The News Thread

I had a damn exhausting day. After work I got stuck waiting for a train for 30 min with 40 animals all pushing and shoving for a seat when it finally arrived. nyc really is a shit

People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling
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God damn it! sorry everyone

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I don't think it matters in terms of climate, the authors are retarded regarding the reason for recent decreases in emissions, and I expect the economic implications to be negative.
the french regional elections were a fucking joke. the far right won by a huge margin in the first round. the republicans were 2nd and socialists 3rd. so the socialists deliberately withdrew and begged their followers to vote for republicans. fucking pussies.

so the republicans won. at least the socialists didn't win. but fuck i (and most french people if there were 3 parties) wanted the far right to win.

Solar Farm Rejected Amid Fears It Will 'Suck Up The Sun's Energy'
Residents were concerned it would stop plants from growing and cause cancer.
A town council in North Carolina rejected plans to rezone land for a solar farm after residents voiced fears it would cause cancer, stop plants from growing and suck up all the energy from the sun.

Two citizens reportedly made the allegations at a Woodland Town Council meeting in Northampton County, northeastern North Carolina, on Wednesday.

Bobby Mann said the farm would "suck up all the energy from the sun and businesses would not come to Woodland," the Roanoke-Chowan Herald-News reports.

Retired science teacher Jane Mann feared the proposed solar ranch could hinder photosynthesis -- the process of converting light energy from the sun into chemical energy for fuel -- in the area and stop plants from growing.

She added that no one could tell her solar panels didn't cause cancer.

Other residents feared the effect it would have on the price of their homes.

Councilors were voting on whether to redefine agriculturally designated land off U.S. Highway 258 for manufacturing.

Strata Solar Company representative Brent Niemann told the meeting the only sunlight used would be that which fell on the panels directly. "The panels don't draw additional sunlight," he said.

He told councilors that the farm would have no effect on property prices and promised that no toxic substances would be kept on site.

But Woodland Town Council turned down the proposal, effectively stopping the company from building the planned renewable energy ranch. The council later voted to put a moratorium on future solar farms in the area, the Herald-News reports.

Solar Power World Online ranks North Carolina fourth in the U.S. for installed solar power capacity, with 161 companies employing 3,100 people in the industry.

And a legendary quote from the comments section:

@Black Orifice: That place is like ~45 mins from where I grew up, fuckin middle of nowheresville. Do the sat view on Google maps for an idea. I'm completely unsurprised. The whole northeast NC (west of I95, north of Hwy64) region's per capita income is pretty much under 13k and education levels probably positively correlate.

"Arrival of the armored vehicles on one hand will strengthen the Iraqi military against the ISIL terrorists' rocket attacks and on the other hand will pave the way for the Russian army men to have safer presence in Iraq for war on terrorism," the source underlined.

First Russia goes into Afghanistan then the US goes. First the US goes into Iraq and now starting to look like Russia will go. Ridiculous.