The News Thread

Is it respectable to hold my child accountable for his actions? How is he supposed to pay for the crimes of rioting, looting and engaging in AntiFa terrorism by just dealing with me in secret?

Maybe I'd go easy if it was the first time he acted up sure, but this kid was stashing firearms and AntiFa gear at his parents' house lmfao I doubt he was just now popping his criminal cherry.
James Mattis Denounces President Trump, Describes Him as a Threat to the Constitution

“When I joined the military, some 50 years ago,” he writes, “I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens ... We must reject any thinking of our cities as a ‘battlespace’ that our uniformed military is called upon to ‘dominate.’ At home, we should use our military only when requested to do so, on very rare occasions, by state governors."

Mattis is a generational leader.
You're right, Dak - Mattis really is the leader we need right now!
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hold on, are you saying you would call the cops on your kid if he was an antifa member, gang banger, criminal etc? Which btw again, is not what happened in that pointless article you posted.

edit: "dealing with me in secret" :lol: Dude, and you said you have kids? what the fuck. So in your eyes the cops should be the first ones to disciple your kids, and not you? "secret" lmfao wtf
Not sure what's funny about that. We're not talking about a little kid here, the guy is 20, his parents probably gave him plenty of chances and talks and attempts at discipline. He still stashed guns and gear at their home, and even if they didn't technically hand him in I wouldn't mind if they did. Families of terrorists hiding them from authorities is a not insignificant problem for law enforcement.
Not sure what's funny about that. We're not talking about a little kid here, the guy is 20, his parents probably gave him plenty of chances and talks and attempts at discipline. He still stashed guns and gear at their home, and even if they didn't technically hand him in I wouldn't mind if they did. Families of terrorists hiding them from authorities is a not insignificant problem for law enforcement.

tbh I doubt they ever particularly disciplined him
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"hiding them from the authorities" :lol: Yeah, because disciplining your kid yourself instead of handing them over to the cops is "hiding them". What fucking planet are you living on? Dude you sound like a straight up bitch made faggot here.

How do you discipline your adult child who is to varying degrees a criminal? How do you discipline a gangbanger for example? Enlighten me with your extensive knowledge on raising children lmao.
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Families of terrorists hiding them from authorities is a not insignificant problem for law enforcement.
and to add to my last post ..... reading this is just plain hilarious. I think ein might have been on to something when he implied that you might just be a cop lover. You sound like a fucking DA. "hiding" lmao. Families naturally trying to defend their kids or trying to handle shit like this by themselves instead of getting their own kids caught up in the system sounds foreign to you? hahahhah, really?? Youre also making it seem like he was some serial killer or a member of al quaeda or something with your straight out of the book court room talk.
How do you discipline your adult child who is to varying degrees a criminal? How do you discipline a gangbanger for example? Enlighten me with your extensive knowledge on raising children lmao.
well lets be real, if were talking about actually raising children, i think i have far more experience than you do. I honestly doubt you've "raised" any children. Having a kid and raising them are two different things. That being said, there are plenty of ways you can try and approach that situation ... put a boot up his ass, try everything you can to help him by pointing him in the right direction, and there are plenty of ways to approach that whether it be by counseling or actually taking him under your wing and guiding him yourself(you know, like a father would naturally do) .. help him find a job, take him to work with you, make sure you're always by his side, even if there promises or even sacrifices that you yourself have to make. If you have to completely change your life around(move to another state, country etc) in order to help out your kid then you do it. If all else fails you can kick him out. But i would NEVER turn my kids into the police. But i like your three choices. totally sounds legit and would be something i expect from a father instead of just some dude typing shit up on a keyboard and pretending he actual knows how to deal with said situation.
Weird shit right now: Bannon and some Chinese billionaire fugitive are livestreaming their declaration of a new Chinese state. Feels like a schizo larp but

Yeah, with a cop's knee on his neck. Seems like he was doing alright before that.

Except for the part where he was shown to be barely able to walk long before the knee