The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Final_Vision
@astarte so how is the CD with the super chupi cover??
The album is indeed mighty chupi! It doesn't beat La Masquerade Infernale but it has me :hotjump:ing since the first time i heard it yesterday :hotjump:
Originally posted by Phyros
@DWD... that´s frekkin retarded! I bet we could gather the board and come over to kick thier arses for ya...:) Nahh, I guess not, but it would be cool to get over there, the whole bunch of us and just stare at them... Evil Blackspirit and me... That would freak them out....:D

Actually, that probably would freak them out. Though, I don't know what good it'd do to keep me in the band, heh. Be great to meet everyone though.

Originally posted by Blackspirit
*GROAAAAARRRRRR*!!!!! >:eek:))))

\,,/ ^_^ \,,/

But, Phyros, remember that we are so tr00,
we will not have anything to stare at, for all
people fear us! >:eek:P

*Puts on more corpse-paint and drinks goatblood*

That'd be really funny, but I'm not sure if they'd be scared. And anyways, if you did that, they'd probably want to talk to you. But stay tr00.

Originally posted by HellSpawn
hey! move to Norway and join my band?
we could really need another guitarist, since me and the guitarist switch what to play on(me: bass and drums, he guitar and drums)... we really need another band member :\

If I ever move to Norway, I'll let you know. Heh. That'd be sweet to join ya guys though. But I'd probably be the youngest in the band.
Worst. Bike ride. Ever.

Two flat tires in 40 minutes of riding.

I took my race bike out for the first ride ever. 3.5 miles from my car I get a flat. Fuck. And too much air is out of the tire, so even though I'm walking it back, I don't feel comfortable having the wheel on the ground... so I have to lift the front a couple inches off the ground and start waking 3.5 miles. Fortunately, after half a mile, a guy decided to help me out and patch my tire. Quite nice.

I get back to the car and decided that since it was patched, I'd be good to continue. I bike 2 miles in the other direction from where I first started and the trail ends, so I turn around. Half a mile later, the SAME tire blows again. Goddamnit. So, I just walked the 1.5 miles back to the car. And again, I had to keep the wheel off the ground. Got a good bicep workout, but didn't even break a sweat riding.

And, checking the tire when I got home, it wasn't the patch that blew off... another part of the tire burst. But I think it's the fault of the wheel, so I'll go yell at my dealer.

And it was such a gorgeous day for a ride.
wow man, that is a shit load of bad luck, i can picture it to...well hopefully you beat the shit out of your dealer and get a new bike! or fix it or something :p

Final_Vision: Suprised the same man who doesnt like Soilwork for "X" reason.......likes kittie....:err:
Originally posted by Final_Vision
Final_Vision: Suprised the same man who doesnt like Soilwork for "X" reason.......likes kittie....:err:

Funny I was thinking almost the same thing, just not
about you Final_Vision, but about The Nomad! >:eek:)
I have the Kittie album too though, hehe...
When I was all over nu-metal they were quite ok :eek:)