The NOW PLAYING thread

I have to admit I have not heard Thyrfing yet. I emailed The End about if they would ever stock some Thyrfing albums. They said pretty soon so I will pick them all up :)
Yeap Blackspirit, I use the quick reply becasue I´m lazy...:D
But if it annoys you, I guess I could use the np-field instead...:p
Originally posted by Phyros
Yeap Blackspirit, I use the quick reply becasue I´m lazy...:D
But if it annoys you, I guess I could use the np-field instead...:p

Lol! Actually, it was just an observation! :eek:)

I'm not _that_ lazy it seems, I 've NEVER
used the quickreplay, not even once!
Maybe I should try it one time....

Oh! No, I can't! Then I won't be able to
use my smilies! >:eek:P And that would of
course suck! Hehe....
This :p smilie looks like it's going to vomit very soon.... The colour, I mean. Looks like it has been out in Gol on "Gol-dagen", hehe

Oki, just have thought about it a lot of late when i have seen it, or used it myself....