The News Thread

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Anyone else hoping crypto goes away out of sheer laziness? I already have to deal with one fiat currency and I don't really feel like giving attention to the next cunt coin that comes out.
Dude you don't get it, there's only a finite amount of bitcoin so it's 100% inflation proof, aside from the infinite number of forks and other cryptos constantly coming out to make bitcoin obsolete.

Welcome back btw


Seriously though, I don't think this comes as a shock to anyone. Uphold the neoliberal order at all costs--including pricing people out of health care.
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Looks like the U.S. is going to launch an investigation into COVID originating from a lab leak in China.

This is of course totally possible, but it's going to engender a LOT of bad takes. For now, we need to wait and see what comes up. Statistically speaking, it's simply more likely that the virus host-switched to humans from an as yet unidentified animal (this happens all the time in other scenarios).

If it did "originate" in a lab, I won't be surprised; but I also won't be surprised if it was a totally accidental breach--which, again, is far more likely.
Just because it was created in a lab doesn't follow that they released it maliciously, I don't really get the trepidation. China will of course react like the pissbabies they are, they did it to Australia when we demanded an investigation ages ago.
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Looks like the U.S. is going to launch an investigation into COVID originating from a lab leak in China.

This is of course totally possible, but it's going to engender a LOT of bad takes. For now, we need to wait and see what comes up. Statistically speaking, it's simply more likely that the virus host-switched to humans from an as yet unidentified animal (this happens all the time in other scenarios).

If it did "originate" in a lab, I won't be surprised; but I also won't be surprised if it was a totally accidental breach--which, again, is far more likely.
of course there's the possibility that it originated in a lab and that we just misidentified which lab it came from
before the people in Wuhan were identified as having an ilness no one's ever seen before
white people who work in virology labs in the USA were walking in-and-out of that lab and flying back to america every fucking day
whith all these white people in america who are "non-symptomatic carriers" and all these white people in america whose one-and-only symptom was temporarily loosing their sense of smell,

there is the very real possibility that the lab-made virus originated in a lab in america and had already infected the labworkers in china before anyone had any way of knowing that the virus had already infected the specific american-virology-lab-workers who were walking around the Wuhan virology lab on a daily basis
Just because it was created in a lab doesn't follow that they released it maliciously


I guess I don't really see it as a "pissbabies they are" situation. I think the U.S. and any significant superpower that has the capacity to control media narratives would behave the same way. We're all big pissbabies.
I guess I don't really see it as a "pissbabies they are" situation. I think the U.S. and any significant superpower that has the capacity to control media narratives would behave the same way. We're all big pissbabies.

I assume you didn't see how China reacted when the Australian government called for an independent investigation. The Chinese ambassador threatened Australia with a consumer boycott over it, then they tried to start a trade war with us by putting an 80% tariff on our barley exports lmfao.

They're pissbabies just like Trump.
@zabu of nΩd

of course there's the possibility that it originated in a lab and that we just misidentified which lab it came from
before the people in Wuhan were identified as having an ilness no one's ever seen before
white people who work in virology labs in the USA were walking in-and-out of that lab and flying back to america every fucking day
whith all these white people in america who are "non-symptomatic carriers" and all these white people in america whose one-and-only symptom was temporarily loosing their sense of smell,

there is the very real possibility that the lab-made virus originated in a lab in america and had already infected the labworkers in china before anyone had any way of knowing that the virus had already infected the specific american-virology-lab-workers who were walking around the Wuhan virology lab on a daily basis

so everyone is just going to ignore this??
If it did "originate" in a lab, I won't be surprised
i'm surprised you feel this way. I was reading something yesterday or the day before because Nate Silver was talking about this topic, and I think this would be one of few/the only case where a "human created" virus was able to spread this rapidly and devastatingly. If not at least for your own personal sci-fi interests!

Always fascinating to see the progression of;
  • straight forward reporting
  • mass misinformation among significant majority of the populations
  • fall back for years to come
:lol: and this will surely be no different
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"human created" virus was able to spread this rapidly and devastatingly
how devastating is it really??
how many people really obeyed the stay-at-home mandates??
how many people wearing masks in the stores just took off the masks as soon as they stepped outside??
how many people had temporarily loosing sense of smell as their one-and-only symptom??
how many people were typhoid marys and didn't even realize it??
i think the vaccine is being pumped into the arms of typhoid mary people who already had the virus and didn't even realize it
the way this virus spreads the masks and quarentines weren't doing shit
and without the vaccine existing we would have eventually (by now possibly??) gotten to the point of every human on the planet getting infected
i'm surprised you feel this way. I was reading something yesterday or the day before because Nate Silver was talking about this topic, and I think this would be one of few/the only case where a "human created" virus was able to spread this rapidly and devastatingly. If not at least for your own personal sci-fi interests!

Always fascinating to see the progression of;
  • straight forward reporting
  • mass misinformation among significant majority of the populations
  • fall back for years to come
:lol: and this will surely be no different

It’s not likely that it’s a result of lab technician error or some such. The far more likely explanation is that it happened “organically” as a instance of host-switching between an animal and a human.

I merely mean that given the amount of bioengineering/testing going on with coronaviruses since the SARS outbreak, I wouldn’t be surprised if an accident happened.

It’s the same reason I wouldn’t be surprised at another nuclear reactor meltdown. Even though statistically it’s unlikely, it’s a very real possibility.
Republicans block 9/11-style congressional probe of Capitol riot.
The reasons behind the filibuster were two-fold. Donald Trump himself has been actively working against the commission, which could have probed his actions - and inaction - before and during the assault. It's very clear the ex-president still has considerable sway within the party.

Even Republicans who care little for Mr Trump, however, were concerned that the investigation would reflect poorly on the Republican party as a whole - and possibly stretch into 2022, damaging their hopes in the mid-term congressional elections.

Democrats could unilaterally form a new "select" congressional committee to investigate, but Republicans will be quick to dismiss it as a political show.

The prospects for a widely accepted "official" account of that horrific day now seem dim, at best.
5 people died
couldn't we just charge Trump with Incitement to Inserection as an actual criminal charge
you know, the doing-prison-time criminal-charge that someone not employed in an elected position would be facing for causing a riot that caused 5 deaths

you know, like, Trump can't run for president in 2024 because he'll be sitting in a prison-cell when the 2024 election-day happens
can we just do that already??