The Now Drinking Thread

thats the shit also. but ther hard to find unless u go to a beverage place and even they dont have em most of the time
You can find Murphy's in FL, my local Irish compound sells it ... they also got some other Irish mead which I cannot remember the name .. memory loss from drinking too much Glenfidich and Guiness last weekend. I cannot wait for the Wolve Tones to come to Florida on St Patrick's day .. these guys are awesome and so anti england .... also Black47 real good Irish punk-rock band from NYC. I will be there.
I cannot wait for the Wolve Tones to come to Florida on St Patrick's day .. these guys are awesome and so anti england .... also Black47 real good Irish punk-rock band from NYC. I will be there.

where will they be? i love good crusty punk
aaah the Im currently welcoming the taste of my third Irish coffee. Good Morning to me. aaagh who am I kidding Im still at school. um... thank the gods for those Starbucks cups. I must say drinking at school is definately better than smoking pot at school. BTW 22 days sober from weed. Starting March 8 Ill be smoking only once every two weeks. Previously it was once or twice every 2 hours and 20 minutes. "Hey man break out the bong and role a joint its 10:20."
oh just thought I would let people know about Jungle Juice. I had about 3 one oz cups of this at a super bowl party I went to and I was gone. here is the recipe
* 1 fifth Everclear (190 proof)
* 6 bags Fruit (berries, cherries, pineapple, or whatever)
* 2 1/2 gal Fruit punch

at the party there was an igloo brand cooler (or ice box for our canadian friends) full of it. be sure to eat the fruit afterwards thats where the fun is really at.