The News Thread

Numbers a little higher than usual, but a pretty typical summer weekend around here.
... weve had quite a few homicides in the last 2-3 weeks
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oooooh there are black trump fans
bahahaha is that why you thought i posted that? Not because it was another "bias" breitbart link? Not because i was CLEARLY again pointing out how racist blacks regularly are? Why would i need to point out one of the countless black trump supporters to you? Or are you legit shocked that there are black Trumpsters(wouldnt be surprised considering how disconnected from reality your are)? LOL! Gods you're such a fucking idiot. You really need to polish dem critical thinking skillz, babygirl
bahahaha is that why you thought i posted that? Not because it was another "bias" breitbart link? Not because i was CLEARLY again pointing out how racist blacks regularly are? Why would i need to point out one of the countless black trump supporters to you? Or are you legit shocked that there are black Trumpsters(wouldnt be surprised considering how disconnected from reality your are)? LOL! Gods you're such a fucking idiot. You really need to polish dem critical thinking skillz, babygirl

Settle down tiger, you're getting ahead of yourself.

First, you don't get how racism works. Racism and prejudice are different things. Learn about it kiddo!

Second, nothing you do is "clear." Your posts are riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, your tone exudes disdain and contempt for everyone you talk to, and your sense of humor is shit. There's no way to tell what you "clearly" mean. Only you're that confident in your own clarity, and I doubt you'll be convinced otherwise because your confidence is vastly disproportionate to your intellect.

Third, of course I'm not shocked. Ignorant people come in all shapes and sizes, bruh. Sometimes they're black sheriffs, and sometimes they're Armenian metalheads with serious narcissism and anger issues.
i think you need to familiarize yourself with what the definition of racism is instead of conveniently putting it to use only when you "durty libz" need to. I'm pretty sure you'd have no problem calling someone who was wearing a FUCK OBAMA shirt rolling up on a bunch of black people and calling them "dirty 'joggerz'" a racist.

the fact that the meaning of that video(again, a post with just a video link) wasnt clear to you shows that you really are soft in the head. BUTBUT BLACK TRUMP SUPPORTAZ :lol: You can pretend to be some kind of armchair intellectual on a metal forum all you want, but i will continue to point out just how shallow and dumb you truly are. "IM SO SMARTZ BUT I CANT UNDERSTAND SIMPLE MEMES AND VIDEO LINKS" bahahhahahhahhaha. honest to gods, youre one of the stupidest people i have ever come across.

and sense of humor when talking to you? TO YOU???? bahahhaha. What i do is stomp you into dust every time we give and take. There is no humor there on my part.

But again, all i hear from your post is ...
i think you need to familiarize yourself with what the definition of racism is instead of conveniently putting it to use only when you "durty libz" need to. I'm pretty sure you'd have no problem calling someone who was wearing a FUCK OBAMA shirt rolling up on a bunch of black people and calling them "dirty 'joggerz'" a racist.

I wouldn't call them a racist. I'd say they're prejudiced against black people because of *gasp* racism.

See how that worked? Not actually that difficult, was it?

What i do is stomp you into dust every time we give and take.


But again, all i hear from your post is ...

That's because you have tinnitus and your ears don't work.
I wouldn't call them a racist.
:lol: what a lying sack of shit. You've referred to other users here and even lyrics from bands as racist. Like i said a)familiarize yourself with what the definition of racism is(there are many different forms) and b)you guys only use the word when it fits your "black people cant be racist"(lulz) narrative.

anyway im still having a good laugh at your "OOOOH BLACK TRUMP FANS" response to my post. Bahahah what a fucking simpleton you are. And i love how that led to my beautiful grammar and spelling. Just another clear sign of your defeat ....
what a lying sack of shit. You've referred to other users here and even lyrics from bands as racist.

Whom here have I called racist?

Like i said a)familiarize yourself with what the definition of racism is(there are many different forms) and b)you guys only use the word when it fits your "black people cant be racist"(lulz) narrative.


anyway im still having a good laugh at your "OOOOH BLACK TRUMP FANS" response to my post. Bahahah what a fucking simpleton you are. And i love how that led to my beautiful grammar and spelling. Just another clear sign of your defeat ....

Whom here have I called racist?
You've even referred to some of the very people in this thread as racist. But here's one of my favorites ....

Congratulations you fucking fascist, nihilist, anarchist, racist, misogynist, bigot, slutty socialite tramp.

I mean, there's a gold mine of your own posts that i can crush you with ...

A person can go to Japan and make anti-Japanese remarks, just like a person can go to Chicago's south side and shout racial epithets in the middle of the street (good luck with that). I would call that person bigoted, prejudiced, stupid obviously, and I would call those actions racist.

... but it's not racist for a black guy to roll up on white people and call them "peckerwood cracker ass bitches" while threatening to slap up a woman? :lol:

You've even referred to lyrics, bands, books, films, directors, jokes etc as racist.

The fact that there's over 10+ pages of you using the word "racist" on this forum(now don't go deleting them, i have most of the good ones saved ;)) again proves the old saying that whoever constantly has racism on their mind is the real racist. You're just a weak minded fool who's been trained to spread the lefts poison. You are nothing more than a liberal pawn and you dont even know it. But hey i love using you as a punching bag so im not complaining.
You've even referred to some of the very people in this thread as racist. But here's one of my favorites ....


omg I'm so happy right now. You're seriously quoting that as an example of me calling someone racist? Did you catch the context of that post? Did you even notice when I posted it? Wow, bravo TB, you got me. :lol:

I mean, there's a gold mine of your own posts that i can crush you with ...

Did you even read what I wrote?

A person can go to Japan and make anti-Japanese remarks, just like a person can go to Chicago's south side and shout racial epithets in the middle of the street (good luck with that). I would call that person bigoted, prejudiced, stupid obviously, and I would call those actions racist.


You've even referred to lyrics, bands, books, films, directors, jokes etc as racist.

Suuuuuure, with this wealth of evidence you've provided, I believe it. :rolleyes:

The fact that there's over 10+ pages of you using the word "racist" on this forum(now don't go deleting them, i have most of the good ones saved ;)) again proves the old saying that whoever constantly has racism on their mind is the real racist. You're just a weak minded fool who's been trained to spread the lefts poison. You are nothing more than a liberal pawn and you dont even know it. But hey i love using you as a punching bag so im not complaining.

:lol: What do I need to fucking delete? I've had conversations about racism, sure--but somehow that equates to me calling people racist? :lol:

Dude, I'm glad you find me so entertaining, but right now you're a regular Bob Hope. Keep the jokes coming.