The Night and the Silent Water

ok i'll be the first to admit that i don't know the exact statistics of ppl who have died from drunk drivers/stoned drivers, but i can't imagine there are very many. name me 3 instances where someone has died as a result of being hit by a stoned driver. and then look at the drunk driving fatality rate and compare them. i'm not trying to be smart, i'm just saying, there really is a lower statistic of drunk driving accidents vs. stoned driving accidents. if i'm wrong, then i'm sorry.

I don't really care about the exact numbers and I'm not playing the 'name me a time' game, but if it increases your chances of killing or injuring someone - which is does because it reduces your concentration and reaction time, even if you think it doesn't - by even the tiniest amount then it's not worth it. Whether it is worse than drink-driving or not is entirely irrelevant.

I know you came here to discuss the song but you were the one who brought up the idea that you could 'drive better while high'.

And regarding the Roundhouse Tapes. So what? It's still dumb to drive while high.
jesus christ i am so fucking sorry, all i wanted to do was to show my love for an opeth song and you guys are totally turning this into an afterschool special kinda shit, goddamnit, ok. i totally agree that marijuana use has an affect on reaction time and what-not, that being said, i am not trying to encourage people to drive stoned, i am not saying that people should get high and get behind the wheel, all i am saying is this: what works for some does not work for all, what happens to some does not happen to all. ok so i got stoned and drove home while listening to morningrise. did i run over anybody? no. and this particular instance i was referring to was about 3 years ago. i have not smoked any less weed since then, yet i still continue to drive around town in the same condition or worse (or better, depending on how you look at it). and i haven't even been pulled over for any reason. i don't speed, i don't weave and swerve around like drunk drivers do, i stay true to my lane and remain very aware of any pedestrians, other drivers, and of course, the speed limits while i am behind the wheel. i am sorry, once again, for trying to talk to people.
i am a very lonely person, and i am just seeking an outlet.
I would like to take this opportunity to say that most of my posts are posted whilst I am stoned.

i guess i'm the only one around here who considers smoking marijuana to be a joy rather than a decrement.
No, I'm a proud pot puffer.

Bragging about it on the intranetz though isn't a wise move.

You make the meth users angry and they lash out. :O
In defense of the original poster, It's not really fair to straight up say that someone doesn't drive as well while stoned.

I'll agree that people are less capable of driving well while stoned, but that's not necessarily the whole story.

So many drivers out there drive faster than the speed limit, aggressively, and sometimes just plain reckless. I know this can be especially true of metalheads (We've all been there...)

Marijuana has many many effects on people. True, one of which is slowed reaction time. However, it can also help a person focus (notice i said -CAN-. It can also do quite the opposite, similar to prescription drugs like Ridolin). Additionally, it very often makes a person more cautious and aware. Most of the time when I've ridden in cars where the driver was stoned (and it's happened more than a few times) they stay in the slow lane, going about 2 miles under the speed limit, and don't put themselves in any risky situations.

The same can't be said for alcohol, since that has a tendency to give a feeling of "invincibility".

So, depending on the driver or the situation, a driver might end up being more cautious, aware, and focused if they're stoned while driving. I'm in no way condoning this activity, since it's pretty much undeniable that if an accident were to happen right in front of you, you would be less capable of dealing with it appropriately (swerving/braking/etc) but then again you also might be less likely to cause an accident due to caution.
ffs, i am not bragging about smoking pot, i am bragging about my love for opeth

jesus effin christ, i simply wanted to share my love for an opeth masterpeice (as i said before in this thread). that is all i wanted to do. to say that i was stoned at the time of truly appreciating one of opeths' classics has no consequence. it's just another part of the story, much the same as, perhaps to say, i was walking thru the forest while wearing these badass nikes. it's just a fucking footnote. my god how you ppl blow something way out of fucking proportion. and yes i am totally into making fun of me for this post, but the seriousness of the whole shit ain't cool ok. i don't get stoned and go and run down little children and old ladies, i don't get stoned and go and commit violent crimes, i don't commit any crimes inorder to obtain the illegal marijuana that i smoke, i work hard every night to pay the bills and what little i have left over is for my personal enjoyment and that's about all there is to say about that. and i'm sorry once again (again) for posting something here. just wanted someone to talk to.
I used to drive while stoned when I was 18-19, and I even once got pulled over by cops who only tested for alcohol. Since i hadn't drunken anything, all I got was a "have a pleasant drive home" kinda shit. But I don't do it anymore. In fact, I've practically stopped smoking pot entirely. I'll do it maybe once every 3-4 months when some friends have some.

But back to the smoking/driving. It's not something I'm proud of, I consider it downright stupid and irresponsible. *I* was completely irresponsible at that time, and I don't recommend anyone doing it. I am fully aware that just because I always got away with it doesn't mean it was completely safe. Something could have gone horribly wrong at any time, and I'm just glad it never did!
Yes doing anything to impair your judgment while driving is just effin' stupid. No disagreement there.

OP, know that nobody is ragging you for weed, they're ragging you for driving while intoxicated with any substance that could impair your driving skills.
ty cerebus, but you and the others should know that weed does not neceassarily impair my driving skills. ffs, like i said, i drive better stoned or even semi-drunk than i do completely sober, that's just my opinion but i do have a record of like, i've never ever been in an accident, except for one time way before i started smoking pot, and my car was dead and didn't have power steering and my dad was pushing me home and i turned a corner and hit another vehcile cause i couldn't steer, cause i had no power steering. the only times i've ever gotten a ticket i was completely sober. speeding and other minor traffic infractions. maybe i am the exception to the rule, but i doubt that. go and google it or something. drunk-driving fatalies vs. stoned-driving incidents. i mean seriously!
this is way beyond the point of my OP anyway. so forget it. i'll appreciate opeth to myself from now on. there sure as hell aren't any people in the town where i live that have even heard of opeth or even have a slight interest in heavy metal here in butt fuck alabama...