The Official DVD Concert Thread

Congrats on getting in the Nevermore booklet Kitty! That DVD isn't really on my MUST BUY list though. They're a bit too heavy for me...I love Sanctuary and Warrell's new solo album, but Nevermore peaks out my "extreme" meter too much for true enjoyment. Still, I might buy it if there's a picture of you in it!

It would be cheaper for me to just send you a copy of the picture LOL
Not metal, but I picked up the new ZZ top DVD new & cheap, will be viewing later....

That is one awesome DVD. Super-slick production on it. I watch it a couple times a month, without fail.

It would be cheaper for me to just send you a copy of the picture LOL

LOL, it probably would be. But it wouldn't be the same. Besides, I do like the really heavy stuff from time to time, I've got DVDs by Motorhead, Overkill, and Children of Bodom that I watch on occasions.
That is one awesome DVD. Super-slick production on it. I watch it a couple times a month, without fail.

Better than expected, just real low on stage energy/presence. I watched a 1980 Rockpalast show by them immediately after, and the stage energy thing was the same. :lol:

Still good to hear those 3 dudes doing the older tunes again...

Better than expected, just real low on stage energy/presence. I watched a 1980 Rockpalast show by them immediately after, and the stage energy thing was the same. :lol:

Still good to hear those 3 dudes doing the older tunes again...

I've seen ZZ Top a few times over the years, so I knew not to expect an energetic stage show...these guys still perform the same way now as they did back in the early 70s. As for the older tunes, that was what excited me the most when this DVD was originally announced back in the Spring. They do a really great job of representing all eras of the ZZ Top catalog, and cramming it all into a two hour window.
Speaking of ZZ Top, another southern rock style band has recently gotten my attention. I'm probably preaching to a very small audience, but if you remember the band Blackfoot and liked them, I've got good news. They have a fairly new DVD out called Live in Kentucky. It's a 06 concert, without Ricky Medlocke unfortunately (he was tied up with Skynyrd), but it's a jamming concert nonetheless. Totally excellent video and sound. These guys jammed just as good as Skynyrd and Molly Hatchet in my opinion and it was nice to get this DVD and enjoy the music once again.
Bump with good news. Jorn Lande DVD finally being released in January! The DVD is their PPUSA performance from 2006. More details here:

Also, I have some Judas Priest DVD observations. I've had Electric Eye ('86 concert) for many years now and thought that to be the best DVD of the classic Priest era. I was wrong. Live Vengeance '82 is WAY BETTER! Especially the sound mix, but also the setlist contains much more of their old 70s songs, The Sinner, The Ripper, and Victim of Changes.

Killer concert! :kickass:
The live CD from this show is good but I could do without so many cover songs, especially the Whitesnake medley. My only complaint.

I remember that day I was a bit dissapointed because he didn't play anything outside his own material and the Whitesanke medley (no Ark, no Millenium, etc.) But the guy really put energy live (and so his band), and Kitty, Pabla, The Whisper and I were shaking and headbanging in a row when the medley started, and I recall to move my head and look at The Whisper (the ladies were in between) and he gave me the glance, and I knew it was: NOW LET'S ROCKIN! That worth a lot to me, I felt really into the show and friends.
I know Jorn collaborated with guitarist Magnus Karlsson in the past. Was Magnus part of his band / this performance here in 06'?
HOLY CRAP! I'm listening to PAGANS MIND (Gods Equation) as we speak.:D

"the guy" must be Jorn Viggo Lofstad? I really like Lofstads work and really gettin into PAGANS MIND.

thnx 7's.
I know Jorn collaborated with guitarist Magnus Karlsson in the past. Was Magnus part of his band / this performance here in 06'?

The guitar players from "The Duke" up to now (including the live performance) were indeed Tore Moren and Jørn Viggo Lofstad. As far as I now he only collaborated with Magnus Karlsson in the Allen/Lande project.
In the first two albums he played with Tore Moren and in OTEN with JVL (actually in "Starfire" his solo debut he also had a collaboration by Tore Østby his former bandmate in Ark and also Ronnie LeTekro and Ralph Santolla his former bandmate in Millenium).
Magnus is a great player / song writer. He has been in so many projects and now he has landed in the band Primal Fear. IMO, his best work was his early stuff...his band LastTribe...a great band that unfortunately no longer exists. Those who only know Magnus's recent work may want to go back and checkout some LastTribe.

Magnus maybe an interesting addition to Primal Fear providing he gets more in touch with his metal side like in the last Midnight Sun album and less to his AOR side. I love the last two PF albums and I hope they keep on the same vein.
Magnus maybe an interesting addition to Primal Fear providing he gets more in touch with his metal side like in the last Midnight Sun album and less to his AOR side. I love the last two PF albums and I hope they keep on the same vein.

Maybe this belongs in Sixx's PF thread, but the last (2?) PF album sounded too much like Sinner with Ralph singing.

Personally, I prefer Black Sun-Seven Seals (I have yet to hear their first 2 and am working backwards).
Magnus maybe an interesting addition to Primal Fear providing he gets more in touch with his metal side

I hope he does just that...I prefer his more aggressive up-tempo style of playing.
I wonder if he'll have a major part in songwriting...or if PF will let him come in and just let loose and rip it up...maybe he'll do both things?
Maybe this belongs in Sixx's PF thread, but the last (2?) PF album sounded too much like Sinner with Ralph singing.

Personally, I prefer Black Sun-Seven Seals (I have yet to hear their first 2 and am working backwards).

I was never a fan of Ralf Scheepers, I considered him too much alike Halford and high pitched. But after listening to "Seven Seals" I like the album a lot, so i took my chnaces with "New Religion" and it delivered to me too, so PF goes alright in my book so far.