The News Thread

Putin's actions demonstrate significant confidence in the S-400/S-500 missile systems among other things, and based on my background, I think he has a reason to be confident.
:lol: sure, that's what he's getting at

? I didn't say anything about what he is "getting at". What I am referring to is a relative lack of concern about the interdiction of US/NATO aircraft, which are the most significant part of the US/NATO military doctrine of Full Spectrum Dominance. He could merely be assuming no one is going to bother to stop him, but I think Putin is much more calculated than careless.

The US has fought against non-conventional forces in Iraq and Afghanistan with a sort of shorthand strategy of "control the air, control the ground". Russia has inverted this to "control the ground, control the air" with their superior SAM technology.
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Hillarys rhetoric is really staring to get out of hand. "Trump is ISIS' best recruiter! They are going to people showing Donald Trump insulting islam and muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists" :lol: This is so wrong, on so many different levels that shes starting to make herself look like more of an ignorant cunt than she already is. Or maybe she really really thinks that most of the people listening to her are as dumb as she thinks they are.
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Is this guy and his horde of children really a threat, Americuh?


When was the last time you saw a terrorist that looked like they could hurt someone using just their body?

Are steroids halal?
O'Malley is the only democratic candidate that made any sense(very little at that) on Sat. And once again i thought he was the clear winner. hillary and bernie just made themselves look like complete fools, it pains me that there are people out there who would actually cast their vote for those clowns. Sad.