The News Thread

Your certainty about what you see is a fucking disease.

It’s blurry, cops are actively handling him, and there’s a lamppost in the line of sight. Shut your fucking mouth about “he fell over.”
Agreed. It's obvious to me at least he wasn't shoved down, he fell either due to the aforementioned drugs or because he tripped over. The way the officers are slightly yanked down with him indicate as much.

Ultimately though, if he was basically in the process of passing out due to drugs, why was such overwhelming force required? None of this excuses what the cops did, even if the drugs killed him, why ignore what he's telling them? Why keep him pinned in such a dangerous tactic? It's just stupid and callous.
Most people that aren't high out of their mind can step don't a sidewalk without collapsing.
and they can also form proper sentences, but you dont see me accuse you of being high out of your mind ;)

Jokes aside, i dont don't doubt that he's high as fuck, you can even hear it in his voice .... but lets not pretend that he was facing the sidewalk. Someone can easily misplace their foot and trip in that scenario
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Shut your fucking mouth
man i just love it when you get all feisty. I think i'm slowly molding you into a proper man.
Agreed. It's obvious to me at least he wasn't shoved down, he fell either due to the aforementioned drugs or because he tripped over. The way the officers are slightly yanked down with him indicate as much.

Ultimately though, if he was basically in the process of passing out due to drugs, why was such overwhelming force required? None of this excuses what the cops did, even if the drugs killed him, why ignore what he's telling them? Why keep him pinned in such a dangerous tactic? It's just stupid and callous.

From the audio of the close-up video, one of the cops claimed they had tried for ten minutes to keep him inside of the car, but apparently he kept struggling/resisting or something. At some point they called for backup because they couldn't hold him still, which is when the knee guy and the Asian guy showed up.
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Right-wing plants, clearly. Worth noting that the feds have arrested three right-wing retards for conspiracy to riot, yet somehow hundreds of leftists caught on camera committing actual riot and there hasn't even been one arrest. Based retard Trump.
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I was being sarcastic. These are clearly antifa (right-wing anarchists/"Boogaloo boys"/etc are 99% male, for one) but despite threats from Barr and Trump they haven't arrested a single left-wing agitator at these events, only the tiny percentage of right-wing ones conspiring to be involved.
Yeah it's true, he even pointed the gun at her pregnant womb as four other men entered and ransacked her home. Somehow that's all in the past now though, he was a good boy turning his life around. The media is parading an alleged (likely fake) "What I want to be when I grow up" writing he made in 2nd grade, as if he was a 14 year old with some potential and not a 46 year old violent drug-addicted barely-capable-of-life piece of shit. Every black man killed by a white person is a child in the eyes of the media. If Chauvin really did strangle him over a nine minute period, then the piece of shit finally got the noose he deserved. It's so bizarre how the media frenzies public opinion over the most detestable human beings when there are victims like Atatiana Jefferson who were truly murdered by police. But then again, you can't force a dialectic over a topic where there's no controversy.