The News Thread

you have a very narrow definition of "help" and somehow don't recognize that some things are out of parents control. Too old to not know this truth
yeah you got it bud. You seem to have a lot of experience with kids. Parents are the first person who try to help they're kid when they get popped or busted. Not the first person to call the cops on them. The fact that you need me to explain this is amazing.

Whats even funnier is now Mr. "who cares about countriezzz" is all "forget about preserving da family. MUH COUNTRYYY" :lol: lame fuck. Last thing i need is 30 year olds who have probably flushed away more kids than turds telling me about family. You probably live your life under your wifes skirt.

And just to reiterate my stance on ratting. I wouldnt snitch on anyone, let alone my child. Dont really give a fuck how you want to look at that. If the problem bothers me enough i'll take care of it myself. I dont need to call other men to come take care of it for me
What's your source that "the last to go are the lungs", and how is that relevant? The question is what was the first thing to go, and the evidence so far points towards his heart, having a history of heart disease and lethal levels of the most lethal common drug in his blood.

You're comparing being drunk to having a lethal dose of fentanyl? :lol:

No, I'm comparing being drunk to being under the influence of fentanyl. You implied that him staggering around meant he had a lethal dose; I'm saying you can be wobbly as fuck and not be in danger of overdosing--hence the alcohol comment.

You can't determine lethality postmortem. You have to view the amount while alive in relation to someone's behavior. Floyd didn't exhibit the symptoms/behaviors of a fentanyl overdose, according to medical experts.

EDIT: And the reason is that it makes a massive difference in a murder case. If he was overdosing and dying, that makes their crime more akin to negligent manslaughter, holding down a guy in a non-dangerous way, failing to recognize that he was dying due to other reasons.

Let's entertain your baseless assumption that kneeling on someone's chest is "non-dangerous" and that Floyd was already dying. Unfortunately, there's no way to verify that because the murderer felt no reason to respond to Floyd's cries that he couldn't breathe. The evidence we have shows a cop murdering an unarmed person.

Get out of here with this bullshit.

And the knee was pushed away because of optical reasons, screaming protesters crying that a second Saint Floyd was occurring. Didn't you just say that every cop involved deserved to be hung?

Try again poser.

"without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck)"
Didn't you just say that every cop involved deserved to be hung?
yes. EVERY cop involved in that mans killing needs to be hung.

are you retarded?

"without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck)."

You think kneeling on someones neck isnt putting pressure on their trachea? Bahahahahha

So now do you need me to link you to numerous articles where police departments have said that kneeling on someones neck is not a part of their training and not something they do?
No, I'm comparing being drunk to being under the influence of fentanyl. You implied that him staggering around meant he had a lethal dose; I'm saying you can be wobbly as fuck and not be in danger of overdosing--hence the alcohol comment.

You can't determine lethality postmortem. You have to view the amount while alive in relation to someone's behavior. Floyd didn't exhibit the symptoms/behaviors of a fentanyl overdose, according to medical experts.

Let's entertain your baseless assumption that kneeling on someone's chest is "non-dangerous" and that Floyd was already dying. Unfortunately, there's no way to verify that because the murderer felt no reason to respond to Floyd's cries that he couldn't breathe. The evidence we have shows a cop murdering an unarmed person.

Get out of here with this bullshit.

"without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck)"

No, I'm suggesting that he had a lethal dose because he had a dose that has been found to be lethal in previous overdoses.

First off, that's obviously bullshit. If blood levels of a drug at very high levels are present in a dead body, it could easily indicate lethality. Second, you're lying through your teeth: the blood samples to determine the fentanyl levels were gathered ANTEMORTEM, and you would know that if you actually read the autopsy report.

Apparently there is footage of Chauvin saying "Don't let him go into excited delirium, don't let him hurt himself", though I haven't found it yet admittedly. That would be consistent with the technique's approval for use of restraining a person that is harming himself. I don't think all of the footage has been released yet.

The cop's knee was clearly on the side/back of Floyd's knee, not the front.
yeah you got it bud. You seem to have a lot of experience with kids. Parents are the first person who try to help they're kid when they get popped or busted. Not the first person to call the cops on them. The fact that you need me to explain this is amazing.
you can try to help, fail, and decide that law enforcement has a better chance at "fixing" your child.

I dont need to call other men to come take care of it for me
except going to fight for your homeland
yes. EVERY cop involved in that mans killing needs to be hung.

are you retarded?

"without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck)."

You think kneeling on someones neck isnt putting pressure on their trachea? Bahahahahha

So now do you need me to link you to numerous articles where police departments have said that kneeling on someones neck is not a part of their training and not something they do?

Like Einherjar you must be blind. The cop's knee is not on the front of his neck.

Can you show me those articles pre-Floyd? Virtue-signalling departments throwing him under the bus says nothing about official police guidelines.
bahahaha are you serious? Are you not understanding what you read? I dont even know what to say anymore. That quote literally proves that he had hi\m in an illegal chokkehold since he WAS putting pressure on his trachea/airway.

What evidence do you have that there was significant pressure on his airway? The knee was not on the front of the throat.
What evidence do you have that there was significant pressure on his airway? The knee was not on the front of the throat.
The knee doesnt need to be on the front of his throat to put pressure on his airways. He was on the fucking ground dude. How the fuck do you need someone to explain this to you? Do you think they just put a knee on the back of his neck and started air surfing his body or something? knee above his neck. pavement under his neck herderder
The knee doesnt need to be on the front of his throat to put pressure on his airways. He was on the fucking ground dude. How the fuck do you need someone to explain this to you? Do you think they just put a knee on the back of his neck and started air surfing his body or something? knee above his neck. pavement under his neck herderder

I forgot that you were jawless. My bad, now I understand your confusion.
Couldn't care less about your family bro but you're pretending to be some kind of authority here

Are you being serious here? :lol::lol: And you have the nerve to say others watch too much tv or twitter? Lmfaooo

Most people have faces which rest on various facial bones. A person pressed into the ground by their neck will have those bones (jawbones, cheekbones, etc) pressed into the ground before the front of their neck makes contract with the ground. I don't see in the footage where Floyd's face is cocked in such a way that it exposes the front of his neck to the ground.