The News Thread

Chick-fil-A CEO Urges White Christians to Repent of Their “Racism” and Shine Blacks’ Shoes
Two days after a black man, Rayshard Brooks, was shot and killed by an Atlanta police officer while being arrested for public drunkenness, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, said that white Christians need to repent of their racism. Speaking at Passion City Church in Atlanta on Sunday, Cathy said that to show black people that white Christians are serious about that repentance, they should shine the shoes of black people as way of expressing their “shame.”
Speaking of "hateful bones" this guy clearly wants one inside his ass.
we can never say "all the people" when talking about anything like this, but yes most do care and it has nothing to do with politics.

Based on what?


EDIT: and while you’re at it, please define “care.” Are they willing to go stand in front of the monuments? Or is it just a convenient excuse to complain about dem durty libs?
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Damn I remember that video, it was in like every World Star-type street fight compilation on Youtube last year. I think the backstory was that some little kid got bullied by the older kids who get beaten up in that video, so he calls his older brother and his older brother and his fucking dad come down and beat them all up.

Talk about an overreaction.
most of the racism in this country comes from the blacks who have some kind of imaginary chip on their shoulder.


Doesn’t look all that imaginary.

No! She was calmly and peacefully sitting on the bench. We do not know what that officer told her to make her get so angry. And of course, we will never know because she can't breathe anymore

A life was taken yo, you don't have to shoot her, just run away and arrest her later that is it. Now you know why George Floyd died. So pretty much you shoot anything that moves, wtf.

I just... can’t believe some of the shit coming from the left. That officer is lucky to even be alive. If that woman knew how to attack him with that knife, she’d have gutted him at such close range.

a school friend is mad at me for saying that shooting a taser at an officer is an offense that should be met with deadly force. People are so wrapped up in seeing evil in blue that they can’t even think what they’d do in these situations.

if anyone wonders why I chose mushroom hermit living in the mountains of buttfuck nowhere...
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Doesn’t look all that imaginary.
Do you know that guy? Was that taken last week? Last year? Ten years ago? Twenty years ago? Yeah that's right, like i said .... you're a walking leftist talking point. I suggest you hand out whips to some black people and ask them to leave you with those same scars. Might just make you feel better about yourself.
I just... can’t believe some of the shit coming from the left.
lol really?

a school friend is mad at me for saying that shooting a taser at an officer is an offense that should be met with deadly force.

Deadly force? nah. They should have fucked that guy up(its not like there was only one cop on the scene), shot him(arms, legs etc), but i dont think someone shooting a taser at a cop deserves to lose his life. Am i surprised though? not one bit. And the outcome would have been no different regardless of what race that person is. But again, thats not going to fit the narrative of the ein's of this world so its anther DA WHITE COPS KILLED DA POOR BLACK MAN story
Damn I remember that video, it was in like every World Star-type street fight compilation on Youtube last year. I think the backstory was that some little kid got bullied by the older kids who get beaten up in that video, so he calls his older brother and his older brother and his fucking dad come down and beat them all up.
there was a dad in that video? and he participated in the beatdown of some school kids? Smfh
Do you know that guy? Was that taken last week? Last year? Ten years ago? Twenty years ago? Yeah that's right, like i said .... you're a walking leftist talking point. I suggest you hand out whips to some black people and ask them to leave you with those same scars. Might just make you feel better about yourself.

blah blah blah "like i said"---jfc, you're a fucking dunce dude. Stick to your "racially diverse neighborhood" enlightenment, and leave the real work to the rest of us.

sick black metal band logo

bahahahahah says the guy who has never left his house and had any give and take with any minorities. bahahahha oh man that's fucking hilarious. you live in a fucking bubble dude.

BUT LOOK AT DA PICTURE OF DA SLAVES :rofl::rofl::rofl: dem critical thinking skillz iz of da chartz brah bahahahhahah

bahahahahahahahahaha how do you know any of the shit you say bahahahahhahaha

You live in a fake world.
lol really?

do keep in mind my state tends to vote democratic for governor but leans to the right on most things as it’s a predominantly white state stuck in old ways. (Nearly all my experience with “pocs” comes from work)

WV is a bit of a conundrum in itself, even as it celebrated its birthday yesterday.

I've tried to straddle the fence on things most of my adult life. Maybe even swaying a bit from right to left but I just can’t wrap my mind around the insanity currently coming from the left right now. Maybe it’s just my first blunt exposure to it.

I just... can’t believe some of the shit coming from the left. That officer is lucky to even be alive. If that woman knew how to attack him with that knife, she’d have gutted him at such close range.

Apparently she had requested help and was waiting for an officer, which is why he so calmly approaches her. He was probably thinking he needed to council a distressed woman or something. Seems to me she was attempting to pledge loyalty to ISIS by murdering a cop, fucking insane.