The NOW PLAYING thread

A very rare species, characterized by its fabulous mullet, and random, repeated cries of "hail and kill" at various points throughout the day. The species believes that Metal (capitalized, of course) is a religion, and that all non-metal fans are "False," and therefore unworthy of respect. Anything not metal is viewed as crap, including metal that doesn't fit into the True Metal Fan's personal preferences. They have dedicated their lives to Metal, to the point of forsaking such other aspects of life as employment, personal hygene, and any romantic life whatsoever. Outcasts of society, they roam the countryside in search of rare power Metal compact discs and LPs.
Favorite Bands: Manowar, Hammerfall, Gamma Ray, Manowar, Sacred Steel, Ragnarok, Manowar, Iced Earth, Manowar, Manowar, and Manowar.
Hobbies: Being true, listening to True Metal, battling the armies of the False.
Sightings: Living in their parents' garage.


He may not have a job or a girlfriend, but he's got Metal, and you can't take that from him
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Ah... I want to see Iced Earth again!!!! :eek:))
But I have some great memories! :eek:)

Want to share the shirt with me DWD? >:eek:P

It's barely big enough to fit me, it'll probably be more like a cute pretty Iced Earth dress on you. :p

Originally posted by Final_Vision

I h0p3Z !tZ k0m!n' 0ut t!Z00m0rr0w! KORN ROXX!! :lol: :)
Blackspirit: I still think that The Closing Chronicles is the best Nightingale album. I couldn't quite get caught by "I". Ah well.

I finally was able to take my race bike out for an hour ride. Sweet merciful crap my back and neck hurt. I don't know how those professional racers do it for 6 hours.
Well, I better get used to it, cause I'm doing a 43 mile ride in 11 days. Probably'll take me 3 hours... if I don't fall over and die (wouldn't THAT put a damper on my day!)

Oh, and why are Pringles so freaking addictive. I should be eating a real dinner, not crisps!
Yeah, I've never done 43 miles before. My max was 35 on a mountain bike, but except for the discomfort, the road bike is sooooo much lighter and faster that, in theory, 43 miles should probably be equivalent to 30 miles on a mountain bike.

Only problem is that I haven't gotten to 30 on the mtn bike this spring yet. So I'll have to train hard core between now and then... getting used to the position and the distance. It'll be interesting. I'll be happy if I finish. The next two distances at the event are 63 and 100 miles. If I can finish this without totally killing myself, I think my goal of a Century by October might be feasible.

Right now, on my mountian bike, I could probalby do 20 miles without any trouble. Hell, I already did that twice this spring. 25 miles wouldn't be too bad. 30, would start to really drain me. And from there, it's exponentially harder.

I'll stop babbling now...

NP: Actually a song about the conflict in the mideast... which I hold very close to my heart (Israel, not the song). The song even has a nice speach clip from some Israeli. I don't recognice the clip, but I'm guessing it's Itzhak Rabin, right after signing the Oslo Accord.
Originally posted by The Nomad
Blackspirit: I still think that The Closing Chronicles is the best Nightingale album. I couldn't quite get caught by "I". Ah well.

Ey, thankies for comments! Always like hearing
what other people think about the music I like :eek:)

I haven't heard much from "I" yet, haven't got to
it yet! I really want to try to understand these
albums as one, you know? Sometimes it annoys
me that the vocals are not all toooo good >:eek:P hehe...
You'd think I'd have learned not to go to bed at 3am (and get up at 7:30) from my experiences Monday night and trying to stay awake at work Tuesday.

Well, I didn't go to bed at 3am... I went to bed at 4. And I still didn't clean my bathroom like I was supposed to

"Forever, shall the wolf in me
desire the sheep in you"
dont ask...
as I said before, I say stuoid things all the time, things that have no meening and often cakes are involved :)
and well... this time, i had nothing to write, and I'm in a shity mood(not bad mood actually, just a fucked up mood, my life is kinda fucked up right now :\ ) anyways... that is what came out of me... :)

NP: nothing.....
Is it off Decipher, or something newer?
@Nomad: yeah, it's the first song from that album. Don't remember the name. There is also a cover of Queens Who Want to Live Forever on it. I like their version very VERY much!! btw it is covered by After forever with Ayreon and you can hear Damian Wilsson on that song too. Just check it out. It's so beautyful.:)

Well, right now I'm playing that song.
If I can remember to do that tomorrow night, I will, but it probably won't happen. But I do have to check out Prison of Desire now, so I might find them when I get around to doing that.

sweet merciful crap I'm tired.

"First you get the sugar,
Then you get the power
Then you get the women."

There's a simpsons quote for ya BS.