The News Thread

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We get bits and pieces of the US election over here - actually we probably get a lot but I've been deliberately staying out of the mainstream media - but the main things we've heard about Trump and Carson is that the former wants to halt all Muslim immigration and the other thinks the pyramids are six thousand years old and were used by the biblical Joseph as grain storage units.

My politics tend towards the centre these days, so I have no great left wing bias, but a leader with common sense and intelligence is infinitely preferable to these madmen.

In Australia we had a crazy guy, Tony Abbot, but thankfully his party got rid of him and we now have a smart guy called Malcolm Turnbull. Same party, largely same policies albeit toned down, but it is infinitely safer having someone intelligent at the helm. That's what I hope the U.S gets because a lot rides on it for the rest of the world.
There used to be more MPs in the UK that I liked.

All the leaders are fucking terrible. Almost all of the higher ups in every party are fucking terrible.

Is a socially liberal, green, centrist party with sensible views on things like immigration and nuclear power too much to ask for?
What the fuck are you talking about? And where do you get your information from?

I'm talking about the Left's obsession with crying rivers for Muslims, no-platforming and censoring ex-Muslims who are trying to criticise Islam, proclaiming that there's a war against Muslims, blaming cartoonists when they're killed or attacked as people that were asking for it (victim-blaming, oh the irony), claiming that we shouldn't criticise oppressive Islamic customs because "that's their culture," explaining away all radical Islamist activities with shit like "not true Muslims" and inventing bullshit terms like Islamophobia in order to brand all critics of Islam as suffering from some form of racist mental condition.

Yet the Left consistently does the complete opposite when it's Christianity, might I add.
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I think the main reason 'the left' is like that is that there are so many ultra ignorant, xenophobic, borderline (or flat out) racist cunts on whatever isn't 'the left' regurgitating endless steams of total bullshit and they feel like they have to counter that even if it means spouting similarly daft shit.
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I'm talking about the Left's obsession with crying rivers for Muslims, no-platforming and censoring ex-Muslims who are trying to criticise Islam, proclaiming that there's a war against Muslims, blaming cartoonists when they're killed or attacked as people that were asking for it (victim-blaming, oh the irony), claiming that we shouldn't criticise oppressive Islamic customs because "that's their culture," explaining away all radical Islamist activities with shit like "not true Muslims" and inventing bullshit terms like Islamophobia in order to brand all critics of Islam as suffering from some form of racist mental condition.

Yet the Left consistently does the complete opposite when it's Christianity, might I add.

Give examples.
Give examples.

Brandeis University rescinded an offer for an honorary degree from Ayaan Hirsi Ali for her statements that Islam is not a religion of peace and tolerance. Also she was not allowed to give a talk she was due to give at said university.

Maryam Namazie and just everything The Left puts her through when it comes to university campuses, because she's an ex-Muslim against sharia.

Michael Moore's hysterical "we are all Muslims" stunt.

Bets and assumptions that the San Bernardino mass shooting was another Christian nut, then when it was revealed it was a Muslim married couple suddenly they're calm and uninterested.
This (and many like this) was posted minutes after the news broke.


Then there was the stream of liberal publications pretending to stand with Charlie Hebdo when really they were mostly veiled sneers at free speech and advocations for offense-taking.

Here's a few general links on the subject.

Skip to 9:10.

Typical leftist, dismissal by association.

The target of the video is the woman, not Gavin. Yes he's a twat. That's irrelevant.

Edit: Also, liking someone and liking their opinions are two very different things. I'm starting to think liberals have no idea about this concept though. You can only like ideological twins I guess.

I consider myself essentially of The Left (classical liberal) but it really bugs me the way The Left often criticises Christianity in the exact same way everybody criticises Islam but because there's some inconsequential racial component they become ridiculous about it.

If Christianity was as violent as Islam is currently (people are always bringing up witch trials, the crusades etc) they'd have no problem shitting all over it.

Also there's the widespread "this terrorist is not a true Muslim" sentiment The Left seems to be spreading, like a disease of the brain.
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I dismiss everything Bill O'Reilly says because he's generally a lying tool. He might say something factual every now and then but it's hardly ingenious or ahead of the curve so I really don't give a shit about what he says. I place your boy Gavin in the same category.

Why do you care so much about some bullshit narrative (insert side here) is pushing? Seems to be something really silly to get worked up about.

Edit: also laugh out loud at you calling me a typical leftist. wut
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Dismissing what Bill O'Reilly says is not guilt by association. Dismissing a video with Bill O'Reilly involved is. It's what the woman says that is important to my post, not anything Gavin says.

I care because I care, why ask for examples and then proceed to backtrack, dismiss and avoid them?