The next HUGE band in hard rock...

Eeeeesy there Rygar, You're missing the point, [The_Metal_Messiah] simply created a thread letting everyone know about this new band he likes. Personally, that's why I visit this forum... to find out about new bands. I appreciate the thread & IMO people who don't appreciate someone's thread, (or the band the thread owner recommends), should click away to the next thread and leave sed thread alone. No one wants to hear why anyone else doesn't like this band or this thread. There are plenty of threads about plenty of bands I don't care for, but you won't find any of my posts weighing in on how the thread owner's post is flawed because the band he or she mentioned isn't in my personal top 15 list. I simply click on the threads I'm interested in. I know you're a Cauldron fan... How would you like it if you created a "Cauldron - The next HUGE band..." thread and [The_Metal_Messiah] started cluttering up your thread with how Cauldron sucks posts? All the Cauldron fans would be annoyed with it, right? I for one, am a Cauldron fan, and I would be annoyed by it.


It wouldnt bother me....I dont get all upset when someone doesnt like a band I like. I will goof on them and debate it. But the band that was posted wasnt even prog or power metal. Basically one of the many MTV style metal acts.....with a forum that is catered to the are going to get people worked up. Like myself. This is what forums are...debate. If everyone just posted good things what would be the point.

yeah I am a Cauldron fan...I even know at best they will always be a smaller band with a small following. I cant see them ever getting big. Doest it bother me? No. I wish them well and hopefully be able to make some money but at the end of the doesnt effect my life.
They could have at least TRIED to write a song here. You can dress something up as a band or as music but at the end of the day, regardless of genre, it either rules or it sucks. This just plain sucks.

This is so entertaining, what a laughable post... a person who lists the following in their top 10 list, (see quote below), is constantly intruding on other people's threads with negative posts. This is great. Take note everyone.

Only 2009 CDs I've been spinning regularly at all really this year are (in playcount order):

Doom - Born Like This (cRap/Hip-Hop)
Camp Lo - Stone and Rob (a cRap group from the Bronx who melds hip-hop with jazz sensibilities and funk)
50 Cent - Before I Self Destruct (A talentless cRapper who can't sing or play an instrument & promotes violence & cRap music)
Mos Def - The Ecstatic (Hip-Hop)
Ghostface Killah - Ghostdini (cRap)

I kept all of the club singles off my list. There were a lot.

Actually, I would like to see your favorite "club singles" list post-haste, and be sure to start your own thread and call it "Kaosaur's Top 15 Club Singles of 2009!!!" We all would love to see it. Don't worry, all of us will contribute a post or two to your thread.

Kaosaur's list proves that despite the fact that the entertainment industry would have us believe rap/hip hop is an "art form", innocuous and even valuable, the gesticulating, unhygienic illiterates in rap music will be idolized and emulated by young children. Those whose parents do not have the presence of mind to curtail their exposure to them will be lost.

Rap is garbage. It has always been garbage, one of the lowest forms of so-called "art" born of a culture that labels urine-immersed religious icons and public sex acts with root vegetables as art.

This is so entertaining, what a laughable post... a person who lists the following in their top 10 list, (see quote below), is constantly intruding on other people's threads with negative posts. This is great. Take note everyone.

Actually, I would like to see your favorite "club singles" list post-haste, and be sure to start your own thread and call it "Kaosaur's Top 15 Club Singles of 2009!!!" We all would love to see it. Don't worry, all of us will contribute a post or two to your thread.

Kaosaur's list proves that despite the fact that the entertainment industry would have us believe rap/hip hop is an "art form", innocuous and even valuable, the gesticulating, unhygienic illiterates in rap music will be idolized and emulated by young children. Those whose parents do not have the presence of mind to curtail their exposure to them will be lost.

Rap is garbage. It has always been garbage, one of the lowest forms of so-called "art" born of a culture that labels urine-immersed religious icons and public sex acts with root vegetables as art.


Right on BROTHER!

RAP is CRAP. Heavy metal RULES :rock::kickass:
Kaosaur's list proves that...
...he listens to something other than Metal?

...despite the fact that the entertainment industry would have us believe rap/hip hop is an "art form", innocuous and even valuable, the gesticulating, unhygienic illiterates in rap music will be idolized and emulated by young children.
I'm not a fan of Rap. I would tend to agree that it possesses little in the way of artistic merit. However, I also recognize that it may be me, that perhaps I simply don't get it. Regardless, calling those that perform it "unhygienic illiterates" is a bit much.

Those whose parents do not have the presence of mind to curtail their exposure to them will be lost.
This is a bit of a strange segue; you went from Hard Rock... to Kaosaur's appreciation of Rap... to Rap being "unhygienic"... to protecting our children from Rap. I'm not really sure how this is related to the discussion at hand.

Rap is garbage. It has always been garbage, one of the lowest forms of so-called "art" born of a culture that labels urine-immersed religious icons and public sex acts with root vegetables as art.
And how is that any different than what's been said about Metal (religious groups, the PMRC, etc.)?

