The News Thread

The attack in Russia is actually a huge topic in my circles, so I can't agree with your premise.

It's been big news since it happened.

Not really in local media and people I know, and I don't really do social media but nobody was talking to me about it. Serious news websites sure. Hard to argue about it because I'm just talking about my personal experience. What I think you can't deny is Paris is more covered than the plane.
I think it's because early on they didn't know why it crashed and planes do crash from time to time. I think the Malaysian flight that disappeared got a lot more coverage though.
the plane thing was a lot more protracted, we weren't even sure it was terrorism for a while and it's not like plane crashes in themselves are that rare. several terrorist attacks right in the middle of a busy western city in the space of an hour, taking hostage and killing mostly young people on a fun night out, was more unprecedented and chilling - a lot of people were watching it unfold in real time too which made it more immediate. plus, idk that this applies to america so much, but a lot of people here know victims or, like myself, know people who know victims; it's less removed from our sphere of relevance than a lot of terrorist attacks are. the fact that they targetted such innocuous public gatherings in probably the closest capital city outside of the UK has kind of hit home with the british public how easily it could happen to them and their loved ones.

i mean, as i implied earlier i do think a lot of people do arbitrarily pick and choose what things to get upset/outraged about, what causes to get behind etc, and do so in really self-serving attention-whoring ways, but in this case the extra level of interest/investment is pretty understandable.