The next HUGE band in hard rock...

...Regardless, calling those that perform it "unhygienic illiterates" is a bit much.

A throw-in borrowed from Erik Rush's article appropriately titled "Rap Is Crap". I thought it would add some polarization to the post... it did.

This is a bit of a strange segue; you went from Hard Rock... to Kaosaur's appreciation of Rap... to Rap being "unhygienic"... to protecting our children from Rap. I'm not really sure how this is related to the discussion at hand.

I agree. That was also an integrated part of Erik Rush's commentary. I thought he used an entertaining choice of adjectives. I didn't think anyone would bother reading it. It did "scatterbrain" the post a bit.

I was just getting tired of seeing negative, brainless, uninformative posts from the same two users who buzz-kill other people's threads, so I got a little carried away.
Will be Taking Dawn! Seriously check these guys out if you're a fan of 80s hard rock. Their debut comes out January 26th on Roadrunner and holy crap I cannot wait!!! Just watch their first music video here and tell me these guys aren't going to be HUGE!

I am really hoping these guys will bring some mainstream attention to more traditional (talented) styles of hard rock and heavy metal.
I still like STEEL PANTHER better.
I'm still gonna give Taking Dawn a whirl when the cd comes out. I really did dig Take Me Away a whole hell of a lot. It's just Time To Burn really rubbed me wrong. I'm not down with motherfucking fucking hell yeah hallefuckinglufuckingyeah and stuff even though I have a dirtier mouth than most myself. Well, I did miss out on Mr Big a long time ago cos I thought "To Be With You" was what they were all about and missed out on gems like Green Tinted Sixties Mind and Take Cover for years so yeah, I'll still be giving Taking Dawn a shot man.
I was just getting tired of seeing negative, brainless, uninformative posts from the same two users who buzz-kill other people's threads, so I got a little carried away.

The only thing negative, brainless and uninformative is parroting somebody else's ideas to criticize my taste in music.

If you can't come up with better reasons for hip-hop being crap than because some AA Christian Conservative said so, which is demonstrated by your inability to choose your own words on the subject, you need to say it to someone a little bit less informed about it than you are.
One thing I would like to point out though...

This was all brought in because I said:

They could have at least TRIED to write a song here. You can dress something up as a band or as music but at the end of the day, regardless of genre, it either rules or it sucks. This just plain sucks.

I will stand by the fact that the Mos Def, Doom, Camp Lo, 50 Cent and Ghostface Killah albums I'm quoting as having listened to a lot this year all do indeed rule, irrespective of their genre. They certainly rule a hell of a lot harder than this band too.

Also, why I may not be as qualified as Erik Rush, I did also grow up in New York City, right smack dead center in the drug & prostitution capital of the world (or at least Manhattan) during the 80s. I also studied music from an early age learning several instruments and many of the same styles of music as he did. Yet somehow I came to an entirely different conclusion about this music than he did... What I'm saying here is that the conclusions aren't based on musical training but on personal outlook, politics and perspective. There's a heck of a lot more going on in this music than just the emceeing (rap).

Sorry, this whole thing really has me irritated, but the dance music also? (the comments about club singles) I mean...that's what music is supposed to be for anyway, amirite? Movin' yo' ass!
Hey Nathan, you ever hear Four Winds by Tangier? To me, best 80's album ever besides Slave To The Grind. Hard rock that is. Think Badlands or Bad Company. Absolutely outstanding record.
But the f-bombs make them EXTREME!!! AND they're confronting religion at the same time!!! That's fucking metal dude!!!

...right? That's the definition of metal...right?

...fuck yeah?


Seriously, the thing that annoyed me most about it was how heavily they lean on cursing. It really just reeks of trying to do it out of a want to be cooler. Most people can remember that "one kid" back from when they were in like 7th or 8th grade who swore entirely too much because he though he made him seem "edgy".

Otherwise, it was alright. The instrumental section kinda came out of nowhere and was pretty good, solid guitar solos. It was a pretty fun video that wasn't bad, which can be a rare accomplishment. But overall, this isn't something I would ever care for much.

...but I do definitely agree that they will probably be popular. As MetalMadman said: Basically a hard rock version of Dragonforce in a way.
Hey Nathan, you ever hear Four Winds by Tangier? To me, best 80's album ever besides Slave To The Grind. Hard rock that is. Think Badlands or Bad Company. Absolutely outstanding record.

No, I didn't. I'll go download that shit right now though! Especially if you're gonna compare it to one of my favorite bands of all time: Badlands.

And yeah, who doesn't like Steel Panther more? Aren't they the greatest band ever? Im still pissed that they all banged my mom back in the 80s though...
I will stand by the fact that the Mos Def, Doom, Camp Lo, 50 Cent and Ghostface Killah albums... They certainly rule a hell of a lot harder than this band too.


Sorry, this whole thing really has me irritated, but the dance music also? (the comments about club singles) I mean...that's what music is supposed to be for anyway, amirite? Movin' yo' ass!

