What's the nicest thing someone has ever said to/about you?

well, one of the nicest things that someone has ever said to me is "see you tomorrow".
it's the epitome of someone keeping their word.
and trust me, i've heard enough bullshit (=big words) in my life. in the end what matters is actions, not words.
This isn't probably the nicest thing someone has ever said to me, but it is the only applicable one that comes to my mind right now. I have a tendency to sometimes worry too much about certain things, without realizing it by myself. While I once again had such a period some time ago, I went to a friend of mine to explain myself and to ask for advice. After an hour or so I finished my rambling and, exhausted, turned to my friend to hear her opinion. Her reply was: "You are just being Mankinen (she knows me by my last name, just like most of my friends) again".

That single sentence told me:
1. I was worrying too much
2. Worrying too much was characteristic for me
3. Even though I worried too much, I would be accepted by my friends

Made my day quite a lot better - and remembering it has made me feel better many times since then.


EDIT: If I'm not mistaken, Monster of the Week is a term that has been used at least since the mid-eighties, so I doubt it originated from X-Files. Can't be sure of its real origin, though.
Hitori said:
haha well, we do say it, but to our friends, not to guys, as i'm sure you Spike would not tell a girl you like how many times you'd hit her... right? if you would, then i suggest you start reconsidering your seduction strategies :p
Do I have to answer that question? :cry:

No Gaby, I tell women what I think/feel about them, but I get the funny feeling I said comments are not taken seriously far more often than not. It would appear I'm just wasting my breath. Hence why I'm saying things would be much SIMPLER if they worked out that way (in case you've never noticed, I can be obscenely naive and optimistic... about some things). It would be refreshing if people said what they meant/meant what they said (though not on quite as base a level as I was suggesting) and that people take said comments at face value. Oh well.

And would you other folk PLEASE stop arguing in my thread! :mad:
Oh and Tehforf'orseman, mind if I ask who you were referring to in your cynical/sarcastic post? I'm just a lil lost here. :(
No one. Just said it sort of in response to Northern Viking's post about his psychologist considering him wise. Anyhow, I'm not referring to him, or anyone else in particular.
@spike: i completely agree with you about the need for straightforward, understandable feelings-related communication. i went through the same situation you describe - saying something honestly to someone i liked and not being taken seriously, to my amazement. it's evil.

@hiljainen: i prefer the abomination thing. it sounds better :p

uh, and in order to stay on topic: my philosophy teacher used to say that i'm exceptional. which is cool.
hyena said:
@spike: i completely agree with you about the need for straightforward, understandable feelings-related communication. i went through the same situation you describe - saying something honestly to someone i liked and not being taken seriously, to my amazement. it's evil.
Just checking Hyena, but you DO realise that my entire line of previous conversation was purely hypothetical? We need it, but I'm not going confuse myself into thinking it will ever actually happen! :p
rahvin said:
i'm sorry, but i think this is completely destitute of value. the quantity of women you've come to know enough to pass judgement over are hardly a number for statistics. moreover, they certainly share many other characteristics besides being women. for instance, i'm inclined to believe they were all caucasian. so why don't you go around saying that caucasians are lying bastards, as opposed to asians or black women? most of those women, i'm sure, belonged to a certain age group. so why don't you go around saying that young girls are scheming man-eaters, as opposed to women in their forties?

