The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Dark Chapter
Get yourselves some of THIS :D Check out "A Telperious Day" Blackspirit knows what i'm talkin' about :dopey:

Aaaaah.....yeeeesssss :eek:))) *relaxed*

*Puts bandlink in favourites*

I was at the doctor's today, I have a cold.
So now I can stay home from work until
next wednesday! Am I lucky or what?! >:eek:P
Hehe.... yay!
Originally posted by The Nomad
If ya'll haven't noticed, I've taken this thread as the "how was Rob's day" thread. And I know that's cool by you, but I was just pointing it out.

Anyway, first mountain bike ride of the season. Great weather. Had a lot of trouble getting out of my left pedal (my shoes are clipped in), and since I usually prefer to put that foot down, I fell over a lot. And I went over the handlebars once... well, I would've, except that my left foot was still clipped in to the fucking pedal. So, I sprained my left wrist. It makes typing much, much, much slower. oh well.

Even with the pain (I LOVE PAIN, SIR!!!), it was a damn good ride.

Oh, and it was a lot muddier than we thought it would be, so I'm caked in mud, which is awesome... but I don't want to get in the shower because I'll have to use my list.

(And here's to me winning the $325 million lottery tonight!)

I have to get my act together!!!!

Even though all that shit happend you're still happy,
which makes me >:eek:)

Let's hope for a speedy recovery!!! :eek:)
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Even though all that shit happend you're still happy, which makes me >:eek:)

Let's hope for a speedy recovery!!! :eek:)

Well, thanks. I only want a speedy recover so I can go biking some more! :)

But I'm happy about my ride because I was more aggressive than I was last year, and I hope my skills will grow faster. And going into something like Mountain biking expecting not to get injured is kinda silly. It better not happen every time out, but once a month or 2 (we ride once a week or so) is a tolerable rate... depending on the injury. :)

That was a lot more eloquent in my head...
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Gotta get some more cd's from thins band.............

I bought all albums in one go not too long ago.
I hadn't seen them anywhere before, just
holding them felt special... I couldn't put them
back amongst all the other albums, so I bought
them >:eek:P I love them all!