What's the nicest thing someone has ever said to/about you?

Obviously a compliment carries more weight when it's related to something of importance to the recipient. And rahvin is the only person to have given me effective reassurances (as opposed to appeasement, however well-meaning) regarding my specific insecurities.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Cute is actually the worst of all (well, aside from all the negative stuff of course :p). It's positive and yet so...cute. Anime is cute. If I look cute then something must be done.
Not to say that anime is bad.
Yeah, you'd BETTER not be knocking anime boy-o! :mad:

And yes, I would tend to agree with you. I have problems with the use of the word 'cute' as it applies to me too. Sounds like a 'he's OK but there's no way I'd hit it' or an "I have no interest in him but I don't wanna hurt his feelings" kinda compliment to me. :erk: of course, how other people who have said such comments to me have intended it to mean... could be completely different.

@Fourthhorseman: If this is the best I can come up with (and it was a stretch at best) you have nothing to worry about.
this girl saved my life. no words are ever necessary to express what love and compassion that meant to me, as she is (and was) also my girlfriend. but now she feels it's better we be just friends and that left a smoking hole in me that no one else can fill.
My stepmother told me, in a couple of instances and in a serious context, that I would make somebody very happy some day. (I don't remember the exact wording)
I suppose that's the best I've gotten.. it's pretty inclusive.

The strangest compliment I've gotten went along the lines of '..you ..I don't have to wonder if you may be gay'

Spike said:
Sounds like a 'he's OK but there's no way I'd hit it'
Lina said:
Obviously a compliment carries more weight when it's related to something of importance to the recipient. And rahvin is the only person to have given me effective reassurances (as opposed to appeasement, however well-meaning) regarding my specific insecurities.

Do you HAVE to sound like a press related geek, even when talking about relationships?

Getting back on topic, the nicest thing anyone ever said to me is that im good looking. I can count the number of persons who dared to make such a blunt statement with the fingers of my left hand alone ( and even if i chopped off several of them ) but only 1 person truly means it.
when I use the adjective "cute" I use it as "terribly hot and good looking", and in fact, it's pretty much the only one I use to describe men (only the cute ones :p )
it depends more on the tone the compliment was said, if it was in a girlish "awww so cuuuuuuuute" as if you were a little baby, then you have a point
Spike said:
And yes, I would tend to agree with you. I have problems with the use of the word 'cute' as it applies to me too. Sounds like a 'he's OK but there's no way I'd hit it' or an "I have no interest in him but I don't wanna hurt his feelings" kinda compliment to me
Exactly. Being called "cute" is closer to an insult than a compliment, even taking into account what Gaby just said. That is unless you're a small child or some kind of animal, both of which I'm probably not.
La Rocque said:
I love You -
Yes, but do you think he/she/they REALLY meant it?

@Magsex: Thank you for laughing at my plight my friend. Thanks alot. :cry: I'm dead serious, to me it's the "I don't like him but I don't wanna insult him" of the compliment world, to say the least. To an extent where the first few times I heard that line I got my hopes up. Boy was that ever a mistake I lived to regret.

Hitori said:
it depends more on the tone the compliment was said, if it was in a girlish "awww so cuuuuuuuute" as if you were a little baby, then you have a point
Thank you. (For backing me up here that is)

Rusty said:
Exactly. Being called "cute" is closer to an insult than a compliment, even taking into account what Gaby just said. That is unless you're a small child or some kind of animal, both of which I'm probably not.
If we refer back to what Gaby said (it's more what she thinks of the word than what she says) then you will have to note that there are a few (very rare) exceptions. Of course I've never had them apply to me, so I got nothing to worry about confusion-wise there. :bah:

But yes, the general concencus is that it's an insult. (Sorry to all the other gals out there like Gaby that interpret it otherwise! :blush: )

You know, sometimes I wish women could be as blunt as men have a perchant to me. A simple "I'd hit it....TWO TIMES!" with gesture would suit me down to the ground. :)
haha well, we do say it, but to our friends, not to guys, as i'm sure you Spike would not tell a girl you like how many times you'd hit her... right? if you would, then i suggest you start reconsidering your seduction strategies :p
Maybe not the nicest thing anyone has said to me but my lady friends have a great habit of comforting me when I'm sad..

"I love you but I would never want to be with you"