you claim that you don't want to generalize, but generalizing is the only thing this subject is about: women - you say - change their mind every thirty seconds. by that you mean to say that out of the twenty (to be generous) young british girls from your neighborhood you've come to know at least a bit, twenty were actually changing their opinion all the time. and you mean to infer a rule from that? pathetic.
EDIT: Forget I ever said anything. My observations in human behavior and the experiences I've come across have led me to my own personal opinions. It's too difficult to explain all of my reasons and examples within a few paragraphs. I could go into specific detail and type several pages, but I don't feel it's nessesary cause it will only trun into a back and forth arguement. I can understand that many of you disagree with me. I'll keep my views to myself. Forget I ever said anything.
... and yet another one. Your generalization is just as invalid as any other.
It seems to me that people who generalize never bothered to really get to know the persons in question, because if they had, they wouldnt narrow down every girl they met who was into black metal and had a bad childhood so much and simply call them "whores" :rolleyes: The lack of differentiation persists and you fail to realize the same conclusion would apply to guys as well, judging from your title "I am one sick fuck", most likely even to yourself. At this point, I would have raised an eyebrow and caught the echo of the "wait a second" my subconscious had uttered, somewhere in the back of my head.

On a sidenote, the types of people I mentioned before, that I feel are subject to generalizations were not types like "The black metal chick" or "The death metal chick". Everyone generalizes people to some extent, everyone has made their experiences and when meeting someone, automatically tries to sort the person to a certain category so you know better who you are dealing with and what to expect. The point is to know how superficial your judgement is so you dont get stuck with it
As far as the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Well, one of my ex-girlfriends that I dated for 3 years.... (a NON-metal) chic....told me that she "loved me more than anything and that even though we don't know what the future holds, she feels deep within her heart that it was her destiny to be with me as long as we live." ...and she really meant it too. I was just amazed that I made such an impact on her life cause I don't see myself as anything special....but apparently to her I meant the entire world to her.

When I broke up with her, I felt really bad that I let go of someone who cared so much about me. Unfortunatley my emotions were not there for her like hers was for me, so I had to let her go. We still talk on occations, and she's with a new guy who cares for her much more than myself. I'm really happy for both of them. To this day she still says she wouldn't be the person she is today without being with me the years she was with me. I guess I'm kinda overwhelmed that I changed a persons life.
Northern Viking said:
... and yet another one. Your generalization is just as invalid as any other.
It seems to me that people who generalize never bothered to really get to know the persons in question, because if they had, they wouldnt narrow down every girl they met who was into black metal and had a bad childhood so much and simply call them "whores" :rolleyes: The lack of differentiation persists and you fail to realize the same conclusion would apply to guys as well, judging from your title "I am one sick fuck", most likely even to yourself. At this point, I would have raised an eyebrow and caught the echo of the "wait a second" my subconscious had uttered, somewhere in the back of my head.

On a sidenote, the types of people I mentioned before, that I feel are subject to generalizations were not types like "The black metal chick" or "The death metal chick". Everyone generalizes people to some extent, everyone has made their experiences and when meeting someone, automatically tries to sort the person to a certain category so you know better who you are dealing with and what to expect. The point is to know how superficial your judgement is so you dont get stuck with it
EDIT: Nevermind. Forget I said anything.
are you sure you studied the human mind? :rolleyes:

edit to avoid double post:

Spike said:
Just checking Hyena, but you DO realise that my entire line of previous conversation was purely hypothetical? We need it, but I'm not going confuse myself into thinking it will ever actually happen! :p
why shouldn't it happen? we need to believe it to make it true :p come on, it's already 3 of us that say the truth without silly seduction crap!
we're the beginning of the pure uncut expression (well, i still prefer abomination, but it wasn't flattering to put it here, and it didn't make sense either :p)
Hiljainen said:
are you sure you studied the human mind? :rolleyes:

edit to avoid double post:

why shouldn't it happen? we need to believe it to make it true :p come on, it's already 3 of us that say the truth without silly seduction crap!
we're the beginning of the pure uncut expression (well, i still prefer abomination, but it wasn't flattering to put it here, and it didn't make sense either :p)
Yes, and me Lep-re-chauns fly OUT OF MY ARSE! :yell: [/irish accent]

This is about as likely to happen as what you/we suggest.
@AtTheGates2099: i think you're full of crap. obviously your studies haven't helped you to open your mind much. and stop with the "chics" thing, i'm pretty sure you don't mean stylish and elegant, so learn to spell first.