The News Thread

well lets be real, if were talking about actually raising children, i think i have far more experience than you do. I honestly doubt you've "raised" any children. Having a kid and raising them are two different things. That being said, there are plenty of ways you can try and approach that situation ... put a boot up his ass, try everything you can to help him by pointing him in the right direction, and there are plenty of ways to approach that whether it be by counseling or actually taking him under your wing and guiding him yourself(you know, like a father would naturally do) .. help him find a job, take him to work with you, make sure you're always by his side, even if there promises or even sacrifices that you yourself have to make. If you have to completely change your life around(move to another state, country etc) in order to help out your kid then you do it. If all else fails you can kick him out. But i would NEVER turn my kids into the police. But i like your three choices. totally sounds legit and would be something i expect from a father instead of just some dude typing shit up on a keyboard and pretending he actual knows how to deal with said situation.

That was low and weirdly scummy of you, I'm done with this conversation.

hold on, you implied i haven't raised kids(not sure what would make you come to that conclusion since i never talk about my personal life on this forum), but me implying that you haven't raised any kids is scummy? You dont see the hypocrisy here? So you think im saying that people who are separated and the mom raises the kid are bad people? Wtf, youre acting like i called you a deadbeat dad or something. If you think i did then you equally did the same thing with me. But thats not the case since that's not what i fucking said. but whatever man, i couldn't give any less of a shit what some dude who would turn in his own kids to the cops thinks.

edit: and fuck you too @Terasophe
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Weird shit right now: Bannon and some Chinese billionaire fugitive are livestreaming their declaration of a new Chinese state. Feels like a schizo larp but

They're playing a fucking power ballad federalist national anthem, guitar solo and all, this timeline is so fucking weird

Who cares anyway, they still ignored the guy saying he couldn't breath. On drugs or not, they let him die without making any adjustments for his safety whatsoever.

I agree 100%, but he likely wasn't even about to die. You're virtally unconscious before you die by fentanyl; it shuts everything down, and the last to go are the lungs.

I just don't understand why it was brought up at all. If we agree the cop acted unjustly and should be charged, then what's the point of introducing evidence of Floyd being high except to somehow make the officer less at fault? I don't understand the intent, is all (I know you didn't post it, I'm just saying).

Except for the part where he was shown to be barely able to walk long before the knee

You've never enjoyed a good stumble while intoxicated? Doesn't mean you're closer to death's door.

EDIT: Well, who's really surprised?

A Twitter account that claimed to represent a national antifa organization and that urged protesters to loot "white" neighborhoods was actually run by white nationalist group Identity Evropa, according to a Twitter spokesperson.

The account, which posted under the handle "@ANTIFA_US," falsely aligned itself with ongoing Black Lives Matter protests nationwide. One tweet that called for protesters to "move into residential areas" and "take what's ours" was retweeted hundreds of times as of Sunday night.

For what it's worth, I'm sure that ANTIFA affiliates co-opt Twitter accounts as well.
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they probably are. But are you implying that getting your own kids busted(which was not the case here btw) is in any way respectable?
Guess this explains why you never represented this country or Armenia. A citizen has to stand for something higher than their family's self preservation and this belief is rooted in a lot of issues present with our country today. Shame.

And you definitely implied a deadbeat and you can't be mad since you "never talk about family". Hope you don't have kids with all the fucking time you spend on here and watching shitty movies:lol:
Guess this explains why you never represented this country or Armenia. A citizen has to stand for something higher than their family's self preservation and this belief is rooted in a lot of issues present with our country today. Shame.

Bahahhahahhahhaa. Another person who's never raised a child is exposed. You guys are hilarious.


And you definitely implied a deadbeat and you can't be mad since you "never talk about family".
no, what i did is imply that he's never raised a kid. not mad at all. I'd have no problem calling anyone of you guys a deadbeat if that was the case. And just to be clear, someone who would rat on their own kids and put them in jail instead of trying to help them is far worse than a deadbeat so yeah. :thumbsup:

Hope you don't have kids with all the fucking time you spend on here and watching shitty movies:lol:
I agree 100%, but he likely wasn't even about to die. You're virtally unconscious before you die by fentanyl; it shuts everything down, and the last to go are the lungs.

I just don't understand why it was brought up at all. If we agree the cop acted unjustly and should be charged, then what's the point of introducing evidence of Floyd being high except to somehow make the officer less at fault? I don't understand the intent, is all (I know you didn't post it, I'm just saying).

You've never enjoyed a good stumble while intoxicated? Doesn't mean you're closer to death's door.

What's your source that "the last to go are the lungs", and how is that relevant? The question is what was the first thing to go, and the evidence so far points towards his heart, having a history of heart disease and lethal levels of the most lethal common drug in his blood.

You're comparing being drunk to having a lethal dose of fentanyl? :lol:

EDIT: And the reason is that it makes a massive difference in a murder case. If he was overdosing and dying, that makes their crime more akin to negligent manslaughter, holding down a guy in a non-dangerous way, failing to recognize that he was dying due to other reasons.
how many chokeholds have you seen where a cop is kneeling down on the back of someones neck? What you saw in that video is not what they are trained to do, since you know ... its pretty damn dangerous. And you dont need to die for it to be considered dangerous you dumbass.

Just in the riots there have been multiple cases. MPD explicitly said they are going to stop using those chokeholds after they had previously trained cops in their use. The cop *could* have been using it dangerously but there are plenty of other possibilities at play. It's only black and white if you've been watching too much television or Twitter.
Just in the riots there have been multiple cases.
I saw it used only once and the other officer was quick to lift and push away the leg of the cop that was doing it. Btw, having a leg on someones back is not the same as having a leg on their throat.

MPD explicitly said they are going to stop using those chokeholds after they had previously trained cops in their use. The cop *could* have been using it dangerously but there are plenty of other possibilities at play.
numerous cops and police stations have already came out and said kneeling on someone neck is not what they're trained to do. But maybe the MPD did, do you have a link of an article where they say that "chokehold" is something they're trained to do?

It's only black and white if you've been watching too much television or Twitter.
Lulz. this is gold coming from you.
I saw it used only once and the other officer was quick to lift and push away the leg of the cop that was doing it. Btw, having a leg on someones back is not the same as having a leg on their throat.

numerous cops and police stations have already came out and said kneeling on someone neck is not what they're trained to do. But maybe the MPD did, do you have a link of an article where they say that "chokehold" is something they're trained to do?

Lulz. this is gold coming from you.

And the knee was pushed away because of optical reasons, screaming protesters crying that a second Saint Floyd was occurring. Didn't you just say that every cop involved deserved to be hung?

5-311 USE OF NECK RESTRAINTS AND CHOKE HOLDS (10/16/02) (08/17/07) (10/01/10) (04/16/12)


Choke Hold: Deadly force option. Defined as applying direct pressure on a person’s trachea or airway (front of the neck), blocking or obstructing the airway (04/16/12)

Neck Restraint: Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person’s neck with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck). Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. The MPD authorizes two types of neck restraints: Conscious Neck Restraint and Unconscious Neck Restraint. (04/16/12)

Conscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with intent to control, and not to render the subject unconscious, by only applying light to moderate pressure. (04/16/12)

Unconscious Neck Restraint: The subject is placed in a neck restraint with the intention of rendering the person unconscious by applying adequate pressure. (04/16/12)

Try again poser.