The nicest compliment

Most of the nicest compliments I've gotten have come from friends. The nicest one from a random person came while I was working at a department store over a year ago. I was having a really bad day. Think I was organizing the papers around the register while a co worker was ringing up an order for some lady. She glanced over at me and said, "Wow, you're gorgeous. Isn't she gorgeous?" Made me smile for the rest of the day.
"i have never loved anyone the way i love you", or "you're the most important person in my life", or "don't ever change", or "you're the most beautiful person i've ever seen" (this one i don't get)

once my friend, who i admire a lot cause she's the best singer i've ever met, spent several minutes telling me how she thinks i'm the most musically talented person she knows. it meant a lot to me, eventhough i know it's bullshit.
I don't like you, Susie, but I don't particularly dislike you (you're irrelevant, but you're nice so I wouldn't want to insult you...and that isn't meant to be as harsh as it sounds :)).

I dislike Lolita, but I like many UMers, so don't give me that assuming 99.9% bullshit. Just because I dislike spastic attention whores it doesn't mean I dislike everyone.