The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Blackspirit

I bought all albums in one go not too long ago.
I hadn't seen them anywhere before, just
holding them felt special... I couldn't put them
back amongst all the other albums, so I bought
them >:eek:P I love them all!

Yeah, the music is just awsome!! I listened to this album and "Thou shalt trust the seer" and had to choose.... That was a hard choise to make!! :-( Next time I'm at Sound of Noise, I'll buy the rest!! :)
this will probably be my last post until monday...
I'm at a friends place right now(some of you know him as Picer :) ), going at a concert tonight, with alot of local bands(Eternal Silence, Klompfot and many more :) ) but anyways, tomorrow Im going to camp outside the cinama here, so Ill get myself tickets too SWII :D