Approximately Infinite Universe
Democrats have it so easy considering how shit their opposition party is yet they still make optics gaffes like this.
I thought it was funny that Erdoğan retaliated by saying "well then, maybe Turkey will just have to recognize the genocide of Native Americans."
It's interesting to hear someone suggest that governments will ban crypto, most people I hear talk about it think the most governments will do is try to regulate it, which I can't see happening either, well not effectively. I really don't care what they do but it's quite amusing to read on another forum I frequent just what crypto is costing the world and it's 'green' economy while the same people preaching crypto as the way of the future argue just how much green power their solar panels are putting back into the grid and how much difference they are making.
As you say the resources used worldwide to make crypto work is massive. Piles and piles of graphics cards being dumped when they stop becoming useful, other computer hardware being dumped, the waste alone is a huge problem, but the carbon footprint is even bigger. I was reading an article a few weeks ago that claimed the carbon footprint from crypto servers is currently larger than the airline and shipping industry combined and will grow to more than 30% of the worlds carbon footprint by 2045, with current trends. I can't find the article right now, it's doesn't seem to be in my cache, but even while taking their figures with a grain of salt the impact of the crypto market is quite massive.
this wierd advertisement kinda seems like it's possibly a badly-done reference to white cops shooting unarmed black civiliansI’m still trying to figure out if this is a joke...
Democrats have it so easy considering how shit their opposition party is yet they still make optics gaffes like this.
For five years now, investigators have struggled to explain the strange experiences reported by US diplomats and other government workers in Cuba, Russia, China and elsewhere -- episodes that in some cases have led to chronic headaches and brain injuries. Victims have reported experiencing sudden vertigo, headaches and head pressure, sometimes accompanying by a "piercing directional noise." Some reported being able to escape the symptoms simply by moving to another room -- and step back into them by returning to their original position.
Funky.Some officials tracking Havana Syndrome suggest that, if a foreign adversary is using some kind of directed energy weapon, the intent may not be to harass or maim US personnel, but rather to collect information from their cell phones.