Well, Taking Dawn is metal you can dance to. So, you can't use that as an argument.
Hey Nathan, you ever hear Four Winds by Tangier? To me, best 80's album ever besides Slave To The Grind. Hard rock that is. Think Badlands or Bad Company. Absolutely outstanding record.

great Philly area band. CD was reissued by Wounded Bird Records.

so don't "download it" if you like it fudging buy it! it's readily available.

Badlands reissues coming on Rock Candy in 2010! long overdue for a good solid remastering and nice liner notes.
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great Philly area band. CD was reissued by Wounded Bird Records.

so don't "download it" if you like it fudging buy it! it's readily available.

Badlands reissues coming on Rock Candy in 2010! long overdue for a good solid remastering and nice liner notes.

Don't worry bro, I buy music when its a band that needs support! Or if its on a label that needs support. Well, as long as I like it lol

And I'm gonna have to go change my britches now... LOL Are they reissuing all three albums? Even Dusk? I sure hope so!
NOT going to read thru all the pages so these observations might have already come up. Sue me if I am repeating:

1. Clear(Christ) Channel owns all the radio stations in this country. A song that constantly repeats a 4 letter baaaaaad word is going to have trouble with widespread airplay. Just as bad as rap songs with the same issue.

2. As an extension of point one. As dozens of bands in prog/metal have shown, you do not have to rely on "Fuck," Shit, etc, to get your vision across. I think that more mature people do not have to rely on that language, and when I say "mature" I mean "over 15." Maybe this song is meant for 15 year olds. To those who love this kind of language in music: good luck buying the uncensored album in your local Wal-Mart.

3. Finally. All that said it is still a catchy tune. The hot girls were well received. The Kanye segue was funny, but would have been funnier had someone hit him in the face with an anvil or something.

To sum up--show us more girls we want to fuck, and SAY fuck less.
NOT going to read thru all the pages so these observations might have already come up. Sue me if I am repeating:

1. Clear(Christ) Channel owns all the radio stations in this country. A song that constantly repeats a 4 letter baaaaaad word is going to have trouble with widespread airplay. Just as bad as rap songs with the same issue.

2. As an extension of point one. As dozens of bands in prog/metal have shown, you do not have to rely on "Fuck," Shit, etc, to get your vision across. I think that more mature people do not have to rely on that language, and when I say "mature" I mean "over 15." Maybe this song is meant for 15 year olds. To those who love this kind of language in music: good luck buying the uncensored album in your local Wal-Mart.

3. Finally. All that said it is still a catchy tune. The hot girls were well received. The Kanye segue was funny, but would have been funnier had someone hit him in the face with an anvil or something.

To sum up--show us more girls we want to fuck, and SAY fuck less.


Yeah this is the only song that I've heard from the album with this much profanity. Its just meant to be an anthem of obscenity I guess... The profanities don't bother me at all. Im not all like "FUCK YEAH" over them, but I don't see it as degrading to the music. I do understand what everyone else is saying though. I do love singing along to this song though. Its just a fun song imo
I saw them on the Dragonforce/Sonata tour. They definitely have catchy songs and a lot of talent and enthusiasm. That said, I'm with most of the people who've commented on the obscenities. Really, really annoying. The lead singer cannot speak for 5 seconds without swearing. When every short speech by him contains 57 obscenities, it gets old really fast. As others have said, we're not talking occasional here, we're talking a tidal wave of it. Maybe I'm just old now and would love this if I was still 15.

Given how much quality music is out there and I can't even get to it all, this would probably keep me from going out of my way to delve into them further. If they do have any staying power, it'll be interesting to see if they mature as they get older.

I did like the Kayne West bit - that was good!
That's the thing here.
There are SO many bands out there, moreso than ever actually.

A band like Taking Dawn can't take the risk of trying to be "tough guys" with swearing.

Let the music do the talking.
Wow, lots of opinions on this.

Anyway, I finally checked out Taking Dawn, and I like em. They are no Hardcore Superstar, but they are definitely worthwhile to this metalhead who is perfectly okay with listening to Ratt and Necrophagist.
I know it wont matter what my OP is but, I figure ill chime in my two cents LOL

I liked this band since they were 7th son, and were nothing but a local band from NV. Somehow they got on roadrunner and released that take me away single. Well I fell in love with that damn catchy ass hook from take me away, which made my expectations great, but also with a bit of a fear that something would happen like........that song they came out with that was mentioned in a previous post. Turned me completely off. Now to me it just looks as if Roadrunner has succesfuly bread another successful bank that dosen't write the majority of their own songs, and also band on the "im young and rebelious. and we say fuck" attitude and "look".

Lets see how long they remain popular. hopefully they will have a good future playing music, well hell, im sure they will with RR backing them fully.

Ill def check out the cd when it comes out. I just hope the main lyric isnt fuck.
The rest of the album isn't full of f-bombs like that. It's kind of disappointing that the profanity in that song has detracted from the fact that this is a good album and band. There is a cover of Fleetwood Mac's "The Chain" on the album that is GREAT.