What's the nicest thing someone has ever said to/about you?


Blinded By The Light...
Jul 15, 2001
Pep talk time! ^_^

Provide context at your own disgression.

I know this may not be the nicest thing someone has ever said about me, but it was the most effective/impacting thing someone said to me, mainly cos it came out of nowhere.

"Your hair smells nice." :oops:

Damn I'm just gonna get lauged at now. :bah:

Screw it.
"I love you more than i've ever loved anyone" "you mean more to me than life itself and anything else in the world" "i'd do anything for you. seriously, anything." "you have the best eyes ever" "you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen" "you're perfect"
"if i lost you my life would never be normal again, i couldn't live without you" "you're the best sister in the world and you've always been the most important thing in the world to me"

Unfortunately hearing most of those things hurt.
I wouldn't feel so bad, Spike.

I can't really remember any nice things that have really been said to me and that's what this thread is about. So I'm not going to bother.
i've been said a shitload of very good sounding, cheesy, and completely fake things :p
then i've had compliments about my mind (lol) and technically i should believe these people, i find it hard though.
then i got compliments about my eyes and hair, and erm some things i'd rather not post :p
i'm feeling mildly sick.

nevertheless, i was once graced with "what would you think about having me all to yourself?". this by someone who dumped me exactly three weeks afterwards. i should have replied "i would think that you were a decent person". for the record, i don't remember what i said.

and i also think that i reported this episode when a similar question was asked on the q&a thread.
I and a friend were talking of a certain matter she did but shouldn't have done:
friend: "I don't want any friend of mine to know this thing."
me: "so you mean I'm not your friend?????"
friend: "no."
(I stared at her, incredulous)
friend: "I mean you're something more than a friend."

well I know it sounds quite childish but those words said by that person in that moment in time about that "thing" were really important to me. I know that was her way to tell me how important I am to her.
I think the nicest thing ever is that my sister, who is 9, asked Santa Claus for me to go back home healthy and happy. (Santa only gives us three presents a year in my house, so it is more valuable, and it's great to know there are some people in the world who will be there for me no matter what I do or how I fuck up)
I've had compliments on looks and personality and also the typical cheesy phrases from guys who want me in bed or are idealizing me, but I won't bother to remember those.

The funniest "compliment" though, was when I was walking to school. In Mexico it's very common for construction workers or unemployed bums to shout obscenities at any female aged 12-50 who walks by, and this guy says "How pretty you... errr... (he looks me up and down and can't think of anything to compliment me on) you walk".
Hitori said:
The funniest "compliment" though, was when I was walking to school. In Mexico it's very common for construction workers or unemployed bums to shout obscenities at any female aged 12-50 who walks by, and this guy says "How pretty you... errr... (he looks me up and down and can't think of anything to compliment me on) you walk".
lol, that's very common here too
A bit like Hil maybe, usually everything sounds alright but isn't particularly sincere or just not believable, or it'll be something really unspecific like "nice". Really, anyone can be nice, it means virtually fuck all.

I have been tooted on occasion by builder-types driving their vans. :tickled: If they approach form behind sometimes they take me to be a woman and toot me, so I'll turn around and smile sweetly at them... the look of surprise and horror is usually worth it, even if I'm never sure whether to be flattered or offended.
Cute is actually the worst of all (well, aside from all the negative stuff of course :p). It's positive and yet so...cute. Anime is cute. If I look cute then something must be done.
Not to say that anime is bad.
MagSec4 said:
well.. I don't know what you're thinking, but at least around here, 'cute' used on adult humans is quite flattering.
It just sounds so childish. It's flattering perhaps, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. :p
It's kind of similar to what Rusty said of "nice" in my books...