The News Thread

I recognize 5 of those. 5.

He may be an intentional distraction, but that's a poor example, especially since I only mildly follow sports or Twitter.
I dunno, it seems to me like he's just trying to piss people off willy-nilly now. Does he really not realise that Muhammad Ali is Muslim?
May have something to do with the multiplistic deadly species in and around Australia all being of smaller size? You don't need to get big and violent to kill snakes and trapdoor spiders. Distance from other landmasses and size of the continent prevents overcrowding/invaders from being an issue.

The Rainbow Snake deity is a mythologised exaggeration of a real serpent they dealt with called a wonambi, which is megafauna.

So no, I don't think it's about small animals haha.
I don't understand what you're saying. Businesses do do this, they're called insurance companies. And they're the reason we're in this mess. lol

Insurance companies are not "the reason we are in this mess". They have maximized the opportunities given to them by sick and stupid people, both in the citizenry and in power. Mandating insurance didn't/doesn't fix anything. May as well mandate people not get sick.

A counter to that argument is: private vs gov military. The government seems to do a lot better at that. Just sayin.

Better at what? Wasting colossal amounts of money with nothing to show for it?
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Insurance companies are not "the reason we are in this mess". They have maximized the opportunities given to them by sick and stupid people, both in the citizenry and in power. Mandating insurance didn't/doesn't fix anything. May as well mandate people not get sick.

They aren't the reason we're paying ridiculous premiums for INSURANCE? wat

Better at what? Wasting colossal amounts of money with nothing to show for it?

Killing brown people in far away lands. Duh.
They aren't the reason we're paying ridiculous premiums for INSURANCE? wat

They didn't pass the law mandating that everyone have insurance and that that insurance must cover a bunch of maladies from shit living. That's your representatives and tax dollars at work. Wouldn't matter what the rates were if you didn't have to buy it, and wouldn't matter that you had to buy it (as much) if they didn't have to cover diabetes in a person that lived off sugar etc.

Killing brown people in far away lands. Duh.

Pretty sure Xe or whatever could get you more "bang" for the buck.
They didn't pass the law mandating that everyone have insurance and that that insurance must cover a bunch of maladies from shit living. That's your representatives and tax dollars at work. Wouldn't matter what the rates were if you didn't have to buy it, and wouldn't matter that you had to buy it (as much) if they didn't have to cover diabetes in a person that lived off sugar etc.

First off, I didn't vote for any of those ass clowns, so they aren't "my representatives." Secondly, I already told you I think Obamacare is mostly a failure.

Having said that, I cannot fathom why on Earth, you of all people, would put your faith in an industry like health insurance to be able to self-regulate and not rape people. You would rather just let the "free market" continue determining how much we HAVE to pay for insurance? I say have to because, even though OC comes with an insurance mandate or be taxed, that never changed the fact that if prefer not ruining your life by putting yourself in insurmountable debt you pretty much have to have insurance. And the worst part is, even WITH high insurance premiums and decent coverage, you still ended up shelling a fuck ton of money out of pocket. So what's the point?

Obviously the insurance companies aren't the only ones to blame. The costs of healthcare itself is just as outrageous, but no one is there to challenge it. The healthcare industry makes a killing, the insurance companies make a killing, and we're the ones getting fucked on a routine basis because of mediocre care and shitty coverage and high fees.

This is why the government should step in and squash this entire problem. Give everyone healthcare paid for with taxes and let's move the fuck on already from this problem. Some things shouldn't be left up to the "free market" to handle, because time and again the well-being both physically, mentally, and financially of the people inevitably takes a backseat.
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*If* national healthcare would "squash" the problem, it'd be stupid to argue about it. I've obviously seen no evidence that it would. The only countries that currently have anything like a working model pay ~50% taxes. Sounds like a high insurance premium.
Hillarycare will be as bad or worse than Obamacare. Universal healthcare cannot work. Poor fucks who can't pay their medical bills need to fuck off and die.

Fucking Trump. Useless sack of shit.
Lol Butt your pantywaist pm Trudeau will fuck Canada over
Well I didn't vote for Trudeau so whatever.

Also tbh I'll be disappointed if you guys don't get that Bernie guy in. He seems to be the least "batshit fucking insane" of all of them.