian soldiers in disputed territory. 2020 continues to be one of the craziest years since the 60s/70s.