The News Thread

Even if he did, does that change anything regarding what actually went down in that video? And please dont come at me with "but muh hate crimez". And id be willing to bet that he said more than just "fucking my pals", if he even did say it, but they're conveniently leaving it out

Couldn't care less about your family
oh yes. obvious from your fixation on me having kids or not.

bro but you're pretending to be some kind of authority here
Oh i that whats going on here? Im pretending to be some kind of authority? hahaha got it

nice ninja edit btw

I'm not even going to bother responding to your chokehold comments anymore since its rather obvious that you absolutely have no idea what you're talking about.
Christ, this is disgusting.

No, I'm suggesting that he had a lethal dose because he had a dose that has been found to be lethal in previous overdoses.

First off, that's obviously bullshit. If blood levels of a drug at very high levels are present in a dead body, it could easily indicate lethality. Second, you're lying through your teeth: the blood samples to determine the fentanyl levels were gathered ANTEMORTEM, and you would know that if you actually read the autopsy report.

Not lying if I haven't read the report, have I?

You're right, it was antemortem. But in any case, that should be even more convincing, since he clearly wasn't exhibiting overdose symptoms in the video.

Apparently there is footage of Chauvin saying "Don't let him go into excited delirium, don't let him hurt himself", though I haven't found it yet admittedly. That would be consistent with the technique's approval for use of restraining a person that is harming himself. I don't think all of the footage has been released yet.

:lol: Then he should get off his fucking neck.

The cop's knee was clearly on the side/back of Floyd's knee, not the front.

Totally safe.

You go on your blue lives crusade, let us know when you crack the case.
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Even if he did, does that change anything regarding what actually went down in that video? And please dont come at me with "but muh hate crimez". And id be willing to bet that he said more than just "fucking my pals", if he even did say it, but they're conveniently leaving it out


Greg McMichael, Travis's father, made an admission to not knowing whether or not Ahmaud stole anything and that he had a "gut feeeling" he was involved in robberies in the neighborhood.

One day it'll upset you that two racist white dudes were hoping to find, confront and subdue a black man they hoped was the culprit of some minor trespasses. The law likely shields the McMichaels from jail time, but you should be upset that a dude was killed because of two fucking idiots and a bad law.
oh look, a tweet from "Lorc Balvin" :lol:

And just to be clear, i dont give one bit of a fuck if anyone involved in that incident was a racist or not. You seem to think that the dude was killed because he was black. That alone proves that you cannot and should not be touching this topic.

One day it'll upset you that two racist white dudes were hoping to find, confront and subdue a black man they hoped was the culprit of some minor trespasses. The law likely shields the McMichaels from jail time, but you should be upset that a dude was killed because of two fucking idiots and a bad law.
i would never be "upset" over the fact that a man was shot and killed while trying to reach for and take another mans gun during an altercation/fight. That would be like me being upset over the fact that your brain is probably about as smooth as a bowling ball.
When the Floyd story first broke I was Googling about the neck-holds and in many states it's not only not taught at training but it's an outright offense that will have you reprimanded. I met an ex-CO online who said he knew first hand some guys who had gotten in trouble for using it (he isn't from Minneapolis though).

However statements made by officials in Minneapolis said while that hold was no longer taught in training it was still reserved and commonly used by officers in situations where they felt their life was in even more danger than usual ("According to the Minneapolis Police Department's manual, officers may only use neck restraints and chokeholds on a suspect if they feel their life is at risk").

There's obviously an issue there, if it's no longer taught to officers but isn't explicitly banned either.
Christ, this is disgusting.

Not lying if I haven't read the report, have I?

You're right, it was antemortem. But in any case, that should be even more convincing, since he clearly wasn't exhibiting overdose symptoms in the video.

:lol: Then he should get off his fucking neck.

Totally safe.

You go on your blue lives crusade, let us know when you crack the case.

When you state something authoritatively and then admit that you've done no research, it's no different from lying.

Still waiting for that source where you show the definitive official overdose symptoms that a guy with heart conditions and high levels of fentanyl in the blood is supposed to show.

Agreed and that's why I think some kind of negligent homicide/manslaughter charge is more appropriate. It's not remotely second-degree murder based on what I see so far.

I celebrated Micah Johnson's and Chuck Dorner's vigilante cop killing sprees bro, you have no idea what my politics are on this matter, lmao. I don't have a personal grudge against cops like Tech but I think the very institution of the police represents a degradation of society that throws away agency for nothing. I don't think the government should enjoy any monopoly on authority, and that if anything cops represent the second line of defense in anarcho-tyranny (criminals represent the first, judges and elected leaders represent the third). The higher up the chain of command, the more supportive I am of death.
"personal grudge" lulz. The only personal grudges i have with cops are with some of the ones i personally know. Some of the dirtiest human beings i have ever come across are cops. But there are also some good ones who would put their life on the line to help others.

There are a lot of cops who are basically spinless cowards and people who were basically bullied growing and are very iffy because of it. Those are not the people you should be giving badges and guns to. But as for cops on a whole I basically dont give a shit about them. I can defend myself, my loves one and my properties without the help of other men.
When you state something authoritatively and then admit that you've done no research, it's no different from lying.


Still waiting for that source where you show the definitive official overdose symptoms that a guy with heart conditions and high levels of fentanyl in the blood is supposed to show.

Also this:

When someone overdoses on fentanyl, they first become sleepy, and it is hard to wake them. Their breathing becomes slow and shallow. They may snore, and they may pass out.

"Einherjar eats his aborted progeny with chili". Did I lie? I don't know that statement to be untrue.

You just said "the last to go are the lungs" in cases of fentanyl overdose, and now you're linking to a source saying that the lungs are the primary target of fentanyl overdose. Try to keep a consistent and sensible argument.
"Einherjar eats his aborted progeny with chili". Did I lie? I don't know that statement to be untrue.

No, you didn’t lie. You’re wrong, but you didn’t lie.

You just said "the last to go are the lungs" in cases of fentanyl overdose, and now you're linking to a source saying that the lungs are the primary target of fentanyl overdose. Try to keep a consistent and sensible argument.

It does target the respiratory system. And in an overdose, the body basically goes comatose—drowsy, limp, unconscious. But you’re still breathing.

George Floyd was awake, walking, and could communicate. He didn’t overdose.

Quit being a dunce.
No, you didn’t lie. You’re wrong, but you didn’t lie.

It does target the respiratory system. And in an overdose, the body basically goes comatose—drowsy, limp, unconscious. But you’re still breathing.

George Floyd was awake, walking, and could communicate. He didn’t overdose.

Quit being a dunce.

He was struggling to walk before being detained, and the only footage I've seen of him talking indicated difficulty staying awake and talking. Not sure what video you've seen to the contrary, I'd love to see it.

I'm not saying his death was entirely attributable to fentanyl btw, I'm saying that his body was a fucking mess and that there were multiple factors that could have plausibly contributed to his death, namely 1) drugs present in the blood at levels known to be lethal and 2) severely clogged heart arteries. A conviction of murder requires evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, so based on the current evidence, unless the jury is heavily rigged, good luck on a unanimous finding of guilt.
The video where they get him out of the car? He was walking fine! A police officer was pushing him, so he was stumbling a bit. Then they sat him down on the sidewalk. He was awake and talking. I don’t understand what you’re seeing.

~2:55, they sit him down and he's positioned more or less straight

~3:20, he's slouched heavily to his left and is struggling to keep his head up

~3:30, he starts leaning even more to his left, almost tipped over

And when they get him back up and start walking him around he looks like he's grimacing in pain as he walks in a tiny shuffle. At 5:18 he just collapses onto the ground.