WhatsHisName (thisisacoolname)

If someone could explain to me what part of this is supposed to be insulted and / or amusing, that'd be great. I'm now convinced that Amarantus is about 10 years old, as his attempt at humor was on par with such elementary school favorites as "poopoo head" and "butt licker".
If someone could explain to me what part of this is supposed to be insulted and / or amusing, that'd be great. I'm now convinced that Amarantus is about 10 years old, as his attempt at humor was on par with such elementary school favorites as "poopoo head" and "butt licker".

It's the nickname thread, not the flaming thread. The appropriate reply to his post would have been a funny nickname, rather than this overwrought idiotic post.

Well I'm not closing this thread, so I don't know what the fuck everyone's talking about. I closed a few shit threads that needed to be closed and banned a fucking idiot for being a fucking idiot, things any moderator should have done.

may i ask who got banned? im just intresyed because i myself was once also banned
I came up with an ingenious idea. Everyone post stupid nicknames about other posters that are hilarious.

Raging Headmonster (rabid headbanger)
WhatsHisName (thisisacoolname)

And everyone is familiar with Big Gayve (aka Cheese Tits). Though I can't remember who came up with Big Gavye. I think it was Nec, but whatever, it's fucking funny.

None of those are funny.
It's the nickname thread, not the flaming thread. The appropriate reply to his post would have been a funny nickname, rather than this overwrought idiotic post.

Doesn't change the fact that "WhatsHisName" isn't derogatory or clever in any way.


Zing. With that sort of wit you could get a job writing for Carlos Mencia.

Incase anyone can't see what Ender did there, he changed "cool" to "gay", which implies that I am homosexual.