The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

I believe Jaska never was the problem in COB. He's super competent and has a style that fits perfectly Alexi's (a bit like Ulrich's drumming fits perfectly Hetfield's songs despite his lack of technique).
I believe the real problem in the band was Janne. It's been years that he seemed like he didn't give two shit about the band. He said he didn't like their earlier works, then he hated the whole neo-classical aspect of the music because of how difficult it was to pull-off and he basically said he enjoyed just sitting back and playing some background chords. He just became lazy and I'm pretty sure that this was a drag for all the other members.
I too have high hopes for what's coming next. However, it won't really be CoB anymore, but it might still be great !
" He said he didn't like their earlier works, then he hated the whole neo-classical aspect of the music "
I don't know. I remember, he was really excited for neoclassical parts in FB-live (2018). But maybe I remember wrong. Whatever, when they had to choose a song in a video/live (or something...), Janne chooses Bed of Razors. He played in the video/live some melody from "Bed of Razors" and he really enjoyed it.
I always liked the keyboard aspects of COB a lot. I hope Alexi doesn't drop them over all for his compositions.

Janne being lazy is a surprise to me. His solos have always seemed consistently good, as has his live playing
I guess the reason they won't have a keyboardist actively present is Alexi wants to lay back the keyboards so that they only serve their vital role in the music, only sections where they are needed and their desired atmosphere can't be mimiced elseway, instead of having to have them in the music constantly just because the band has a keyboardist. There might be just one cool keyboard line in a song, which would be 'too easy' for the keyboard player. You know I chose another path, but I think for Bodom there's nothing wrong with using keyboards to enrich their songs and also do unison solos and orchestral hits, if only they utilize them in a way that syncs with the vibe of the song in subtle ways, instead of sounding like separate sections. Maybe they want more attention to the guitars.
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I just think they found a keyboardist who is very good at learning songs, but isn't very creative himself, so they don't want to make him an official member. Either that or he has to prove himself as a composer, because he was only in one band and it's a rather unknown one. It's hard to find a keyboardist with Janne's talent and skills that wants to play in a death metal band. Most of them end up in pop and wedding-type bands, because it pays better. Anyways, I see most of keyboardists as computer programmers of music, only few of them have soul and style. Most of them are just copy-paste type of guys who learn the notes and add zero feeling into the art.
^Yeah, could be just lack of fitting keyboardists, cos you have to like the music at least a bit to dive into it, and be able to live and travel with them, so any classical pianist or bedroom virtuoso won’t do. Alexi always took players from his buddyhood pretty much, so that limits too, cos it seems they never let people apply from over the globe because he wants to be sure the chemistry works and it doesn’t feel too weird. Still, if Alexi intended to get wild with live unison solos and emphasize keyboards with new material, I’m sure they would look over the shore.
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Around the time of the IWC release Janne was saying in interviews that he was glad they stepped away from the Neo-Classical aspect as it required too much work in the writing and rehearsing process. The whole neoclassical thing has always been about this wonderful synergy between keyboard & guitar. So if the keyboard doesn't want to be a part of it anymore, it kind of ruins the whole thing.

And as to Janne being an excellent player, sure, he was. But the solos live has been progressively worse over the years. He doesn't seem to be putting as much effort as before in mastering the solos he wrote himself.
But as far as music writing goes, yeah, he'll be hard to replace. If you think of the keyboard solos in Chokehold, You're Better Off Dead or even in the later Smile Pretty For The Devil, it's absolutely perfect technically and musically.

About the new band, I hope they will at least have a session keyboardist for the records, even if they only play it on the backing track in live shows. Keyboards are such an important part of what made Bodom Bodom.
It’s kinda dumb cos the uniqueness of Bodom was how they used keyboard to spice their dark songs, way back in the day, think of War of Razors, One Day You Will Cry, Punch Me I Bleed, the stuff on the green and blue album, unison solos, orchestral hits... It mostly sucked since HCDR album, but the sound they used to have with two sibling lead elements with that musical sound and style was epic, until they started sounding thrashy and happy and forgot what they invented / took the music to the wrong direction. If Bodom had synths coming from a tape it would feel like something was missing or the keyboardist turned invisible. The LDB intro is the odd exception, but that’s because they lost the original sound from the keyboard while drinking, and couldn’t recreate it.
The unison solo in FTR and the opening to Hate Me! are the two things that sucked me into Bodom. Definitely miss the keyboard leads.
Jaska has always seemed like genuinely loved being in COB, but from Janne I have had a kind of a :/ vibe a long time.

But BAM having keyboards from a tape? No I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen. A big part of Bodom was this kind of a showing off type thing with the playing so if keyboards were completely off the stage it would be stupid.

Maybe one reason for not having an official new keyboardist yet could be that maybe it's hard to find someone who would have the kind of connection Alexi and Janne used to have? Does Alexi want to have more or less keyboards in the future? Maybe someone creative and talented like Janne is hard to find?

Before they release anything, don't make any conclusions about the keyboards thing. Alexi has always seemed to appreciate the keyboards a lot too. There can be things happening at the band practice room right now that they're not telling us yet.
I also think Janne was a problem. Live he always ruined the serious mood by being a goof. Plus I never cared for the keyboard in COB. I looks forward to it playing a much smaller role or preferable going away altogether in BAM.

