The NOW PLAYING thread

Originally posted by Blackspirit
What "vintershit" thread?! WHAT DID I MISS?!??

Someone gimme the whole and complete story! NOW!

Erm, it was a short visit of an low level, actually brainless creature, with a very nasty attitude, try to give us all shit (and on the Opeth forum)...
Well, this creature is gone with the wind.... blown away...
as Salamurhaaja says: "There will be no mercy given... "
Windir is ok, I have downloaded few songs by them.
Vocals are maybe little too blackmetal but it's ok.
I'm glad I was for some help with that Moonsorrow video :)
And I'll finish that interview translation someday, I've been quite busy lately (school :bah:)
Thanks for the info Morg! :eek:))

I went out shopping today, this is what I cam home with -->

Lost In Time - Theatrical Spheres (they really impressed me at Inferno)
Lengsel - Solace (just love the band-name, had a listen
to them at the recordstore, and it's now MINE!!)
Windir - Soknardalr (first album I heard by Windir)
Windir - Arntor (This needs some more listens from me...)
VINTERSORG - HEDNISKHJÄRTAD (!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:)))) !!!!!!!!!)

So, what's up with all the Windir?! Well, I love them! Hehe...
And, seeing them at Inferno was big for me. I'll also be seeing
them live this summer! Go me!!! >:eek:)
*jealous of Blackspirit for 2 reasons*

1. She has Hedniskhjartad

2. She has money to buy many cds :cry:

Originally posted by Final_Vision
*jealous of Blackspirit for 2 reasons*

1. She has Hedniskhjartad

2. She has money to buy many cds :cry:


Hehehe, you're cute! :eek:)
Well, I worked out a little budget. I work a couple
of days a week, and it's just enough to cover my
bills + buy some food. Then I can allow my self to
spend the leftovers on cds and gigs.

But there's a problem comping up, I have to drop
by SON every week or so to check if the Ensiferum
album is in, which means I'll buy some cd's every
week.... I think I need someone to go look for the
cd for me, cause the way it is now I will either
starve, or live on the streets! >:eek:P hehehe....