The nicest compliment

Lolita Vampiriá said:
Susie, you are friendly to everyone. Seems like a very rare quality these days. :)

Most people don't deserve to be treated in a friendly manner. I wouldn't call being friendly to everyone a quality.
I try being friendly and sensitive as much as I can, and I get shit on by people like OfficerNice. Great.

I can't rememebr the last real compliment I received. It's always "You're really smart" or "You're so talented" or "You have a lot of potential."

Somehow, after you hear that for 20 years and amount to nothing, it stats to sound cliché, y'know?
anonymousnick2001 said:
I try being friendly and sensitive as much as I can, and I get shit on by people like OfficerNice. Great.

Yes, but he was being totally unnecessary in the way he said things. You seem like a nice guy...he gave you so much hassle after every nonconfrontational reply you made, I'm surprised you didn't either leave the thread completely or flame the hell out of him.
Int said:
Yes, but he was being totally unnecessary in the way he said things. You seem like a nice guy...he gave you so much hassle after every nonconfrontational reply you made, I'm surprised you didn't either leave the thread completely or flame the hell out of him.
First compliment in a while...I thank you.
Just keep thinking that.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding...

Prfanity, I compliment you on your ability to make yourself part of ANY discussion, whether anyone wants you there or not.