The Next Chapter: Bodom After Midnight

So now we know they were practicing Angels Don't Kill and Transference :D maan I can't wait to hear how those new tunes will turn out to be!
I don't think COB's live shows were ever meant to be very serious except maybe back in the 90's, after Hatebreeder the goofy idiot side of them broke through lol. Janne was an important part of their live energy in my opinion. But it started to feel like there is something awkward between him and Alexi after NPLH tour.

For example (ok I have seen no one else talking about this and it has been months I am not even sure if this happened anymore and I can't find videos) but at Pakkahuone in December they went to do the usual Downfall solo sideways hug, but as Janne was putting his hand on Alexi's shoulder, Alexi moved away from him kinda like "don't touch me" and played the rest of the solo off the keyboard riser. I remember talking to my friends like "wtf was that" but they were like "don't overthink it lol" but it was so weird.

But Janne is known to be a snarky sarcastic guy, though I like his sense of humor, maybe in a difficult argument situation him and Alexi couldn't find agreement with how differently they seem to deal with such situations. I don't know them personally, just a guess.

I fuckin hated the keyboards at first, I'll admit, but I enjoy annoying things and the 80's vibe really became a big reason why I love them so much after I grew out of the "only the truest black metal" phase. Lmao I would act like I hated COB to please the elitists I can't believe it. I even started playing keyboards later, inspired by him. Actually my piano teacher back in 2011 said he knows Janne (I doubt it really but who knows, music circles in finland are quite small.) But the way he said Janne would talk about COB sounded like he didn't even like it anymore. But I didn't take it very seriously as the teacher had very little respect for metal and rock anyway.

I still don't understand the "egoistic Alexi" narrative, but I think that now working with Daniel they could come up with great stuff. What Daniel has done before COB is pretty good. I don't believe they would get rid of keys completely, the solo duels were kind of a big deal. But who's gonna be that person to do it...

What the hell is NPLH? You wrote long post but still use this cryptic abbreviation :D I hope you spend good that time you saved with that :D
Haha sorry I'm used to using that abbreviation for tags on live pics, I didn't realize it wasn't that obvious for someone who wasn't there. Yes, the No Place Like Home tour that took place in fall 2018. :D It was only in finland anyway so it may not be such a big deal to everyone.
I most of the time have to think a while after people on this forum write song names like SNBN even though they are obvious to most probably :D

Hey I forgot to say in the post, it was mentioned they also have rehearsed Are You Dead Yet!
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cob_press: " Jaska in action! Tracking drums for "An Arrow" with Ande and our young and talented engineer Ville."

ESP Guitars Finland: " New music and video coming up from the fresh 21st century rock band Moon Shot ! Also, Henkka has something to say about ESP basses "

" I have played with ESP for years. I have had the pleasure and privilege to meet up and design my basses with ESP people in Japan, USA and Finland.
For Moon Shot I chose Surveyor ´87. In addition to its sound, I just love the simple classic looks and the pick guard in matte black. I will have a lot of fun with this one! Thank you once again.
-Henkka "
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think bodomaftermidnight will create a new website and forum or do you think they will continue to use this one?
I don't think they have rights to the website as the other guys own the name, so they'll probably have to create a new website. To be honest I'm a bit surprised the forum is still up as I'd imagine it costs money to keep it up and going, and who's paying for it now? Ultimate Metal itself obviously isn't going anywhere, but I always thought COB paid UM to host their part of the forum.
I have missed Kimberly so bad I'm super happy to hear from her after all these years! I just recently went through some old magazines with Kimberly interviews from the Sinergy days...

On the Oceanhoarse instagram there was a message from Kimberly too:
Here's a few words from Kimberly about the Ozzy collaboration and her current plans:
"You can't be a lover of metal without Ozzy having had an influence on you at some point in your life. The first vinyl record I ever owned was Paranoid by Black Sabbath. I fondly remember sitting in my room, turning on my black light and listening to Electric Funeral over and over again! I was also a huge fan of Ozzy's solo career, but when Ben asked me to partake in this Ozztober project that Oceanhoarse was doing, I was a little hesitant at first.

I dropped off the face of the metal scene about 14 years ago to focus on raising my daughter. I've really enjoyed the anonymity that comes along with being in a suburb while living the mommy life. I never stopped being involved in music, but I just switched gears to something more befitting to my role as a mom. In recent months however, I've started collaborating on a metal album with a killer guitarist in hopes that now when my kid is older and less dependent on me, I could concentrate on starting a new band and work on the second phase of my career in metal. As scary as it is to put myself back out there after such a long absence, I figured this would be a fun way to reintroduce myself! I've been close friends with Ben for almost 18 years, so it was a great pleasure to finally work with him on something and I hope the fans enjoy it. Be sure to keep an eye out for my new band debuting within the next year or two. We still need a complete line up, so if anyone else is looking to come out of retirement, hit me up!"

-Also I vaguely remember an interview from Kimberly that she did maybe in 2010 it was kinda like where is she now type thing and I think she said she would still like to sometime work with Alexi? The" In the recent months I have started collaborating with a killer guitarist" thing just reminded me of that but of course it probably isn't about that :D Just made me think of it.
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Is her kid Alexi's? I assume not since the only kid I've ever seen him with is his stepdaughter, but I don't know much of his personal affairs.