The NOW PLAYING thread

I think ulver's albums are awsome except for the william blake and all release after that. Ulver was a great band but the direction of with the new direction of their music is really bad they should changed the name...
Originally posted by winter-frost
Windir! :) congrats on getting Hedniskhjartad Blackspirit, do you have everything now?

*Starts crying* Nooooooooooooo!!!! :'o(((((((

I still need to get Cosmic Genesis. I only have it on mp3,
in two versions I think. I'll buy it though, when I find it :eek:)
I don't really feel like "I HAVE TO get it, NOW" cause I'll
always love Vintersorg, you know? :eek:)

And it's nice to have a new surprise for myself once in a
while. One day I will find the cd, almost faint, buy it,
almost fain again. Watch the artwork, almost faint...
Fall in love with the new cd...etc. Buying two Vintersorg
cd's at once... Wouldn't it be overload? hehe... >:eek:P
I still need to get it though! :eek:)
Originally posted by Nattestid
I think ulver's albums are awsome except for the william blake and all release after that. Ulver was a great band but the direction of with the new direction of their music is really bad they should changed the name...

Nah, it's genius ;) Whatever genre they move into they are amazing in, and I respect them for it... But then again I do listen to a wide range of music so I don't have anything against (Infact I listen to more) non-metal genres which puts many people off :)
It might be genius for poeple that are not into the old black metal style, although I do like classical music,dark wave and mediaval music but the fact that they have all kinds of electronic and kinda techno beats just don't "fit" with the metal type. It's good for a musiccian to explore different areas but it should be a side project instead of changing the name of the band. But that's just my personal stubborn opinion :D
Originally posted by Blackspirit

*Starts crying* Nooooooooooooo!!!! :'o(((((((

I still need to get Cosmic Genesis. I only have it on mp3,
in two versions I think. I'll buy it though, when I find it :eek:)
I don't really feel like "I HAVE TO get it, NOW" cause I'll
always love Vintersorg, you know? :eek:)

And it's nice to have a new surprise for myself once in a
while. One day I will find the cd, almost faint, buy it,
almost fain again. Watch the artwork, almost faint...
Fall in love with the new cd...etc. Buying two Vintersorg
cd's at once... Wouldn't it be overload? hehe... >:eek:P
I still need to get it though! :eek:)

hehe yeah I can see where your coming from!! I have never bought two Vintersorg cd's at the same time but it would be hell trying to figure out which one to listen too. I hope you get Cosmic Genesis soon enough and that you do not hurt yourself with all that almost fainting :lol:
Almost killed myself today... It's just that I like this girl, but she was with this guy and they were getting really close; it just made me so sad. But while I had this cord around my neck, I started to realize that I can't finish life, because it has just begun. And I want to know where I'm going. Also, because of all of you for caring so much. I know it seems like I'm asking for attention, but that's not it, I just want to be happy, and being on UM makes me happy as well as just being online. I know I'm over-dramatic, but I'm getting help. That's about it...
When it seems like there is nothing left to carry you on, remember, there is always music. Music is there for you no matter what the occasion, through all range of emotions. Music keeps me going even in the worst of times, i don't want to die anytime soon because there is some damn good stuff out there and if i stopped living today i wouldn't hear the new Vintersorg, the new Katatonia, or Opeth or Sentenced, ect... I think you known what i'm saying=) hang in there friend
DWD, that sucks. I know exactly how much it sucks to see "your girl" doing anything with anyone else... I still have the same problem with Becky. Sadly, I have little advice. But remember, everything is in your head and your heart. You have a lot more control over the former than the latter. Just try not to let this consume you. And remember, you're young and still have time. I was nearly 18 years old when I first fell in love and when I first found me a woman (different people...)

On another note, the concert was pretty good, but a bit on the expensive part... especially when you add in parking. I can't wait to move into the city.
Originally posted by Nattestid
It might be genius for poeple that are not into the old black metal style, although I do like classical music,dark wave and mediaval music but the fact that they have all kinds of electronic and kinda techno beats just don't "fit" with the metal type. It's good for a musiccian to explore different areas but it should be a side project instead of changing the name of the band. But that's just my personal stubborn opinion :D

I like all their releases I have so far (all but Nattens Madrigal).. But really they're not metal anymore so the technoe beats don't matter! :) There are some good bands that mix metal and techno tho... But Garm has so many side projects another would be silly ;) I'm glad the name stayed :p Hehe, we're both stubborn ;)

Any-one have any idea where I can get this album?