The News Thread

Opposite but same idea here. That's how they've always talked and acted over here. There have been cases of new gangs popping up claiming sureno 13 or something from out of Cali, and they get shut down or are considered a joke ( these would be local guys who wouldn't be accepted by any local gang so they cling to that because they got a cousin in California or some other lame reason). But yeah, just how it is out here.
Im just talking about the way they dress and talk. Its just funny to see mexicans beefing with blacks but at the same time saying"nigga" this and "nigga" that and dressing like them. I doubt a mexican that talks like a mexican is going to get pressed by anybody out there, could be wrong though

Poser and claimers are everywhere. But yeah like you said those are definitely not sureno gangs because if they were sureno and connected to the Eme they would not be having any beef with anyone out there since it would be tied to politics that are much higher than street level LK's. There are clicks of 18st, MS and other sureno gangs out there and in other parts of the east coast and midwest. They've even caught huge murder cases and wiped out quite some foos in new york and made the news a few times. There are also a bunch of surenos in the prisons systems out there too which goes back to politics involving the higher ups. The Emes reach goes muuuuuch further than any of the mexican gangs out there. Most of the dope they get out there is almost surely connected to the guys out here. But those midwest and east coast gangs are non existent out here and would never survive. They would literally have to either drop that and start rolling with a hood out here or straight up ask for protection if they got locked up
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by the way, you might find this interesting. One of the gangs in my city is called PLK(Pasadena Latin Kings), but they are X3(sureno) and have zero ties to the LK's out there and have noting do with them. They're also the least respected sureno gang out here in my city. But no one gets along in this big ass city so what was eventually three sureno gangs way back in the 50's and 60's is now split up into about 7 different gangs, with the PLK being the least respected(they're also the newest, their hood out here started in about '91 when they arrived form the valley). The two most respected gangs in my city are North Side Pasa X3(North side of the city btw, not a norte 14 gang .. those dont exist out here) and Villa Boys Pasa X3 .. who are the largest and most active now. They have been murdering the bloods out here for about 20 years now. They were also a click form NSP in the 60's but broke off over some problems that started over some women(dont they all? lol). One of their cliques is called the Kboys(krazy boys) and man they are straight up blood killers.
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Black culture rubbed off on them around these parts. South side of Chicago straight south through cook county suburbs and into north west Indiana is one of the highest concentration of blacks in the country. Only reason i can come up why they talk like that:lol: . A lot of them are country mexicans, or basically hillbilly mexicans (paisas), or their parents were. 2 different kinds over here. The ones that associate with whites, and the ones that associate with blacks. Depends on the neighborhood but their speech and the way they act kind of reflects what area their from.
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hahah paisas are everywhere. But yeah i feel you. There are some mexicans who live with blacks out here too and they look and talk exactly like those dudes. But theyre also from black gangs(which btw is a huge mistake and they only come ot realize this when they get locked up). And youre right i noticed in that second video that some of them talk very differently and much cleaner. This might sound funny, but some sureno gangs out here are very "educated" and they try to be rather clean and "articulate"(as much as street foos can be) when speaking english. Some of them are straight up chicano and dont even know spanish. In the hood i grew up in(which also had a clique which was mostly white's but still part of a sureno hood) the mexicans spoke perfect english and made fun of the ones who sounded too mexican(in a friendly way obviously). :lol:
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haha found a video of the LK's out here. lol fucking lames. you'll see a few Pasadena and SGV tattoos. They also keep saying Southside(which btw means sur/sureno). You also see the big ass 13 on one side of that one dudes stomach who has LK on the other side. There is one guy in the video who looks like he might be a cousin form chicago/NY or something and its the dude who has the bandana tied all weird on his head and is tagging in east coast style graffiti lol. Yellow and beige(the same colors the kings out there use) is the color they use out here, NSP uses blue, VBP uses black, SSP uses white, VPR uses grey etc. Sureno flag is blue but the city is so big and theyre all so split up that they use their own colors, but NSP is the oldest so they kept the original blu flag. None of that shit mattes when you're busted though.

EDIT: btw SGV(San Gabriel Valley) is the valley my city is in, forgot to mention that last night. The LK's that started here came form the SFV(San Fernando Valley).
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It's really bugging me how everybody seems to have caught on to the white people going to these protests and agitating, destroying shit, vandalizing and damaging police property but they're too gutless to say what it really is; they're not just "white people" and/or "white agitators" they're overwhelmingly anarchist activists. They're in black bloc gear spraying "Black Lives Matter" all over everything, handing out petrol bombs and bricks, pushing over barricades and doing all their typical ANTIFA shit.

All these crypto-commies in the media and on the left in general are acting like it's groups of random unassociated whities joining the protests to act all anarchic, because they know the only alternative is actually calling out ANTIFA and eating almost a decade of passive or even outright support for them.
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dem damn jews
