The next band will be...

First off: Our thoughts go out to you René! Luck and strength to you and your family!

Then: I'm hoping Symphony X offered themself! Wouldn't that be awesome? But I'd settle for Into Eternity as well. Maybe Into Eternity on saturday, SX on Sunday?
I have already booked my full weekend ticket!!
I hope to see the Swiss band APPEARANCE OF NOTHING
I also heard some great tales of the Heavy Prog band BIGELF!

As headliners: ANEKDOTEN or my fav FREAK KITCHEN?
(REDEMPTION would be nice......?)
I have already booked my full weekend ticket!!
I hope to see the Swiss band APPEARANCE OF NOTHING
I also heard some great tales of the Heavy Prog band BIGELF!

As headliners: ANEKDOTEN or my fav FREAK KITCHEN?
(REDEMPTION would be nice......?)

I have to agree with Redemption, ofcourse, but I personally wasn't impressed with BigElf when I saw them perform as Dream Theater's support a while back.
I was surprised big time by Bigelf when they played here on their own tour! That guy truly is a keyboard virtuoso having a museum on stage. Absolutely jawdropping whas when he, while playing a two hand mini moog solo, in the last note set the decay of the sound on an analogue fader to make the note die off after exactly 20 beats. But that was just one small observation at a great gig.
Tonight I was listening to the new bought DVD Tenkafubu by Onmyo-Za and thinking ............ that would be a real surprise as act on PP!
Headliner(s) will not be announced before Easter. But we recommend you to order your tickets already now, we will not disappoint you with at least one of the headliners.

Personally I think that the next band we announce has not been mentioned yet :-).


Royal Hunt? Into Eternity? Green Carnation? Into Eternity (yes I mentioned them twice :P)? Nightingale? Opeth? Redemption?

Any of these would be wonderful, René :D
I say it's time for the first headliner!!! So the next band will be:


and i would really love to see TEXTURES again on PP!!