You want 80's inspired hard rock, with a Great singer, catchy hooks, tasty solos, and some attitude??

These Brits have done it right. Listen to Executioner's Day and feel free to jump on the bandwagon with me. Opened for Buckcherry in the UK, on to bigger and better.

Tear Your Heart Out, and Reign on my Parade also are killler tunes.

Meh...these guys aren't really doing it for me either. Maybe I just don't like this stuff anymore.

I dunno about rap...but there's some seriously good conscious Hip-Hop out there. And to take all of the metal off of my list completely just shows how much you're trying to skew this. I like Róisín Murphy (make that love) and Björk too, guy. I don't listen to stuff because of what genre it is. I listen to stuff because it's fucking good! That was just a list of what was getting played the most in my iTunes from 2009. They weren't even high on the overall list as stuff like Meshuggah and Iced Earth have those all beat by miles...

Those whose parents do not have the presence of mind to curtail their exposure to them will be lost.

Censorship is NEVER the answer. Education is. The problem simple, closed-minded people have with that though is that once you understand the problems with something, you can still appreciate it for what it is.

Also, to tell someone that their culture (as hip-hop very much is to a lot of people) is garbage, is one of the most vile, despicable things a human being can do to another human being...get off your moral high horse. There's plenty of ugly things to say about rock & metal too.
I think this debate has gone waaaayyyyyy off course. I think we should get back to the real battle. Corporate MTV metal for the masses isnt for 85% of us here. Sure it will always be here in some shape or form. In the 80's it was glam, 90's had NuMetal, the 2000's had metalcore. there will always be a more widely accepted form of metal. It is needed unfortunatly. It is the yin to the yang of the underground. We need it so elitist morons like myself can get angry at people. Without something to battle against...what is the need for the underground? Face it...the metal most of us like on here is never going to be widely accepted or like by the masses. At the end of the day...sure it sucks. But after listening to metal for almost over 30 years, I have come to accept that fact. In this new Year I am a peaceful man. I think we should bring this arguement back to its original discussion.
...I've recently gotten into some Swallow The Sun and Allogoch.
Nice. Which discs?

Censorship is NEVER the answer.

Corporate MTV metal for the masses isnt for 85% of us here.
Which is why this thread was doomed from its inception. The idea that something will be popular or that Roadrunner is putting their corporate muscle behind it, aren't typically viewed as positives around these parts.

What the tits? I remember when they were called Seventh Son and had that song Take Me Away on their MySpace. I crapped my pants, I mean I know I like a tad lighter music but that song was Bon Jovi meets Edguy! It was bad ass! This though, man this sounds like a complete 180 into modern metal generic land and I'm not really down with that. I wonder how much meddling Roadrunner had in their new sound.
Roadrunner to me is becoming entirely upside down it seems. For the music at least. They seem to sign anyone these days, as long as they make them money. Which I guess is the point of a business but it's sad to see good music go and crap fill it up. Just my opinion. (this is not a Taking Dawn reference)
What the tits? I remember when they were called Seventh Son and had that song Take Me Away on their MySpace. I crapped my pants, I mean I know I like a tad lighter music but that song was Bon Jovi meets Edguy! It was bad ass! This though, man this sounds like a complete 180 into modern metal generic land and I'm not really down with that. I wonder how much meddling Roadrunner had in their new sound.

Yeah man! "Take me Away" is an incredible song! Its gonna be on the album too. But "Time to Burn" was actually written way before that one. They had a demo of it on their myspace, along with "Fight em With Your Rock" "Endlessly" "V" and "Godless" like two years ago. All of those are killer songs as well and will also be on the album (except for V :( ). But don't worry, there are more in the vein of "Take Me Away" They released a song called "Never Enough" as a free download when they first got signed and its very similar. And that means that their writing style is heading more in the direction of "Take me Away" In fact, I think Chris told me its gonna be the next single. Roadrunner was pushing for "Time to Burn" to be the first single though.

Here is a video for "Never Enough" They hate the video though, so I don't think its gonna be put on tv...

As for Heaven's Basement... I'm really diggin this! Thanks for the heads up! I still like Taking Dawn better though... Cause I can still head bang to Taking Dawn, I guess.

Check these guys out though! The guitarist is freaking SICK! Kinda makes me think of if Jake E. Lee played for Dokken. I think you guys may like this band a lot more...


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The Morning Never Came opens stronger than almost any other disc I've heard. Great disc to just blast and tune out the rest of the world, man. Great choice.
I agree that Swallow The Sun are the tits. I remember when they were opening for Soilwork (last spring?) and the lighting dude had like bright white lights on them. The singer stops between songs and goes "dude, enough with the white lights, give me something gloomy like purple". Promptly there after my friends all just yelled "DOOOMMMM MEETTAALL!!!!" Which the singer found hiliarious by the way he laughed.
Well that video woke me up. This is the amount of energy I was expecting on the Outloud CD. The most impressive thing about this band is the singer's voice.