The News Thread

I had seen that video but didn't know they arrested the wrong guy as well. Those cops definitely deserve criminal charges.
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Have you guys seen Ice Cube's Twitter feed lately? He's going apeshit, posting about how confederate graves should be exhumed, a bunch of Black Israelite stuff, sharing that mural people consider anti-Semitic, it's hilarious so many people are pissed. :lol:

It's so wild he even made a Tweet saying his account hasn't been hacked, it's 100% him.
Policing in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone by @RazSimone . There appear to be no body cameras, reports, or oversight and accountability. This was an attempt at de-escalation for spraying paint onto a building which resulted in an alleged assault. #chaz #FreeCapitolHill

The people who want to replace the police force with community policing have already "brutalized" a man for spray painting a wall. :rofl:
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Have you guys seen Ice Cube's Twitter feed lately? He's going apeshit, posting about how confederate graves should be exhumed, a bunch of Black Israelite stuff, sharing that mural people consider anti-Semitic, it's hilarious so many people are pissed. :lol:

It's so wild he even made a Tweet saying his account hasn't been hacked, it's 100% him.
lol no surprised that he's spewing that kind of bullshit. Went to his page just to see the retardation for myself and he actually said hes account has not been hacked.
Snowflake in Chief!

CNN, like other major news outlets, uses a third-party polling firm to conduct opinion surveys. In a bracing riposte, the network’s general counsel, David Vigilante, rejected the Trump campaign’s request.

“To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media,” Mr. Vigilante wrote. He added: “Your letter is factually and legally baseless. It is yet another bad faith attempt by the campaign to threaten litigation to muzzle speech it does not want voters to read or hear.”


Some retard just got brained by a falling confederate statue. :lol:

George Floyd Protests live: Protester's 'skull showing' after being crushed pulling down Confederate statue.
“There was a gentleman who was directly in front of the statue and when the statue finally did give way it came and fully hit him in the head,” a local Black Lives Matter representative told news reporter Brett Hall.

“You could see his skull was actually showing, he was convulsing on the ground. He lost a fair amount of blood, we’re asking everybody to pray for that man right now.”

Leftist attorney and his pets block road in honor of George Floyd, driver slowly attempts to drive past them, attorney shoots driver in the head, now free on $60k bail.

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Octavia Butler’s tenth novel, “Parable of the Sower,” which was published in 1993, opens in Los Angeles in 2024. Global warming has brought drought and rising seawater. The middle class and working poor live in gated neighborhoods, where they fend off the homeless with guns and walls. Fresh water is scarce, as valuable as money. Pharmaceutical companies have created “smart drugs,” which boost mental performance, and “pyro,” a pill that gives those who take it sexual pleasure from arson. Fires are common. Police services are expensive, though few people trust the police. Public schools are being privatized, as are whole towns. In this atmosphere, a Presidential candidate named Christopher Donner is elected based on his promises to dismantle government programs and bring back jobs.

Fucking creepy how prescient this book may have turned out to be...