Nothing too meaningful about not having a keyboard player, Alex probably just came to terms with the fact that BAM too will be all about him, and he won't have someone overshadowing him or competing with him. Plus they won't have to divide earnings among more people.
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I don't think COB's live shows were ever meant to be very serious except maybe back in the 90's, after Hatebreeder the goofy idiot side of them broke through lol. Janne was an important part of their live energy in my opinion. But it started to feel like there is something awkward between him and Alexi after NPLH tour.

For example (ok I have seen no one else talking about this and it has been months I am not even sure if this happened anymore and I can't find videos) but at Pakkahuone in December they went to do the usual Downfall solo sideways hug, but as Janne was putting his hand on Alexi's shoulder, Alexi moved away from him kinda like "don't touch me" and played the rest of the solo off the keyboard riser. I remember talking to my friends like "wtf was that" but they were like "don't overthink it lol" but it was so weird.

But Janne is known to be a snarky sarcastic guy, though I like his sense of humor, maybe in a difficult argument situation him and Alexi couldn't find agreement with how differently they seem to deal with such situations. I don't know them personally, just a guess.

I fuckin hated the keyboards at first, I'll admit, but I enjoy annoying things and the 80's vibe really became a big reason why I love them so much after I grew out of the "only the truest black metal" phase. Lmao I would act like I hated COB to please the elitists I can't believe it. I even started playing keyboards later, inspired by him. Actually my piano teacher back in 2011 said he knows Janne (I doubt it really but who knows, music circles in finland are quite small.) But the way he said Janne would talk about COB sounded like he didn't even like it anymore. But I didn't take it very seriously as the teacher had very little respect for metal and rock anyway.

I still don't understand the "egoistic Alexi" narrative, but I think that now working with Daniel they could come up with great stuff. What Daniel has done before COB is pretty good. I don't believe they would get rid of keys completely, the solo duels were kind of a big deal. But who's gonna be that person to do it...
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ESP: " Henkka Seppälä (Moon Shot) and his new Surveyor '87 Bass.
Stay Tuned! "

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Tragician dude (or dudette?), you got me thinking, dissing Bodom became a cool thing with the album AYDY because guys who were just past the emo phase didn't want to get associated with emos (which that album segmented). Just like it's a cool thing to diss Bruce Lee for guys who don't understand martial arts, or how normies think they look witty by dissing some political leader. One doesn't just walk over the musicianship Bodom had and elevate to a Sibelius level like that. Just like you can't really walk over all subgenres of dark music and claim to be all true black metal in terms of music - if there's another reason for it such as subculture sense of belonging or some mental expression or religious angst or whatever that's nothing to do with music - cos to sincerely like bm musically is not something one instantly likes, it's not a phase for everyone. Musically I began with Bodom, but could only understand the musical catch in black metal much much later, as it's below the surface sort of and not in sweet melodies or rhythms but in dissonance emotions which all sound dirty and poor to an untrained ear, but after listening to tons of music one can hear when there's dissonance and suspense done in a tasteful and satisfying way. And surely there needs to be the yin to balance the yang, so anyone who is 'pure bm only' is certainly not in a healthy place spiritually. You gotta listen to some duduk flute or Tibetan singing bowls later to balance it out.
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" Jaani Peuhu - Vocals, Guitars, Synths
Juppe Sutela - Guitars
Ande Kiiski - Bass
Jussi Hämäläinen - Guitars, Synths, Backing Vocals
J. Raatikainen - Drums "
Finally we hear from Jaska!

Also Joonas, black metal was not a phase for me either, still love it and I instantly liked it when I first heard it. Just people were expecting me to forget COB and kind of only wanted it to be the gateway to heavy music for me. But it still is my favorite and I used to get a lot of hate for it online :D So I went through this phase where I would only like the truest black metal and some old school goth rock but it just wasn't me. I like black metal and old school goth rock but it gets boring really fast if you don't listen to some neo classical or symphonic metal.
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Jaska was live on instagram with Merciry Circle on monday. I understood they would be doing live chats again.
Not much important news in there, the usual live chat things, everyone saying hello and a bunch of emojis as usual but it was very nice to see Jaska and get a few of my messages answered.

-They said they are hoping to play shows starting february 2021.
-Jaska said the change from COB music to stuff that's slower doesn't feel weird but it has been something to get used to.
-Jaska said he has had a nice spring/summer, swimming and hanging out with family. He likes diving (jumping from a platform to water).
-(someone asked if COB is a sensitive subject to him - no) He said he keeps in contact with COB members still but did not specify does he mean Alexi too.
-He gave a little try at singing at the live when asked if he can sing. Just one "aaaaaa"

That's pretty much what I remember.

Also looks like Moon Shot will be coming up with an album and a music video soon.
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Middy says BAM have started to write new music because they have so much time now that there are no shows. There is a video interview in english when you click the link. It was pretty boring to watch as it was a live stream but it was mainly about how he has been doing this spring/summer and also some tour memories.

Main points about BAM:
-There have been a lot of shows that they didn't get to even announce before they were cancelled.
-However, they have a lot of plans up until 2022, which will be adjusted to how things with coronavirus turn out.
-Being a rock guy in a band of metalheads has been a little weird as he is not as deep into metal as the rest. He still likes metal though and the band thinks of his different perspective as an advantage.
-He is going to be doing backing vocals live with BAM. He said it was really funny that in a rehearsal Alexi gave him a paper with instructions to his vocals and it was just NO NO NO STOP KILL KILL KILL!!!
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